St. Joan of Arc Parish Update:
Week of July 24, 2022
1) World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
Pope Francis has established throughout the Church the celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and Elderly on the fourth Sunday of July, near the liturgical memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus.

The theme for this year's celebration is "In Old Age They Will Still Bear Fruit" (Ps. 92:15). The theme is meant to emphasize how grandparents are a gift both to society and the Church. Read the Holy Father's message for the Second World Day for Grandparents and Elderly.

This year, Pope Francis is also extending the opportunity for a plenary indulgence "to the faithful who devote adequate time to visit, in presence or virtually, through the media, their elderly brothers and sisters in need or in difficulty” on July 24.
2) How Can Grandparents Evangelize Their Grandchildren?

On Sunday, July 24, 2022, the second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated throughout the universal Church. Pope Francis chose the theme, “In old age they will still bear fruit.” (Ps 92:15).

While there are many and various ways for one to bear fruit, grandparents can rest assured that evangelizing our grandchildren is high on the list. Psalm 92 also proclaims that, “The just will flourish like the palm tree and grow like a Lebanon cedar. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish…still bearing fruit when they are old, still full of sap, still green, to proclaim that the Lord is just.” Fellow grandparents, I encourage you to allow these words to penetrate your heart such that they inspire in you unshakeable faith that with the Lord’s help, our lives can and will continue to bless our families. These words name the mission: “proclaim the Lord,” and inspire confidence in us that we can accomplish it. When we receive and believe in Jesus, he will fill us with the wisdom, grace and energy to proclaim the Gospel message to our grandchildren.

And while our pursuit of holiness is never complete in this life, we need not reinvent ourselves before setting out on this mission. The ideas shared in the following paragraphs are the simple life experiences of grandparents evangelizing. I hope they inspire ideas in you that meet the needs and circumstances of your family and fill you with the confidence to put them into action. To gain perspective in addition to my own, I put the question to relatives and friends, my sister-in-law Lynda, my dad and a lifelong friend Noel. Here is what they had to say.

3) Faith Formation Registration is OPEN
4) The Catechism in a Year - A New Podcast with Father Mike Schmitz Coming January 1
Why You Should Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church (+ NEW Podcast)

In response to countless requests, Ascension is launching The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) on January 1, 2023! Learn More HERE.

With this podcast, Catholics will:

  • Read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days
  • Understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter
  • See how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture
  • Absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition
  • Encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness
  • Transform their relationship with the Church that Christ founded.
  • If you have ever wanted to understand what it means to be Catholic and allow those truths to shape your life—this podcast is for you! We can’t wait to start this incredible journey with you.

This podcast is free and always will be. It is only because of the generosity of our listeners that we have been able to consider tackling such a monumental project. But, we have limited resources. With funding from generous supporters like you, we can do even more than simply create the podcast: Support the Ascension Video Mission

Above all, please pray for Father Mike, the Ascension team, and every single person who will ever listen to this podcast. Thank you, and God bless you!
5) Preschool and Elementary Summer Storybook Hour
6) We Were Born for This - Let Others Be: 2022 Plymouth Right to Life Dinner
Big Ten-winning football coach, founder of ACTS XXIX share stage during annual Plymouth Right to Life dinner and auction

From Detroit Catholic: PLYMOUTH — Fr. John Riccardo and coach Jim Harbaugh, two well-known names in their respective professions, were the keynote speakers July 17 during the Plymouth Right to Life dinner and auction at the Inn at St. John’s in Plymouth.

The ACTS XXIX founder and Big Ten-winning University of Michigan football coach, respectively, shared the stage to give their own pro-life witness during the sold-out event, which supported various life-affirming charities and initiatives in Metro Detroit.

“Thank you to Jim and Sarah (Harbaugh’s wife, who spoke during the evening’s question-and-answer session) for being here,” Fr. Riccardo said. “Your presence here speaks volumes about the people you are, the courage and commitment you have on this critical issue.”

“We Were Made to be Courageous” was the theme of the night, and Harbaugh spoke about the courage it takes in today’s world to state one’s convictions with a clear intent and to follow up on those convictions.

Below is a 45-minute video from the evening that is worth watching.
7) Want to become Catholic? Are you an Adult who Wants to be Baptized? A New RCIA Group is forming soon!

How Do I Become Catholic? Watch the Video Below!
8) CSA 2022
Dear Friends in Christ,
This year’s Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) theme comes from the First Letter of Peter: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10). It’s a call for hospitality and service, and to “let love for one another be intense.”
The Catholic Services Appeal is an opportunity to celebrate the ways our Church in Detroit responds to the material and spiritual needs of individuals and families. Our parish alone could not meet these many needs. It is through the sharing of our gifts and our service that we, together, can be the Church Christ wants us to be.
Would you consider making a gift to this year’s CSA?
Your generosity makes it possible for more than 170 ministries, services, and programs to love intensely and to bring the indescribable joy found in Christ to our communities.

Our CSA goal this year is $211,447. Anything raised above the goal will return to the parish, while any shortfalls must be covered by the parish. Thus, your support is greatly needed and appreciated.

You may have already received a mailing from the Archdiocese of Detroit. If you did so, please make a contribution to the CSA as indicated in that mailing.

You can also easily give by visiting: or by clicking on the button below.

Also available at the Church exists, in the bins outside the Sr. Carol Center, and at the Parish Center are general CSA brochures and envelopes that can be used to make a contribution to the CSA.

Assuring you of my prayers, I remain,

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Msgr. Mike

9) CSA Update as of July 23, 2022
I am grateful to those who have already contributed to CSA 2022. As of today, we have $149,440 in pledges and gifts toward our $211,447 goal ($120,691 has been paid thus far toward our total pledged amount). This amount represents gifts from 486 families (we have 3,315 families registered). We have thus achieved 71% of our goal!
Here is a breakdown by gift range:
$2,500+ (7)
$1,000+ (25)
$500+ (36)
$250+ (83)
$100+ (186)
$75+ (7)
$50+ (71)
$25+ (49)
$10+ (19)
$0+ (3)
As stated above, the easiest way to give is electronically by clicking on the button above. If you wish to give by check, feel free to contact the Parish Center and we will mail out an envelope and related material.
10) Families of Parishes
We have officially transitioned to our Family of Parishes structure. Our family consists of St. Joan of Arc, Our Lady Star of the Sea, St. Basil the Great, St. Lucy, and St. Veronica Parishes.

To learn more about Families of Parishes please watch the two short videos below or click on the link below to check out a FAQ site the Archdiocese of Detroit has developed to answer questions about Families of Parishes.
How Will Families of Parishes Work?
Introducing Families of Parishes
Click on the image below to visit the FAQ Site about Families of Parishes
11) Ukraine Relief Efforts
If you are interested in supporting the Catholic Church's relief efforts for the people of Ukraine, please click here to donate through our OSV Online Giving Platform.
12) This Sunday's Readings - July 24, 2022, The Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
13) Sunday Reflections by Jeff Cavins
Jeff Cavins reflects on Abraham’s prayer for Sodom and Gomorrah and on the Lord’s Prayer, encouraging us to be persistent when we pray. This Sunday’s readings are:

First Reading: Genesis 18:20-32
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 138:1-2, 2-3, 6-7, 7-8
Second Reading: Colossians 2:12-14
Gospel: Luke 11:1-13
14) Bishop Barron's Reflection for the Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Friends, our Gospel for today is St. Luke’s version of the Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father. This prayer, which is probably recited millions of times a day all over the world, includes some of the best-known words on the planet. But what do they mean? It might be good for us to walk slowly through Luke’s version to see what this great prayer is about—and what we are asking for when we pray it.
15) Grow+Go for the Seventeeth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Grow+Go, content is designed to help you understand what it means to be an evangelizing disciple of Christ. Using the Sunday Scriptures as the basis for reflection, Grow+Go offers insight into how we can all more fully GROW as disciples and then GO evangelize, fulfilling Christ's Great Commission to "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19) The concept behind the weekly series is to make discipleship and evangelization simple, concrete, and relatable.

Click on the button or image below to download a PDF copy of this Sunday's Grow+Go.
16) Giving to SJA:

I'm truly grateful for all of your support of SJA during this pandemic. Your support means so much. The increase in electronic giving has been tremendous. Giving electronically, whether on a one-time or recurring basis is pretty simple. For more information on online giving, please click on the following button.
17) This Week's Edition of TALLer Tales
What’s with “Clark’s” Arm? Last week, I shared how I ended up with a nasty long cut on my arm after running into some siding at my sister’s house. The mishap happened while I was doing a few DIY projects for my sister on the Fourth of July Weekend. As my family likes to remind me, NO project I ever embark upon is without problems or issues; it’s just how it works. If you didn’t see last week’s article, I let the gash go somewhat untreated. It then got infected, and I landed at Beaumont Urgent Care, where I got a tetanus shot, an antibiotic prescription, and some antibiotic ointment. I concluded last week’s article by saying there was a part two to the bloody mishap! This is part two!

On the Sunday following the Fourth of July, I was at my mom’s house before our family dinner. I figured I would use my two hours before our dinner to work on something simple. Well, the afternoon started with the garage door breaking. A central hinge that holds the two upper panels of the garage door had completely snapped, which then caused the two panels to be misaligned. I tried to fix it, but nothing I did was going to help. It was apparent it needed professional attention … not the priest TRYING to be a professional! After showing my mom the issue of the day, she says to me, “Well, there’s another issue in the house?” She then took me to the basement staircase and showed me that her chair lift was dead. She took it downstairs just before I arrived, and it died at the bottom of the stairs. Once again, I tried to see if I could get it going, but it was clear the lift was deader than a doornail! UGH! First, the garage door, now the chair lift. We made a plan to call in the pros first thing Monday morning.

On Monday morning, I called the chair lift place, and they weren’t sure when a technician could be out. They indicated they would call me later in the afternoon after looking at everyone’s schedule. My mom had an appointment that afternoon and wouldn’t be home, so I told them Tuesday or Wednesday would be ideal. That afternoon they called me back and said they had a technician available to be there in an hour. I jumped on the opportunity, and since I had time to run out there, I hopped in my car and started on my journey to meet them. While at the condo, I figured I could accomplish ONE project while the lift was being repaired. That one project was to get a new carpet my mom bought placed under the sectional sofa. My mom turned the basement into a mini-theater and second dining room for family gatherings. I figured this project would be simple and would give me an excuse to use these new air wedges I bought some time ago but haven’t used yet. These gizmos have been advertised in my Family Handyman magazines. They are wedges you can put underneath something, which you then fill with air with the attached air pump to lift an object slightly. It’s somewhat like a blood pressure cuff but not used to cut off circulation to your arm completely but to lift objects! I couldn’t figure out how to undo each piece of the sectional to place this carpet, so I figured I would use the air wedges to lift one side of it to accomplish my task. It was going to be a simple 5-minute project!

I got to the condo before the technician arrived, so I had time to work on my project. I already had the earth tones colored carpet, which also had some white patches in it, up close to the sectional so I could place it quickly. I then placed my three air wedges and started pumping away. I was so excited to see the whole section of this sectional start to lift. This was way too cool. After realizing I could have placed the wedges differently, I extended the leg lifts on each portion of the sectional and crawled underneath the sectional. After I got into place, I felt something wet on my arm. I looked and saw my arm filling up with blood. Right away, I grabbed some paper towels to soak up the blood because I didn’t want any evidence of my blood on the carpet. After all, who would want their son’s blood dripping on their new carpet (see a pattern from last week). I was convinced I had sliced open the old wound. After a closer look, I realized I had sliced my arm in a new spot a few inches away from the first wound. While the cut wasn’t as long as the first one, it was still bleeding as much. This wasn’t good. After cleaning up all my evidence and ensuring I didn’t get any blood on the carpet, I finally got the carpet in place. I then looked at my arm and said, “Well, at least you got a tetanus shot last week and are already on antibiotics. So you’re good to go! But just wait until Mom and your sisters (and the ‘older sisters I’m glad I never had’ that work at the Parish Center) hear about this one!”

The Sacrament of the Sick (Part Four): I’ve been writing about the Sacrament of the Sick over the last few weeks, in part because many people have misinformed opinions or improper information about the sacrament. This week, I want to continue reflecting on the redemptive value of our sufferings.

Last week, I shared a quote from Mother Teresa that’s worth repeating: “Suffering will never be completely absent from our lives. If we accept it with faith, we are given the opportunity to share the passion of Jesus and show him our love.” To accept suffering WITH FAITH becomes a critical point to remember. Life changes when we start to view things through the lens of faith.

This reminds me of a lady I once visited in a nursing home. After I anointed her, we had a rather spirited conversation about her illness and her anger with God. “Why would God do this to me? I’m good and have been good all my life. Why couldn’t he choose to give my illness to some bad people? There are plenty of them who deserve it; I don’t deserve this at all,” she said. I told her that she was flat-out wrong! I wanted to encourage her to see the redemptive value of her suffering and that she needed a change of attitude about the whole situation. Once we accept that sometimes God loves us so much that he gives us incredible crosses to carry in life, it’s up to us to turn that cross into something redemptive for ourselves and those around us. It isn’t always easy to swallow, but the more faith you have and the more you accept the reality of God’s will in your life, the more you will come to a better understanding of the crosses we are called to embrace. God never intends to leave us hanging in a perpetual Good Friday experience; WE keep ourselves there. Every cross we embrace is a sharing in the passion of Christ. And just as Christ journeyed from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, so too can we, with our own crosses, move from the pain of our own Good Friday to the emptiness of our own Holy Saturday to the joy of our own Easter Sunday. It is about our faith. It is about our relationship with God. It is about our attitude and whether we acknowledge that God may just be using us for some purpose in accomplishing his divine plan.

I still often quote and ask people to reflect upon the prior English translation of the opening prayer for Masses for the Sick. “Hear the prayers we offer for our sick brothers and sisters. May all who suffer pain, illness, or disease realize that they are chosen to be saints, and know that they are joined to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world ….” CHOSEN to be saints … JOINED to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world. Those are some powerful words that deserve our attention and reflection!
Enjoy the week. Know of my prayers.
In Christ,
Msgr Mike Simply Signature
18) Tire Tracks in the d’Arc
Bird On A Wire: The last time Monsignor was out of town, the livestream equipment decided to take some time off too. On this occasion it was the HVAC system, but at least it had the decency to do so last Saturday, so Monsignor already knew about it before he left and knew I had nothing to do with it! Perhaps, I thought, the hot Church over those weekend masses was out of solidarity for my parents, as I had just seen the forecast for the week in England, where my parents live…. 107 degrees! It is NEVER 107 degrees in England… and NOBODY has air-conditioning there...

Monday was a busy day with a number of communion calls and noticing that the Tabernacle in the PC needed replenishing, I came back from a visit and went over to the Church to get the Blessed Sacrament from the Tabernacle there and bring some hosts over to the PC Chapel. As I walked into Church, I heard what sounded like a loud smoke alarm, “chirp-chirp.” I thought that was odd, but then I realized that the “chirp-chirp” was actually a bird-bird. There was a sparrow perched up on one of the organ pipes, enjoying the acoustics as it was singing pretty loud. But it appeared to not really enjoy being trapped in Church and had already fluttered its way through one of the ferns on the sanctuary, spreading leaves all over the steps. Holy Spirit, you ask? Nope. Smaller than that! And less helpful. As of late Monday afternoon, all I can tell you is two things: that I didn’t let it in… and that the bird is preaching Tuesday morning! Let’s see what Tuesday brings….

Persistence in Prayer: The readings today offer us encouragement to never tire in our prayer.

But why doesn’t God give us what we ask for immediately? Why does he desire persistence and consistency in prayer?

While we can never hope to understand fully the mind of God, we can say that the need to be constant in our prayer keeps us from treating God like a magical genie who grants all our wishes. It causes us to depend on God, trusting him to give us what we need at just the right time—our “daily bread.” It brings glory to God when he powerfully answers our prayers in unexpected ways. And it causes us to regularly draw near to God.

So just what does the power of persistent prayer look like and what are the reasons we should always keep asking God to answer our prayers:

1. If we persist in prayer we will reap with joy: Even though we might not see the answer to our prayer immediately, God promises that if we persevere we will reap joy. That doesn’t mean that we will get exactly what we were praying for each time. But it means that we will see God’s hand at work in our lives, even when things are tough, maybe especially then. We will then come to know his faithfulness and love more intimately.

2. God promises that our labor is not in vain: If we’re honest, sometimes prayer seems like wasted effort. We put all this work into it, we pour our hearts out to God, and sometimes it feels like nothing happens. But the Bible assures us that our labor in prayer is not in vain. In fact, it’s through prayer that we become unwavering in our faith. It’s through prayer that we come to know God more intimately and grow in our love for him.

3. When we persevere in prayer we will receive an answer: The Lord promises to always answer our prayers. It may not be the answer we were expecting, but it will always be the absolute best thing for us. But in order to receive that answer, we must keep asking, seeking, and knocking.

4. We can’t see all that God is doing through our prayers: The reality is that we have no idea of all that God is accomplishing through our persistent prayers. All we see is what is right in front of us, but God sees the big picture. He knows what’s best for us and he is working all things together for our good. He’s playing the long-game. We should pray with perseverance because God is doing so much more than we could possibly imagine.

5. Prayers of persistence bring abundant blessings: When we pray with persistence, God blesses us in ways we could never have imagined. He pours out his goodness on us, and provides for all our needs. Never give-up praying - God is faithful and will bless us beyond our imagining.

6. We’ve already seen God do great things: God saved us from our sins and Satan. We were dead in our sins. We could never have saved ourselves. So if God did the big thing, so never doubt that he can do the smaller things we ask for. Ask him to provide all you need. If God saved us he can do anything else we ask.

7. Our prayers delight God and he delights in answering them: If our prayers are delightful to God, he takes pleasure in answering them. When God answers our prayers it brings him glory. It ought to produce thanks and praise to him. God is no Scrooge, clinging to his blessings. Our God delights to pour-out blessings. Our God is the lavish God who didn’t create just one kind of tree or one color of sky. He gives without end.

8. God promises to reward those who seek him in faith: Our persistent prayers must be accompanied by faith. We must believe that God exists and that he will reward us for seeking him. If we are a people of faith, we must believe that God will do great things through our prayers. Pray with expectation.

9. God hears and answers persistent prayer: Throughout the Bible, it’s clear that God deeply values perseverance in prayer. Though there are times when he immediately answers our prayers, in most cases God wants us to come to him again and again and not give-up until he answers our prayers.

10. Jesus invites us to cast all our cares on him: Jesus invites us to cast all our cares on him. When we come to him with all our concerns, he gladly takes them and cares for us. The Lord doesn’t want us to bear our anxieties on our own. He wants us to come to him and share with him what he already knows. 

11. The Lord is good to all who wait for him: The Lord is good to all who wait for him. He is a kind and gracious God who rewards those who patiently seek him. When we wait on the Lord, he blesses us with his goodness and meets our needs. We can be assured that the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us.

12. God is a loving Father who loves to bless his children: How much do you love your children, your grandchildren? Impossible to quantify? God loves his children more. How much more will our Heavenly Father give good things to us when we ask him.

All of this amounts to God encouraging us to persevere in prayer. So whatever you are seeking from God, don’t give-up. Don’t quit asking him, no matter how impossible it seems to you. But also don’t stop listening, and being open to him answering your prayers in a way different to the way you were asking. Our God is a faithful God. He doesn’t lie, or forget or change his mind. He will keep his promises to us.
You are in my prayers this week.

Fr. Andrew

19) Ascension Presents: Father Mike Schmitz
Why It's Important to Laugh at Yourself

Do you take yourself too seriously? Are you unwilling to acknowledge your faults and weaknesses to others- or even to yourself?

Today Fr. Mike shares with us some lessons in humility and being willing to laugh at yourself.
20) Words on the Word: July 24, 2022 - Knockin' on the Door

To find and pursue opportunities in life, it helps to have some doors open along the way.

Those who are smart, motivated, and capable can find their way around closed doors, as well, but that can take a lot longer.

It’s inspirational, then, to hear about ways in which people of goodwill are working to help open doors for others, creating opportunities for success in careers and in life.

The Detroit News reported a few weeks ago on a program launched last year by a local nonprofit that helps people who have encountered closed doors to earn their college degrees. 

According to the story, that might mean “better support systems for high school students to start and complete college without dropping out.”

Or it might mean opening a door “for adults who never went to college or … are looking to return.”

One particularly unique aspect of the program enables participants to earn their degrees by completing a series of projects that leverage their skills and experience, as opposed to attending classes and lectures and taking tests.

Whether and how this all works out, of course, is something that will be determined by the students themselves and by the market, as employers evaluate the capabilities of those who successfully complete the program.

But it’s encouraging to hear of people helping other people by creating programs such as this, and it’s reflective of the love of God to those who seek his assistance.

“Ask and you will receive,” Jesus says in today’s gospel passage from St. Luke. “Seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 

“For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

© 2022, Words on the Word
21) The Bible in a Year Podcast by Father Mike Schmitz
If you’ve struggled to read the Bible, this podcast is for you.

Ascension’s Bible in a Year Podcast, hosted by Fr. Mike Schmitz and featuring Jeff Cavins, guides Catholics through the Bible in 365 daily episodes.

Each 20-25 minute episode includes:

  • two to three scripture readings 
  • a reflection from Fr. Mike Schmitz
  • and guided prayer to help you hear God’s voice in his Word.

Unlike any other Bible podcast, Ascension’s Bible in a Year Podcast for Catholics follows a reading plan inspired by the Great Adventure Bible Timeline®  learning system, a groundbreaking approach to understanding Salvation History developed by renowned Catholic Bible teacher Jeff Cavins.
Tune in and live your daily life through the lens of God’s word!
22) FORMED Pick of the Week:
Our parish has a subscription to FORMED, a premier online platform filled with over 4,000 Catholic studies, movies, audio dramas, talks, e-books, and even cartoons for our children. FORMED has content from over 60 apostolates, including Augustine Institute, Ignatius Press, and the Knights of Columbus, with material that is professionally produced, engaging, and solid in its catechism. Best of all, this material is free to you because of our parish subscription.

You have easy access to all of the material on FORMED to support your own faith journey and that of your family members.

You can enjoy FORMED on your computer or on your television with an inexpensive Roku device or Apple TV. You can even listen on your phone as you commute to work or do chores. 

To gain access to all of FORMED’s content, follow these simple steps:

  • Go to 
  • Enter our parish’s zip code 48080 or enter St. Joan of Arc
  • Enter your name and your email address
That’s it! You’re in. Now you can get the free FORMED app for your phone by searching FORMED Catholic in your app store.

23) Hallow App:
Are you looking for a one-stop app for prayer and meditation? Look no further than Hallow. Hallow is an awesome prayer app. Hallow is a Catholic prayer and meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through audio-guided contemplative prayer sessions. The app launched 2 years ago and is already the #1 Catholic app in the world.
We have a number of parishioners who are already using the app and loving it (my mom being one of them and she is on the app most of the day). Great for praying alone or together with your spouse/family, Hallow truly has something for everyone, no matter what you are going through (see below for their different content categories).
Hallow is free to download and has tons of permanently free content, as well as a premium subscription, Hallow Plus.

To get started, simply click the button above/below to activate your free account on the Hallow website. Make sure to select “Sign Up with Email” when registering. For step-by-step instructions, you can visit this process guide. Enter the code stjoanofarcmi to obtain a discount on individual pro plans.
24) Mass Intentions for the Week:
Monday, July 25, 2022, Saint James, Apostle
7:00 a.m., William R. Richer

Tuesday, July 26, 2022, Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
7:00 a.m., Frank and Mary Fleming and a Special Intention for Eric Ketelhut

Wednesday, July 27, 2022, Weekday
7:00 a.m., A Special Intention for Rachel Allemon

Thursday, July 28, 2022, Weekday
7:00 a.m., Hugo Calisi

Friday, July 29, 2022, Saint Martha
7:00 a.m., George and Ida Zogay and Ann Stanglewicz

Saturday, July 30, 2022, Vigil of the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00 p.m., Linda Hollern, Bonnie Batche, Josephine Ciaravino, the deceased members of the Gore family, Frank Nagy, Charles Weidenbach and Special Intentions for the J. Champine Family and for the Thomas Family

6:00 p.m., Sam Ciaramitaro

Sunday, July 31, 2022, Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m., For the Intentions of Saint Joan of Arc Parishioners

10:00 a.m., Marion Zapytowski

12:00 p.m., Larry Rancilio, Roberta Ivon, Anna Mae Reinhard, and a Special Intention for Raymond and Palma Strussione on their 65th Wedding Anniversary
25) This Week on St. Joan of Arc LIVE:
This week's LIVE Stream
Schedule at St. Joan of Arc:

Monday (July 25):
7:00 AM - Mass
5:00 PM - Baptism of Henry H. McGhie

Tuesday (July 26):
7:00 AM - Mass
10:00 AM - Funeral for Robert Schick (Read Obituary HERE)

Wednesday (July 27):
7:00 AM - Mass

Thursday (July 28):
7:00 AM - Mass
7:00 PM - Holy Hour

Friday (July 29):
7:00 AM - Mass
12:00 PM - Memorial Mass for Carol Squillace (Read Obituary HERE)

Saturday (July 30):
12:30 PM - Baptism of Olivia Mae Nahtygal
1:30 PM - Baptism of Olivia A. Hunter
4:00 PM - Mass
6:00 PM - Mass

Sunday (July 31):
8:00 AM - Mass
10:00 AM - Mass
12:00 PM - Mass

Please note that all of our masses and events can be accessed through the ARCHIVE section of our Live stream page if you are not able to watch it live!

We also have our own ROKU Channel. Search for "CATHOLIC" in the ROKU channel store, and you will find SJA's channel. A Fire TV Channel is also available.
26) SJA's Bulletin for Sunday, July 24, 2022
Click on the image below
to download a copy of the bulletin
for July 24, 2022
27) Weekly Bulletin Mailing List
Sending the bulletin has been greatly received by so many people. If you are getting the bulletin online and would prefer that it not be mailed to your home, please click on the button below to be removed from the mailing list.

At the same time, if you are NOT getting the bulletin and would prefer to get it, click on the same button and ask to be ADDED to the list.

Read the latest from the DETROIT CATHOLIC
Click on the image below.