Week of May 12, 2024

1) Mother's Day

We give thanks and praise to God for all moms and grandmas, for the love they have shown us, and for the many ways they have nurtured us over the years.

Every year on Mother's Day, we read Father Rich's Beatitudes of a Mother, which he wrote many years ago in honor of his own mom. If you are interested in downloading a copy of his Beatitudes of a Mother, please click on the button below.

Father Rich's Beatitudes of a Mother

Below is a link to the Mother's Day Tribute we created from the pictures of parishioner's mothers and grandmothers that were submitted to us.

2) SJA's Teresa Tomeo explores mother-daughter relationships in book, tribute to her mom

From Detroit Catholic:

ANN ARBOR — Not every mother-daughter relationship is full of roses all the time, but the lessons that one can take from them can beautifully fill the garden of life.

In the latest of 14 books written by the EWTN Catholic radio and television host, national speaker and Metro Detroit personality, Teresa Tomeo dives into the strength of her mom’s faith and the life lessons she imparted in her 94 years of life.

The impetus for writing "Everything’s Coming Up Rosie: 10 Things My Feisty Italian-American Mom Taught Me About Living a Godly Life" came after many years of speaking around the country, often quoting the wisdom that came from her mother, Rose Tomeo Squillace, a native of Jersey City, New Jersey, who lived most of her life in St. Clair Shores.

“The talk, which became the content of the book, was something that I had been doing a good 10 years and it was really well-received,” said Tomeo, a former reporter at WXYZ Channel 7 and longtime host at Ave Maria Radio in Ann Arbor (WDEO-AM 990).

The book was written to be insightful as well as comedic as Tomeo attempts to write her mother’s voice with her iconic Jersey accent.

“I just felt she didn’t get a proper send off,” Tomeo said of her mother, who died of congestive heart failure in March 2020 as COVID-19 lockdowns were beginning. “I wanted to give her a tribute.”

Tomeo said the book is relatable for many mothers and daughters, as it highlights how faith is intertwined with all episodes of life, some that are full of tragedy and others that are full of laughter.

“My mother was very practical and very funny. She would say, ‘If you want a pool, go fill up a garbage can,” Tomeo chuckled. “So, my sister and I washed out an old garbage can and tried it out.”

In a generation filled with "It’s all about me," the "greatest generation" of her mother's time taught that one can’t always have everything one wants, she continued.

Equating her mother’s wisdom to that of television personalities such as Sophia Petrillo of "The Golden Girls," or Marie Barone of "Everybody Loves Raymond," she noted her mother’s blunt personality and deep faith helped Tomeo become closer to her Catholic roots.

“People are longing for common sense and getting back to the basics,” Tomeo said.

The first chapter, "Awfa It Up to God, and Put It at the Foot of the Crawse," dives into her mother’s “version of Catholic teaching on redemptive suffering or letting it go,” Tomeo said.

The chapters also reflect on her mother’s Italian-American upbringing and how her faith was a foundation for her wisdom, despite growing up poor, a wisdom appreciated by her daughters later in life.

Each chapter ends with a prayer, a reflection, saintly words of wisdom and reflection questions.

“What it really helped me do was appreciate how practical and appreciative I am,” she said of her experience writing the book.

It also took her down memory lane, causing Tomeo to reflect on how often mothers and daughters struggle with their relationships.

“I think this book can remind us that if you won’t have the perfect relationship with your mom, it can be — you can reconnect and come back to the faith,” she said.

The book is available in paperback on Amazon or through Sophia Institute Press.

3) A Mother Like You

From Catholic Link: By Becky Roach Family, Pro-Life: JJ Heller, a popular Christian recording artist, has released a beautiful song as a tribute to her mom and you’re going to want to share with your own mom this Mother’s Day. Too often we don’t realize what a gift our parents have been to us until we are living on our own or when we have kids of our own. It is then that we finally begin to understand the many sacrifices our moms and dads made for our benefit.

As you listen to this song, let the words be a prayer of thanks to God for the gift of your parents, especially your mom. Even if they made mistakes along the way, they have given you the gift of life.

Don’t have to wait until Mother’s Day to tell your mom that you appreciate all that she has done for you. Give her a call today!

A Mother Like You

By Brandon Heath, David Heller, and JJ Heller

You gave me a drawer in your kitchen

You gave me the room with a view of the yard

Whatever the hurt, you knew right where to kiss it

You gave me the best of your heart

And you carried my rocks in your pocket

Flowers and feathers and butterfly wings

You had an answer for all of my questions

You showed me wonderful things

I know that it hasn’t been easy

I hope that I love like you do

‘Cause I know that this world would be better

If everyone had a mother like you

You make the best macaroni

We never cared that it came from a box

The mom in the stands always clapping her hands

Started cheering and still haven’t stopped

And you held me when I came home crying

‘Cause someone said something that just wasn’t true

I always said that Janelle was my best friend

But really it’s always been you

I know that I haven’t been easy

I hope that I love like you do

‘Cause I know that this world would be better

If everyone had a mother like you

Our second was born in September

I still can’t believe I have kids of my own

I look in their eyes and I can’t help but wonder

Who will they be when they’re grown?

I know it won’t always be easy

I hope I can love like you do

‘Cause I know that my kids will be better

If they have a mother like you

If I am a mother like you

‘Cause I had a mother like you


Not only does this song help us to appreciate all that our own mothers have done for us, but it also helps those who are mothers themselves reflect on what it really means to be called “Mom”.

  • How have your own parents influenced your parenting style?

  • What will your son or daughter remember about you?

  • Do you see your role as a mom as a calling and a vocation?

  • How do you show your child the love of Jesus each and every day?

  • What are your greatest struggles as a mother?

  • What are your greatest blessings because of motherhood?

The life of a mom is full of sacrifice and hard work, but Christ is our model of what it means to give of oneself for the good of another. Learn to appreciate the many blessings and joys that come with the gift of motherhood. Offer each day to God and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in your vocation.

4) Annual Raffle Drawing Information

By now, I hope you received your packet of raffle tickets; they were dropped in the mail last week. As I mentioned at the masses, our Kickoff to Summer event will occur on Sunday, June 9, 2024, from 1 until 5 PM. It will include family-friendly activities, food trucks, and the annual raffle. More details about the day will be forthcoming soon.

I hope and pray you will consider buying or selling $100 worth of tickets! Your generosity will go a long way to help our amazing Parish to continue doing everything it does. PLUS, you might be lucky enough to win one of the raffle prizes!

Last year, we netted $93,830 from the raffle and proceeds from the food trucks. I am grateful for your extraordinary generosity in what you did to make last year’s event a fantastic success!

Here are the details you need to know about the 100% Drawings:

To qualify for the Early Bird Drawing, tickets are due by 5 PM on Monday, May 20, 2024.

If you are under 65, for every $100 worth of tickets you return, you earn ONE chance at the Annual Raffle 100% Drawing. If you are 65 or older, you earn ONE chance for every $50 worth of tickets you return. Thus, if you are under 65 and return $100 worth of raffle tickets, you can turn in 1 - 100% tickets. If you are 65 or older, turning in $100 worth of raffle tickets allows you to turn in 2 – 100% tickets. The 100% tickets are PRE-PRINTED on the YELLOW sheet mailed to you. If you need more 100% tickets, please contact the Parish Center.

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 6:30 PM (after the 6:00 PM Mass) (watch it live at Livestream. Joan.church), we will conduct our Early Bird Drawing. We will draw two (2) tickets from the pool of 100% tickets and each will win $1,500!

You can continue to turn in your raffle and applicable 100% tickets until the drawing on June 9, 2024. At that time, we will draw five (5) of the 100% tickets from the entire pool of tickets, and each will win $500.

I also wanted to explain that the senior designation is based on the date of birth we have in our database for the oldest member of your household. So, if the oldest person in your home is 65 or older, you qualify for the senior designation, and the word “SENIOR” will be printed at the top of each sheet of raffle tickets sent to you.

Raffle tickets can be dropped off at the Parish Center (through the mail slot in the door), in the Sunday collection boxes, or mailed to the Parish Center (although please be aware that if you MAIL your tickets you run the risk of your tickets not arriving in time for the drawing). Please read through the checklist to help make sure your tickets can be processed quickly and accurately. Please contact the Parish Center (586.777.3670) or visit tickets.stjoan.church if you need additional tickets.  

Please know of my gratitude for your generosity! Let’s make our Kickoff to Summer Event and Annual Raffle a great success.

5) Why Series: Why Register as a Parishioner?

Belonging to a parish is about much more than finding a place to attend Mass each Sunday. It’s about finding community, a place to plant spiritual roots, and to commit ourselves to being involved. Learn why belonging to your parish is so important in our current culture and choose to commit to your parish today!

6) Ascension's Bible and Catechism App

It's Here: The Bible & Catechism App!

The word of God and the complete teachings of the Catholic Church. Answers and commentary by Fr. Mike Schmitz, Jeff Cavins, and other experts. Video, audio, and textual commentary. Right on your phone.
Download the App Now
The Ascension App Includes:

The full text of the Great Adventure Catholic Bible with color coding interwoven throughout so you can immediately recognize where you are in the story of salvation history.

The full text of the Catechism of the Catholic Church with The Foundations of Faith color-coding built in.

Every episode of Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz for easy access and cross-referencing with your reading plan and Scripture.

Every released episode of the Catechism in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz so you can easily stay on top of your daily readings.

Summaries, the exact wording of Fr. Mike’s daily prayers, and extra content for every single episode of Bible in a Year.

Over 1,000 commonly asked questions about the Bible with answers right in the text from experts like Fr. Mike Schmitz, Jeff Cavins, and others.

An interactive reading plan for both podcasts that tracks your progress.

Notes and bookmarks so you can quickly pick up where you left off and write down your reflections and prayers along the way.

…And we're just getting started. More to be announced soon!
Download the App or Learn More

7) Holy Hour on Thursdays

8) This Sunday's Readings: May 12, 2024 - The Ascension of the Lord

Readings for the Ascension of the Lord

9) Sunday Reflections by Jeff Cavins

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

In this Encountering the Word video for the Ascension of Our Lord, Jeff Cavins explains how, in the final words before the Ascension, Christ commissioned the apostles to spread the gospel. The readings are:

First Reading: Acts 1:1-11

Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9

Second Reading: Ephesians 1:17-23 or Ephesians 4:1-13 OR 4:1-7, 11-13

Alleluia: Matthew 28:19A, 20B

Gospel Mark 16:15-20

10) Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

Get to Work!

Friends, today we come to the wonderful Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Like the disciples in our first reading, we often want to ask the Lord, “When is all of this going to come to fruition? What’s it all about? When is all of this going to make sense?” Reasonable enough questions. And we hear the same answer: It’s not for you to worry about. Rather, get to work! In the Ascension, the Lord moves to a higher dimension and then sends the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, so that we can be empowered to do Christ’s work in the world.

11) Grow+Go

Grow+Go, content is designed to help you understand what it means to be an evangelizing disciple of Christ. Using the Sunday Scriptures as the basis for reflection, Grow+Go offers insight into how we can all more fully GROW as disciples and then GO evangelize, fulfilling Christ's Great Commission to "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19) The concept behind the weekly series is to make discipleship and evangelization simple, concrete, and relatable.

Click on the button or image below to download a PDF copy of this Sunday's Grow+Go.
Grow+Go PDF for the Ascension of the Lord

12) Giving to SJA:

I'm truly grateful for all of your support of SJA. Your support means so much. The increase in electronic giving has been tremendous. Giving electronically, whether on a one-time or recurring basis is pretty simple. For more information on online giving, please click on the following button.

Donate Electronically to SJA

13) TALLer Tales

Pest Control: As I was typing the title of this column, I laughed because I instantly thought people could take the title in one of two ways: 1) as in someone is being a pest and needs to be controlled, or 2) you have pests, as in critters, that need to be controlled. I wish the former was my problem, but it’s the latter, and it’s an “eyeful.” Based on a recent visit to Dr. Timothy Page in Birmingham, a nationally recognized ophthalmologist specializing in complex and refractive cataract surgery, I learned I almost need my own personal Orkin Pro! What a story, and believe me, I couldn’t make this stuff up!

A couple of years ago, around this time of year, I had cataract surgery. Yes, it is an everyday fact of life for many of us as we age, but I was lucky enough to have it done before I turned 60! But this is just the way my body works! What’s also “normal” about me is that I tend to be that 1 in a 1,000,000 where something goes awry. That’s just the way it works for me.

A few months ago, I had my last wisdom tooth pulled. As I was getting prepped for the procedure, the Novocaine wasn’t doing the job, so they had to give me multiple doses to get my lip and jaw numb. Sitting there listening to the dentist, I thought I was glad I wasn’t awake for my knee surgery. I always say I want to be awake for these surgeries and procedures, but after my little wisdom tooth extraction, I started to think otherwise. As Dr. Leone was doing his work, I knew he was encountering problems. The simple little procedure began to take more time than expected. When I heard: “This is so unusual…. This normally doesn’t happen…. Boy, this tooth is giving me some issues. I don’t know why it’s like this,” I knew I was having issues. As Dr. Leone continued trying to extract the tooth, I immediately started chatting with myself, “I’m sorry, you obviously haven’t met Msgr. Bugarin before. This ALWAYS happens!” There should be some checkbox item on all those forms you have to sign walking into a new doctor’s office that says you’re a problem child! I’m it. I own it. That’s just the way it is!

Going back to my cataract issue. Within the first few weeks of my cataract surgery, I felt as if something just wasn’t right. I could feel the lens in my eye. What made it even more annoying was that I had difficulty seeing clearly, even with glasses. Doctor Malach from Metropolitan Eye Center has been so good with me trying to figure out what was happening. We tried various solutions, but the problem child here kept having issues. My eye would hurt mainly at the end of the day, and then I would have this glimmering effect. Light, we thought, was getting underneath the new lens. There would be times at night when I would be driving and passing a series of lights, and it would appear as if there was some lightening in the area. There was no lightening; it was just PCS … Problem Child Syndrome!

Doctor Mallach and I gave it the college try, and the thought was that I needed to replace the lens with another one of a different type of material. I was just one of those 1 in a 1,000,000 patients. Of course!

Last week, I had my appointment with Dr. Page. I was in his office for 2.5 hours, undergoing a battery of eye tests. Dr. Page then spent about a half hour with me. As he was reading off a bunch of numbers and saying things that sounded Greek to me to the tech in the room, I heard him say, “AHA. That’s it.” He then sat back in his chair, turned off the blinding light shining in my dilated eyes, and said, “I know what you’re dealing with!” “OKAY, don’t keep me in suspense,” I thought. I expected him to say that my next stop was to his surgical desk to schedule the surgery to replace the lens. “Well, your cataract lens is perfect. It’s centered, and there are no abnormalities around the edges. The lens is absolutely perfect.” I then thought to myself, “SURE. NO abnormalities? Perfect? Have you met Msgr. Bugarin before?” “Well, you have dust mites, and they’ve built a home in your eyelids and eyelashes. And your eyes don’t like that which the dust mites leave behind. They are also eating away at all the essential oils in your eyelids and eyelashes.” Now, THAT sounds more like a problem child issue! He then shared that the swelling in my eyes and how and when my eye gives me issues made sense to him. What I have is Blepharitis and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). So, in simple terms, I’m dealing with dust mites and dust mite poop, and my eyes don’t like it. Where’s the Orkin Pro when you need them? I guess more than 50% of people have this issue but don’t know it.

So, I have to clean my eyes with an eyewash, take some over-the-counter eye drops for dry eyes, and some specialty prescription drops to help get rid of the little pests who have built a home in my eye! Only me!

I couldn’t wait to get in my car and tell my family and the staff about my “issue.” Upon hearing the news when I saw her, my sister Jackie stepped back and asked, “DO they jump?”

Happy Mother’s Day: As we celebrate this special day dedicated to moms, we take a moment to thank and pray for our mother, who gave us life and showed us love. We pray for mothers who lost a child through death that they may continually turn to their faith to find hope and assurance their child is in the loving arms of the eternal Father. We also pray for women who care for the children they encounter daily, even though they have no children of their own.

While looking for some reflections on Mother’s Day, I found this reflection from blogger Christy Wilkens: “Motherhood is a path for mothers to sanctify their families, and for mothers, in turn, to be sanctified by and through their families. And moms, in order to do this, God gives you the family that you need. I want to reemphasize that. He gives you the family that you need. He doesn’t give you your neighbor’s family, or your best friend’s, or your frenemy’s. He may not even give you the family you want, the family you hoped and prayed for, the family you dreamed of since you were a young girl. For many of us, it means a family bigger or smaller than we imagined. But He gives you the family that will sanctify you.”

Since so many call or email around Mother’s Day seeking to find a copy of Father Rich’s Beatitudes of a Mother, a PDF copy has been posted on the homepage of our parish website. Consider sharing and/or reading Father Rich’s Beatitudes of a Mother at your Mother’s Day gathering!

Enjoy the week. Know of my prayers!

Happy Mother's Day!

Msgr Mike Simple Signature 2


14) Along the Way with Father Adam

Adventure Time

As you may remember, I was on vacation last week with my dad in God’s country – a little flying and a lot of driving (about 1100 miles). Every year my dad and I take a trip together. In the past we’ve hiked in Zion National Park, traversed Disney World with my oldest niece, took a helicopter ride into the Grand Canyon, and explored the French Quarter in New Orleans.

Our trip this year took us from Minot, North Dakota all the way to Denver, Colorado, with stops in South Dakota and Wyoming. The beginning of our trip was dedicated to attending my graduation from the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND. Last year the Archdiocese granted me a scholarship from the Msgr. Gerald A. McEnhill Business Education Fund for Priests. So, since January 2023 I’ve been a full-time (online) student. People have asked, “why does a priest need to study business?”

Of course, the primary ‘business’ of a priest is the salvation of souls. Nonetheless, while the Church is a spiritual entity, it is also a non-profit civil corporation. Priests still must ensure that the lights stay on, and the employees get compensated. Having taken classes in human resources management, leadership and management theory, finance, accounting, marketing, etc. have been and will be extremely helpful for my own ministry as a priest, especially as I move into my new role as Moderator. 

The more you can effectively manage the business side of the parish, the freer you are to focus on the mission: the salvation of souls and forming disciples for Jesus Christ.

I chose the University of Mary because of its outstanding Catholic identity and, because the university offered a dual degree program that I found intriguing: Master of Business Administration and Master of Arts in Business Philosophy. Thus, I was able not only to learn the business side of things, but the Catholic philosophical foundations of business as well.

I think now, after being a student for 23.5 years, I am done with school for a while…

So, after graduation, we left Bismarck early in the morning to drive about 5 hours to Mt. Rushmore. Unfortunately, it was snowing, and the mountain was covered in clouds so the most we saw was the chin of one of the presidents. We preserved, however, and we were able to get a picture with Mt. Rushmore – in the gift shop! I guess that kind of counts, right? Even so, it was a beautiful drive through the mountains and hills. We saw pheasants, deer, antelope, bison, and (of course) lots of cows.

After spending about an hour around Mt. Rushmore we continued our journey a mere 35 minutes away to Crazy Horse Memorial. When we arrived, it was no longer snowing, but again, the mountain was covered in clouds. A bit disappointed, we took a tour of the museum, watched the video on the history of Crazy Horse, and hoped that the clouds would break. 

In the Black Hills, the memorial was commissioned by Henry Standing Bear, a Lakota elder, and the sculpting began with Korczak Ziolkowski at the helm. Crazy Horse was a Lakota war leader who was famous for fighting against the U.S. military at many battles, including the Battle of Little Bighorn. Today, two of Korczak’s children and four of his grandchildren are still working to bring the vision to life. The memorial has been under construction for 75 years and is completely privately funded. I doubt it will be finished in my lifetime.

Ready to give up, we stepped outside, and the clouds had lifted from the mountain. With great excitement, we booked a private tour that took us to the top of the mountain where we walked on the arm of Crazy Horse. The monument, even uncompleted, is gigantic. While the faces of the presidents at Mt. Rushmore are 60 feet high, the face of Crazy Horse is 87.5 feet high. When completed, the sculpture will stand 641 feet long and 563 feet tall making it the world’s largest sculpture by far.

It is already a breathtaking sight so I can’t image how amazing it will be when completed.

Well, I think that’s about enough for this week. Next week we will continue the journey together and I’ll share some more pictures! In the meantime, enjoy this quote from St. Augustine: “Some people, to discover God, read books. But there is a great book: the very appearance of created things. Look above you! Look below you! Note it. Read it. God, whom you want to discover, never wrote that book with ink. Instead, He set before your eyes the things that He had made. Can you ask for a louder voice than that?”


Fr. Adam


15) Ascension Presents: Father Mike Schmitz

The 5 Powerful Effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation

Have you been confirmed? Have you received the Sacrament of Confirmation yet? Does this mean you’re a “grown-up” Catholic now—that you’ve graduated? Not quite. There’s so much more to it than that.

Today, Fr. Mike breaks down the five effects that flow from receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. — The Catechism of the Catholic Church states in paragraph 1303: “From this fact, Confirmation brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace: – it roots us more deeply in the divine filiation, which makes us cry, “Abba! Father!”; – it unites us more firmly to Christ; – it increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us; – it renders our bond with the Church more perfect; – it gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross.

16) Words on the Word: May 12, 2024 - Who's In Control

It’s part of our nature as human beings to want to feel like we’re in control of our own destiny.

Choosing and working a plan for career, family and health is a good and responsible thing, to be sure.

At the same time though, it’s critical to remember that, in the final analysis, it’s God who is in control. And what we’re called to do, humbly and cooperatively, is proceed with love in every circumstance.

Speaking to his disciples in today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, Jesus tells them, “It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has established by his own authority.”

He’s speaking about the restoration of Israel in this context, but he’s also speaking to them and to us about what we may perceive as our right to know God’s plan.

Headlines were made a few weeks ago when two children were killed and about a dozen more people were injured when a woman crashed her car into a boat club in Monroe County. It seems so random and so senseless, and many people of goodwill are left to wonder how such a tragedy could possibly fit into God’s plan. 

And yet we know it somehow does. And we know that, put into similar circumstances or somehow asked to interact with someone in those circumstances, God will give us the ability to do so.

“Grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift,” we hear in today’s second reading from Ephesians. “And he gave some as apostles … others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers, to … (build) up the body of Christ.”

We’ve all got a role to play, and God is the director.

© 2024 Words on the Word

17) This WEEK on FORMED:

Our parish has a subscription to FORMED, a premier online platform filled with over 4,000 Catholic studies, movies, audio dramas, talks, e-books, and even cartoons for our children. FORMED has content from over 60 apostolates, including Augustine Institute, Ignatius Press, and the Knights of Columbus, with material that is professionally produced, engaging, and solid in its catechism. Best of all, this material is free to you because of our parish subscription.

You have easy access to all of the material on FORMED to support your own faith journey and that of your family members.

You can enjoy FORMED on your computer or on your television with an inexpensive Roku device or Apple TV. You can even listen on your phone as you commute to work or do chores. 

To gain access to all of FORMED’s content, follow these simple steps:

  • Go to https://signup.formed.org/ 
  • Enter our parish’s zip code 48080 or enter St. Joan of Arc
  • Enter your name and your email address
That’s it! You’re in. Now you can get the free FORMED app for your phone by searching FORMED Catholic in your app store.

Sign Up for FORMED.ORG TODAY ... it's FREE!

18) 52 Stories: Good News from Spirit Juice Studios

Prepare to be Inspired

Spirit Juice Studios is blessed to work with countless Catholic organizations, dioceses, parishes, and schools. We get to help them tell their powerful stories about all the good stuff that is happening within the Church. Sign up for 52 Stories so we can share them with you! You’ll meet the unsung heroes of the Catholic Church, discover the stories of holy women and men around the world, and witness miraculous moments of God’s grace in everyday life.

In a world full of bad news, these stories will give you 52 reasons to believe that God is working through the Catholic faith to transform lives through His love and mercy. Sign up today!

Sign Up for 52 Stories

No Greater Love: Kendrick Castilo

Kendrick Castillo planned to become an engineer and dreamed of becoming a Knight of Columbus like his father. However, on May 7, 2019, just three days before Kendrick was scheduled to graduate from STEM School Highlands Ranch in Colorado, another student pulled out a gun. Through interviews with Kendrick’s family and friends, this video recounts his character and faith, as well as the heroic action he took which cost him his life.


19) Hallow App:

Are you looking for a one-stop app for prayer and meditation? Look no further than Hallow. Hallow is an awesome prayer app. Hallow is a Catholic prayer and meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through audio-guided contemplative prayer sessions. The app launched 2 years ago and is already the #1 Catholic app in the world.
We have a number of parishioners who are already using the app and loving it (my mom being one of them and she is on the app most of the day). Great for praying alone or together with your spouse/family, Hallow truly has something for everyone, no matter what you are going through (see below for their different content categories).
Hallow is free to download and has tons of permanently free content, as well as a premium subscription, Hallow Plus.

To get started, simply click the button above/below to activate your free account on the Hallow website. Make sure to select “Sign Up with Email” when registering. For step-by-step instructions, you can visit this process guide. Enter the code stjoanofarcmi to obtain a discount on individual pro plans.
Activate your Free Hallow Subscription Today

20) SJA's Garden Angels are looking for Volunteers

21) Mass Intentions for the Week:

Monday, May 13, 2024, Easter Weekday; Our Lady of Fatima (White) 

7:00 am, A Special Intention for Jack & Peg Shaughnessy on their 68th Wedding Anniversary, 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Saint Matthias, Apostle (Red)

7:00 am, Helen Mastay

Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Easter Weekday (White)

7:00 am, Pedro Silva

6:00 pm, Dorothy Shuder

Thursday, May 16, 2024, Easter Weekday (White) 

7:00 am, Bernard J. Champine

Friday, May 17, 2024, Easter Weekday (White)

7:00 am, Gerard Rogier

Saturday, May 18, 2024, Vigil for Pentecost (Red)

4:00 pm, Daniel Benedis, Irene Troia, Bonnie Batche, Grace & Sam Valenti, Edward, Helen and Henry Blind, Joan Weber, Dr. Lori Karol, Gary Bezy, Mary Lou Racine, Souraya Nehro-Moses, Samuel Moses, Special Intentions for Hans & Elizabeth Stahl, the J. Champine Family, the Thomas Family, Alison Reslow, Lorraine Jonas, Pam Haisenleder, Linda Frank 

6:00 pm, Beatrice Ketelhut

Sunday, May 19, 2024, Pentecost Sunday (Red)

8:00 am, For the Intentions for St. Joan of Arc Parishioners

10:00 am, John Frahm

12:00, , Dorothy Lubinki & her parents, the living and deceased members of the Rogier & Dettloff Families, Colleen Hemmen, Kenneth Choike, Helen Choike, Aggie Butki, Eugene Dombrzalski, Margaret Segodnia and Special Intentions for Alison Reslow, Pam Haisenleder, Lorraine Jonas, and Linda Frank

22) This Week on St. Joan of Arc LIVE:

SJA's LIVE Stream Page

This week's LIVE Stream

Schedule at St. Joan of Arc:


Monday (May 13)

7:00 AM - Mass

Tuesday (May 14):

7:00 AM - Mass

8:30 AM - School Mass

Wednesday (May 15):

7:00 AM - Mass

6:00 PM - Mass

Thursday (May 16):

7:00 AM- Mass

7:00 PM - Holy Hour

Friday (May 17):

7:00 AM - Mass

10:00 AM - Funeral for Ruth Staels (Read Obituary HERE)

Saturday (May 18):

10:00 AM - Exceptional Children's Closing Mass

12:00 PM - Memorial Mass for Michael and Barbara Kilbride (Read Obituary HERE)

1:30 PM - Baptism of Josie James Locklear

4:00 PM - Mass

6:00 PM - Mass

Sunday (May 20):

8:00 AM - Mass

10:00 AM - Mass

12:00 PM - Mass

Please note that all of our masses and events can be accessed through the ARCHIVE section of our Live stream page if you cannot watch it live!

We also have our own ROKU Channel. Search for "CATHOLIC" in the ROKU channel store, and you will find SJA's channel. A Fire TV Channel is also available.

23) SJA's Latest Parish Bulletin

Click on the image below

to download a copy of the bulletin

for May 12, 2024

24) Weekly Bulletin Mailing List

Sending the bulletin has been greatly received by so many people. If you are getting the bulletin online and would prefer that it not be mailed to your home, please click on the button below to be removed from the mailing list.

At the same time, if you are NOT getting the bulletin and would prefer to get it, click on the same button and ask to be ADDED to the list.

Bulletin Mailing List Form - Requests to be ADDED or REMOVED

25) Detroit Catholic

Read the latest from the DETROIT CATHOLIC
Click on the image below.