The Buildings and Grounds team is very happy to give you all an update on where we are with our fundraising campaign and project efforts. Thanks to everyone who has been able to donate—your generosity is helping to keep our beautiful church around for another 150 years!
To date, we have raised $45,475 with an ultimate goal of raising $134,125
We needed to pay ourselves back $31,350 from the money we borrowed from our reserve fund to repair our leaky and dry-rotted roof.
There was also a donation specifically earmarked for installing an AC/Heater “mini-split” in the choir loft. Our parishioners who sing and chant in the choir loft will be much more comfortable now during the hot and cold spells. It will also save us money by not having to turn on the main HVAC system (which heats/cools the entire sanctuary) for choir and compline rehearsals.
The remaining money is being used primarily to complete the “Hospitality Room.” Below is a breakdown of the projects and their status:
* The AC/Heater system for the choir loft is now installed and running
* The Bishop Kip AC/Heater system has been repaired
* The main sanctuary AC/Heater systems have also been repaired
* The Hospitality Room is nearing completion. We are currently painting and getting ready to install new baseboards
* The old skylight in the kitchen has been sheet-rocked over. We still need to paint the ceiling
* The dry-rot siding replacement on the north side of the church is now complete. We’ll continue around the south/west sides of the church as weather permits
* New gravel has been laid down in the garden area near the easy-access door. New plants will be planted soon
* Tree trimming and debris removal has been completed. The City had informed us that we needed to cut all trees away from the building
* We will be having the carpet in the Bishop Kip, stairwell and hallway professionally steam-cleaned in the next couple of weeks