Vitality Workshop: How to Increase Worship Attendance - June 25, St. Johns, Boalsburg
General Synod UCC - June 30 - July 4 in Baltimore
UEK Partnership - July 11 in PCC Conference Center
Green Justice Team - July 11, Hartman Center
Vitality Workshop: How to Increase Worship Attendance - July 16, Colonial Park UCC
Pastor's Breakfast and Worship - July 27, Hartman Center
Vitality Workshop: How to Increase Worship Attendance - August 20, Dreisbach UCC, Lewisburg
Clergy Convocation -
January 30 - February 1, 2018
Doubletree by Hilton - Willow Valley, Lancaster PA
Mid-Atlantic Regional Youth Event -
July 19-22, 2018
California University of Pennsylvania
2018 Penn Central Annual Meeting - June 8 and 9, 2018
Susquehanna University
NEW - Justice Advocates Devotional
Being a change maker takes a toll.
It's easy to forget to eat, or sleep, or pray, or occasionally see the sunlight. You may start to wonder if the work justifies your physical and spiritual exhaustion or why God
would call you to do something that's so lonely and tiring.
This book is for you.
Consider it your personal spiritual soundtrack
for resistance.
NEW - 2017 Loss Control Webinars
The Insurance Board is pleased to present the following upcoming Loss Control webinars, available to all participants and members.
How to Avoid Background Screening Litigation
Wednesday, October 11th, 2pm Eastern (Praesidium)
Here's a link to their Web site to register:
NEW - 2017-2020 Strategic Plan
The Board of Directors approved the Strategic (Missional) Plan on May 31. It was presented again at the Strategic Planning Wine and Cheese at Annual Meeting.
If you haven't had a chance to review the documents, they are on the PCCUCC Web site.
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 Grants |
NEW - Grant Opportunities through UCC
Genesis Fund - money for innovative/experimental faith based projects New Spiritual Communities and Renewing Churches - invest in programs that live the ethos of UCC Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal - up to $50K to support clergy on sabbatical Neighbors in Need - innovative grants for justice advocacy
Church News |
NEW - Toni Buffalo Meet and Greet at Solomon's UCC in Chambersburg
Solomon's United Church of Christ, Chambersburg will be hosting a meet and greet with Toni Buffalo on Thursday, June 29th beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Toni is the executive director of the Dakota Association of the United Church of Christ, and on the board of CAIM (Council on American Indian Ministries) of the UCC. She is a native of and resides on the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota, serving with her husband, Pastor Byron Buffalo, at Bridger UCC. Her daughter Tiana participated in the first Partners in Peace Experience in 2013. Toni has been active in the opposition against the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines, and has served in various capacities throughout the United Church of Christ over the years.
She will be here to tell her story and answer your questions.
The evening will begin with a covered dish dinner, so if you're able bring a food offering. Again, it's at 6:30 on the 29th of June.
NEW - CRN Event "I Wish I Would Have Done Something"
St. Paul's Mechanicsburg invites you to
learn how to effectively and sensitively intervene when someone is being verbally or physically harassed.
August 2, 2017 from 6:00 - 8:00 at St. Paul's Mechanicsburg
Now Hiring...
Church Administrator (Trinity, Mountville)
Trinity Reformed UCC is looking for a detail oriented part-time Administrative Assistant to work 20 hours per week in the church office. Responsibilities will include answering phone and email inquiries, coordinating with the Pastor on the bulletins and newsletters and typing them for distribution, updating social media and the website, and maintaining church records.
The ideal candidate must be organized, courteous, have the ability to work independently, and be able to keep information confidential. The candidate should be proficient in Microsoft software. Background check will be required.
We offer a competitive wage with paid sick time and vacation time. EOE/m/f/d/v
Director of Music (Grace, Lancaster)
Grace UCC in Lancaster is looking for
a Director of Music. Additional details below...
Trinity, Mercersburg Celebrates 225 Years!
Trinity United Church of Christ, Mercersburg PA, is celebrating its 225th Anniversary (1792 - 2017) by hosting a worship service, catered celebratory picnic and program on Sunday, July 23, 2017.
The event will be held at the Lion's Club Park in Mercersburg PA; worship service at 11:30 a.m. and meal and program beginning at 1:00 p.m.
Members, church participants, local clergy, friends and special guests have been invited.
Northern UCC Cluster Pig Roast
June 25, beginning at 5pm, the Northern Cluster of UCC Churches will host a free pig roast and concert at MYO Park in Millersburg.
The Saving Grace Band, a Christian group from Mifflinburg, will share wonderful Southern and Country Gospel Music with us. Bring a covered-dish to share, and a lawn chair.
Flyer for more details!
Clergy News |
June - July - August
June 18: George Martz, 50th anniversary of his ordination on June 18 (50th anniversary of his graduation from LTS was May 19-20)
June 25: David Longenecker Installation at Homestead Village 3:00 PM
July 2: Marian Anderson Ordination at St. John's, Lewisburg
- 3:00 PM
July 23: Kenno Meko Korssa Ordination at Wisdom's Table at St. Peter's, Lancaster - 3:00 PM
July 30:
Jeff Kardisco Ordination at Trinity, Waynesboro - 3:00 PM
August 1 - Bonita Zobeck last day at Colonial Park UCC
August 6 - Margaret Wise retiring from Zwingli, East Berlin
August 27 - Bill La Salle 35th anniversary of his ordination, 9:00 at Bethany Ephrata
Hartman Center |
ONE More Camper Campaign
For $420, you, your church or a group can sponsor a camper to
attend Hartman Center this summer.
We need more than 300 (ideally 350) campers for the summer program to operate in the BLACK. Right now (as of June 21), we have 254 campers registered for summer programs.
Can your church provide a CHRISTMAS IN JUNE OR JULY for a child/youth in your church or in your community?
If every PCC congregation could send just ONE MORE CAMPER that would make a world of difference to Hartman Center BUT EVEN MORE to those children/youth that get to experience the blessings of a week at summer camp.
The best way to experience camp for the first time is to come with a friend, or a parent, or grandparent. Intergenerational camps are offered each week.
Read more here.
Hartman Center News and Resources
Have you seen the Hartman Center Pool Dedication Video
On Facebook?
Swimming Pool Fund -
You can donate by credit card by going on line
Camp Schedule - Summer Camp is packed with opportunities for fun, fellowship and learning through Labor Day.
Thank you for your continued support!
Faith Connection Stories |
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We love to hear stories of Penn Central Conference congregations working within their communities to passionately declare and demonstrate their courageous love of Christ.
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June 14, 2017, June 7, 2017, May 31, 2017, May 24, 2017, May 17, 2017, May 10, 2017, May 3, 2017 |
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