Weekly eBulletin - July 12th, 2020
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Updates on my First Week!
It has been a week since I started my ministry here at Holy Spirit. I would like to thank all of you for graciously welcoming me to the parish. Read more...

Please join us live at 9:30 am for Sunday Mass. I look for to celebrating Mass virtually with you this weekend. Or meeting you at one of our Pilgrim Masses.

God Bless,

Fr. Ritche
  Sacrament of Baptism  
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)   Read more...
With the changing directions from the county concerning re-opening, we are also adjusting our Mass schedules to better serve the community. Beginning Monday, July 13, we will adjust per the following:

  • Daily Mass will now be at 8:30am via the Livestream and we will have space for 10 people inside the church. We will discontinue the daily outdoor Pilgrim Masses
  • We will return to our Pre-Covid weekend Masses. 5:00pm, 8:00am, 11:30am and 6:00pm will be outdoor in the school courtyard and we will have room for 60 people. We will continue to livestream the 9:30am Mass

How to Communicate Effectively with Seniors 7.8.20

We live in a society where the post-World War II Baby Boomer Generation (born 1946-1964) is reaching their senior years in ever-growing numbers and representing an increasingly larger segment of the population. Read more...
Prayers, Intercessions & Intentions
Prayer keeps us connected to the Lord and to one another. During the COVID Pandemic, if you or someone you know is in need of prayers, please use our new online form to let us know how we can offer support.  Click here     
Youth Ministry Summer Speaker Series
Our first Summer Speaker Series begins this Sunday, July 12th featuring our new Pastor, Fr. Ritche Bueza! Come for a special meet and greet and get to know our new Pastor. This will be done via Zoom and will start at 7:15 pm. All are welcome to join in. Message Row for the Zoom details.
Sacrament of Confirmation:
Updates for the current Year 2 Candidates
We have received guidelines from the Diocese with the recent updates from the County. Please look out for communication from Row on when and how we will be celebrating the Sacrament.
Registrations for 2020-2021
Preparation and formation for the Sacrament of Confirmation here at Holy Spirit is a two-year process for Middle School Youth starting as early as 7th grade and a one-year process for High School Youth. Registrations will open in August. Stay tuned for more information.
Sacred Heart is resuming their Saturday work days!

Holy Spirit Saturday@Sacred Heart, July 18th, 8:55-12:00. Volunteers will be packing and sorting food inside and outside the warehouse. All of the work stations are 6 feet part, and all common areas are sanitized prior to volunteers arriving. Read more
Are you looking for a way to serve during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, Second Harvest of Silicon Valley and the Diocese of
San Jose have partnered to provide food to those in need via drive thru sites at some of our diocesan parishes.

Please note the changes in site locations.
Last Week to Access Pack a Back's Target Registry!
Our Holy Spirit Target gift registry for Sacred Heart's Pack a Back school supply drive will only be open for one more week! Just click on our registry link to choose the items you would most like to donate, then have them shipped directly to Sacred Heart. Direct monetary donations can also be made on our donations page Read more...
The new Give Us This Day books are available under the portico of the Church. Please use social distance practices. We will have the hand sanitizer out as well and ask that you sanitize your hands before and after. Please take the ones you touch and try not to touch the other books.  

If you are not able to get to the church or have other questions contact Merry Reardon at  merry.reardon@dsj.org
To register or for additional information Read more ...
Sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony updates:  
(05.10.2020) As of the present, while shelter-in-place still being upheld, the Rites of the Sacrament of Baptism and Matrimony are postponed until further notice.

Nevertheless. we still are offering Baptismal Preparation Class and Marriage Preparation via Zoom. For more information and for any questions about the Sacraments, please contact Father Edgar at edgar.elamparo@DSJ.org or through his office phone (408) 997-5107. 
Holy Spirit Parish
1200 Redmond Avenue
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-5101