Metuchen Downtown Alliance
$85 Million of New NJEDA Grants for Small Businesses

Pre-register today for grants of up to $20,000 through the Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program - Phase 4. Pre-registration is open until Thursday, April 29th at 5:00 p.m. Pre-registration is not first-come, first-served. Businesses that do not pre-register will not be eligible for phase 4 grants.

Additional Webinars

This free, six-part webinar series presented by the New Jersey Business Action Center will feature tips, processes and resources from state departments and partners to help your business.
4/29, 12-1pm
Lending programs and institutions are dedicated to supporting the business community, whether you need to raise $5,000 or $5 million. Hear from the US Small Business Administration, NJ Economic Development Authority and the UCEDC (a Community Development Financial Institution)
5/11, 12-1pm
Employers have new responsibilities to keep their employees safe. The Department of Labor will share how you can stay compliant

5/13, 12-1pm
As a business owner you need to be familiar with every opportunity for support and services available to you. Hear about some of the lesser-known resources from the State and your local Library, the NJ Urban Enterprise Zone Program, and the Department of Community Affairs’ Main Street program. Stay ahead of your competition; if you don’t use all the support available, your competitors certainly will.

Need Help?
The Metuchen Downtown Alliance is here to help you and your business. Feel free to write or call any time!
  • (732) 515-9660