Mentor4OK Newsletter

News 2023

March/April 2023 | Issue No. 38

From the Editor

Above is a specialized form of mentoring in business, colleges, politics, and other organizations. We advocate mentoring, coaching, leadership development, internships, and apprenticeships. Make your mentees aware of sponsorships.

This issue is our next-to-the-last Mentor4OK newsletter. During COVID and the suspension of some mentoring, we endeavored to offer mentoring tips, connections, information, and best practices from other places and stellar Oklahoma programs. The goal for Mentor4OK to continue in the same way has ended, although we believe promoting and highlighting mentoring in Oklahoma and elsewhere has value.

Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence

Loren Dow, announced in February, is the director of the School Foundations Network, Program Specialist. Dow will direct the Boren Mentoring Initiative grants. Congratulations to Loren and the foundation.

APRIL CDC's Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

National Child Abuse Prevention Month - Resources, data...

National Child Abuse Awareness Month Est. 1979. Physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect. As America learned nationally during COVID and school closures, abuse is difficult to recognize if students are not in public schools or on Zoom in-person. Verbal abuse is the hardest to detect, but all abuse causes lifelong trauma.


Earth Day, April 22. Est. 1970. Official site.

Earth Day, National Geographic Earth Day, NASA Education Resources

National Volunteer Month Est.1943. Volunteers of all income levels perform service that would not otherwise be affordable in their communities and organizations. Volunteering, like voting, is a community duty and privilege to improve quality of life for all.

The President's Service Awards Est. 2003. Yukon Public Schools' Miller Mentors introduced us to this years ago. Yukon kept track and presented awards at the year's end.

Later in April, the Independent Sector will release the 2022 value of a volunteer hour.

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1796
Edmond, OK,
73083-1796, US

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