The Union Church in Waban
Friday, July 2, 2021
This Sunday
Summer Worship Begins!
July 4th at 10:00 a.m. Worship - Communion Sunday
This Sunday we enter a new season in our life as a church together in more ways than one. Join us as we begin our Summer Worship together! Pastor Amy will share a reflection on God's message in Isaiah 40, "Comfort, Comfort O my people." This is also a Communion Sunday, and all those joining at home are invited to have at hand any type of bread or cracker, and water or juice.

Summer services will be more relaxed in style, and geared towards our congregation over Zoom, although our sanctuary will be open for any who would like to join us in person (masks required).

To join Sunday Worship on Zoom:  
Zoom Link: HERE
Meeting ID: 832 2059 8969
Passcode: 458322
Dial in only: 1 646 558 8656 

The bulletin is available HERE

To connect to Sunday Worship or to any of our online offerings, you may also go to our website at  
11:00 a.m. Fellowship - 4th of July at the Picnic Table!
Gather at the picnic table outside the church following worship for a fun 4th of July Fellowship Hour! We'll have yummy summer treats, and arts & crafts for the kids. Swing by to say hello!
Upcoming Summer Sundays & Gatherings
Backyard Church Summer Social!
Next Wednesday, July 7th at 7-8:30 p.m.

Would you like to reconnect with Union Church folks in person this summer? We'll be hosting backyard "socials" with dessert, conversation, and, if the spirit moves us, some reflection on what it has been like to be people of faith (more or less!) during the pandemic. The first social will be at Jon and Anya Bassett's house on Wednesday, July 7th from 7-8:30 p.m. (rain date, Thursday, July 8th). 

We will ask non-vaccinated people to wear masks. RSVP to; by Tuesday, July 6th so we know how much food to prepare and so that we can send directions and parking information. We can't wait to see you in person!
Adult Education and Formation
Going Deeper-July Worship:
Return from Exile - The Bible Project
This month in worship, Pastor Amy will explore the themes of exile, and the return from exile. We'll look at passages from the prophets who wrote as the Jewish people were returning from their exile in Babylon, and consider what wisdom they may have for us as we emerge from the last 18 months of our own kind of displacement and exile. If you'd like to learn more about the theme of Exile in the Bible, consider clicking on the link below to watch this video from The Bible Project:

Bible Project Link: HERE
Exploring Our Faith Families - This would be a great video to watch and discuss together!
Listening In
"The Beholder" by Rainer Maria Rilke

Join us as we explore Rilke's poem "The Beholder". This gorgeous poem is full of unexpected and profound insights. Listen for the first few minutes as Tom gives an introduction to Rilke and reads through the poem, or listen all the way through. We hope this poem speaks to you as it did to us.
Tea Time Bible Study
Tuesdays at 3:00 p.m.

Please join us for a walk through the Book of Acts with Rev. Arlyne Grant and other friends. No biblical study or experience is needed. This will be a fun filled time of conversation and learning.

Zoom Link is HERE
Meeting ID: 847 2838 1864
Passcode: 837512
Dial in: 1 646 558 8656
Children, Youth and Families 
Children, Youth and Families Ministries
Our ministries teams for children, youth and families are looking ahead to the summer and fall, eager to gather, serve and play; find grounding and guidance in our faith; and share care and connection as we enter this new phase of our journey together. It you would like to be part of our gathering and imagining, please contact Pastor Amy (
Advocate for Racial Justice
The most segregated metropolitan area in the US according to the study is New York City, followed by Chicago, Milwaukee and Detroit. Photograph:
‘Where you live determines everything’: why segregation is growing in the US ( 

As the US has become more diverse, it has also become more racially segregated, a new study finds. Its lead author, Stephen Menendian, speaks about America’s failure to integrate

More than 80% of America’s large metropolitan areas were more racially segregated in 2019 than they were in 1990, the researchers found, even though explicit racial discrimination in housing has been outlawed for half a century. 
.....continue reading HERE
Mission Matters
Newton Freedge
Summer Volunteers Needed!
Despite Newton’s image as an affluent suburb, too many of our neighbors struggle to put food on their tables. The Newton Freedge is one way we can help. A free, 24/7 outdoor refrigerator and pantry, the Freedge provides free food and personal supplies to anyone who needs them. We are in need of more volunteers to help on Saturdays this summer. Please Email for more information and to join our team!
Common Cathedral
Continuing in July and Beyond
With our partners at the Wellesley Hills Church, we've delivered more than 3000 sandwiches since the start of the pandemic! 
Thank you to everyone who has made this ministry possible. It means so much, and there is still so much need. We'll continue delivering food (sandwiches, fruit, and granola bars) as long as we can to our unhoused siblings in downtown Boston, and are signed up for each week this June. To learn more or sign up to help with this ministry, please CLICK HERE. Thank you!
From the Wider Community
International Ministries of the American Baptist Churches,
Short Term Mission
Virtual Opportunities with teams in Nicaragua, Latvia, Israel/Palestine, Creation Care Ministries, and Lebanon
The American Baptist Churches has a long history of mission to "proclaim, through both word and deed, God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation." During the time of Covid, ABC's International Ministries has been conducting virtual 'mission trips' that allow people to experience their work around the world.

Here are a few of the up-coming virtual journeys sponsored by Short Term Missions Team of the American Baptist Churches. All are invited to sign up and attend:
  • 3-Day Mission Express Immersion with AMOS Health in Nicaragua and the City Center Church in Latvia. The team will follow health promoters doing home visits in remote areas of Nicaragua and then travel to worship and fellowship with pastor Toms Bermaks and church leaders in Liepaja, Latvia. The 3-Day immersion is scheduled for July 16, 21 & 23. To register, follow the prompts on this link. You will be directed to a form to complete after you hit APPLY NOW:
  • What’s in your cup? is a series of one hour conversation with Rev. Rebecca Driscoll, Creation Care Minister at TABCOM and global servants from IM. The topics to be covered will be Tea/Coffee on August 3rd at 4:00 p.m.; Honey on September 7th at 4:00; Sugar on October 5th at 4:00 p.m. Attendees will look at the origin of these items, and the social justice or injustices behind each one and how God is asking us to respond as we live Micah 6:8. Recipes and links to documentaries will be shared. Send an email to if you would like to register for this series.
  • Ministry in Israel/Palestine hosted by the Association of Baptist Churches will shed light on Arab Christians spreading God’s good news in Cana, Galilee and other communities, on October 26, 27 & 29. Come and learn how to be better peacemakers by siblings in Christ who are themselves considered to be the marginalized of the marginalized.
  • Planting Seeds of Hope with LSESD (the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development) and a couple of development workers in Lebanon who will be our hosts during this visit, scheduled for January 24 – 28, 2022. We pray it may be a hybrid journey, with some members of the team in-person in Lebanon, while others are accompanying from their living rooms or office desks.

For more information about any of these up-coming journeys, please visit the website, or contact the Short-Term Mission team at
Our Covenant

We, the members of The Union Church in Waban, true to our founding principle of being an inclusive church, covenant together to nourish and to sustain in our common life and practice a fully welcoming and affirming church for all persons. Welcoming all persons who seek to join with us in a commitment to love God and our neighbors, affirming the inclusive love of Jesus, we are open to all, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability or economic circumstance. We invite all to full participation in our worship, membership, leadership and life of this church.