The Office of Multifamily Housing Programs released an updated Residents Rights and Responsibilities Brochure on March 8, 2018.
It is available to download and print at:
The document provides a summary of key resident rights and responsibilities for residents living in Multifamily assisted housing along with resources and contact information for residents needing assistance.
As you all know, owners must provide all households with a copy of the Resident Rights and Responsibilities brochure at move-in and annually at recertification. The Office of Multifamily Housing Programs encourages owners and management agents to distribute this brochure electronically, in addition to having printed copies available for tenants who prefer hardcopies.
Translation of the updated brochure to other languages is currently pending and will be posted to HUD’s Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity website at:
Printed copies are not currently available from the Multifamily National Clearing House but may be available in limited quantities later this year.
Please make yourselves and site staff familiar with the updated brochure to ensure that all staff is aware of HUD’s compliance requirements.
Please commence using the updated brochure as there have been some significant updates as follows:
Describes additional rights for residents
· Includes the new protected classes introduced with the Equal Access Rule
· Reminds residents that they have a responsibility to notify owner/agents of changes in a timely manner
· Expands information about residents' rights to be involved
· References more HUD programs
· Provides additional information about Enhanced Vouchers
· Updates information about HUD resources and contacts
Please continue to have residents sign and date an Acknowledgement of Receipt of the Residents Rights and Responsibilities Brochure at move in and annual certification.