Shaw family photo

 "God is present right here now, in you all and in me. So let us take His name sincerely and wholeheartedly so that He Who is within us is touched. Do not speak aloud when the names are repeated. Only repeat silently and think that He is within us and hears us all." 

Meher Baba
Lord Meher, pg. 3946
January 16, 2022

Dear Family of the Meher Spiritual Center, 

We are nearing the end of the second full year of the Covid pandemic in the U.S. and it seems like a good time to look back and reflect on some of the changes and work that have occurred during this period.

As you all know, the Center has been able to retain its wonderful staff on full salary during this difficult time. That remains a priority for the administration and the board.

As with all change, the pandemic has been a mixed blessing for the Center. On the one hand, it had to close to visitors for the first seven months and then open only for day visitors for the next year, while implementing measures to ensure guest and staff safety. Finally, in October of 2021, overnight guests were again welcomed in limited numbers, based on safe pandemic practices. However, more recently the infectious threat of the Omicron variant has required the Center to close again for day visitors, until it appears safe to reopen again. (Overnight visitors, in limited numbers, may continue their stays with strict Covid precautions as before.)

On the other hand, a lot of work which might have interfered with the quality of overnight guests' experience was able to be accomplished. Far from idle, the staff has been working hard to maintain and improve the Center environment from many perspectives, including major building repairs and maintenance, new safety measures and equipment, significant improvements in the software and procedures the staff and administration use internally, vastly expanding communication with the world-wide Baba family, and creating and implementing many diverse virtual meetings for the Baba community, to mention a few of the areas of work and accomplishment.

Attached to this letter is a detailed listing of the more specific tasks and projects undertaken by the staff and administration during the pandemic. It's pretty amazing! Those of you who are interested will find the details in this attachment.

As Baba wills, at some point in the future we will be able to move forward to fully opening a physically renewed Meher Spiritual Center, which continues to host, as He intended, Meher Baba's Presence for all to experience.

Much love to each of you, in Beloved Avatar Meher Baba's Love,

The Meher Spiritual Center Board of Directors,

Ananda Jones, Andy Lesnik, Anna Lena Phillips Bell, Bob Ahrens, Bruce Felknor, Bruce Kelsey, Buz Connor, Caran Bramlette, Daniel Stone, Linda Hansen, Johanna Gard'ner, Pamela Goodrum

Meher Center, 10200 North Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29572
Work at Meher Center: March 2020 thru December 2021

 Completed and Ongoing Maintenance Projects      
  • Playground: Ongoing rebuilding of playground structures. Small structure completed, large structure in process.
  • Lagoon Cabin: Painted exterior trim and windows.
  • Bungalow: Painted exterior.
  • Refectory: Refinished dining room floor, painted interior kitchen walls, replaced refrigerator. Replaced entryway steps and ramp and made deck repairs.
  • Painted inside of recreation room. Painted outside of recreation room/linen room.
  • Green Cabin: Rebuilt all entryway steps.
  • Meeting Place: Replaced ceiling. Floor will be replaced. Installed new heating and air conditioning system. All duct work under building removed.
  • Lake Cabin, Near and Far Cabins, Caretaker’s Cabin, Lantern, and Log Cabin: Each cabin was raised and excavated underneath to create a crawl space for future repairs, foundations around the cabins replaced, wiring and plumbing renewed when reconnected. Re-did the plantings and ground elevations.
  • Boat House: Rebuilt decks and steps, replaced the supporting poles under the boathouse structure and decking.
  • Cedar Nook: Replaced all porch screening and lattice.
  • Lakeview Kitchen: Painted and repaired all the windows.
  • Lake: Pumped out accumulated dead algae from the area around the boathouse and along the yellow barrier. Yellow barrier removed. 
  • Guest House: Painted exterior trim, made extensive porch repairs after storm damage. 
  • Painted and repaired the exterior of the Arbor and dish room.
  • Cove 1 & 2: Replaced wall paneling and rewired. Refinished floors and painted throughout.
  • Library: Repaired termite damage and replaced the flooring in the main library. Painted the porch.
  • Laurel Oak 1 & 2: Replaced all the handrails.
  • Dilruba: Added strategic grounded outlets. Installed dehumidifying system. Added an attic fan. 
  • Maintenance garage: Replaced the roofing.
  • Painted interior and exterior of Gateway and Gatekeepers’ Cabin. 
  • Ongoing maintenance of grounds and roads. Pruned all emergency access roadways to maintain large vehicle access. Cleared a section of the main drainage ditch.  
  • Replaced 900 feet of fence on Land’s End property line with 8 ft. chain link fence.
  • Completion of fill project in the wet areas along the Land’s End boundary.
  • Added new sliding chain link gates at front entrance to secure the Center at night.
  • Resurfaced the Center’s paved front entrance.
  • Completed fire mitigation landscaping on the Center grounds, including cutting along Star Lake. 

Security and Emergency Teams

  • Finalized the Center’s security plan with the board.
  • Continued implementation of security measures: upgrading fences, gates, video surveillance and security procedures. 
  • Updated all emergency procedures. 


  • Contacted each Center retreat guest to cancel reservations from March-May 2020 when the Center closed down, March 2020.
  • Went to skeleton crew: three staffers "sheltered in place" for some time, one shifted to Cabin Crew and then to Inside Evening/Overnight Caretaker. Barbara moved to Gateway from Dilruba and we maintained two people at Gateway every day. 
  •  Interior painting of entire Gateway was done Summer 2020—first refresh since opening Gateway in 2000. Exterior painting done on Gateway and Gatekeepers' Cabin over the next months.
  • Rearranged Reservation/Registration office to visually access interior roadway. 
  • racked Covid information coming out of CDC and state DHEC, Johns Hopkins, NYT, CovidNow, etc. Sent talking points and articles to Buz, Barbara, Geri (HR). Horry County weekly case count data has been/is sent in chart form to staff and working volunteers every week. 
  • Keren took the lead for the Center and worked with consultants to install a new cloud-based computer software system and migrate the Gateway's existing database for our mailing list and accounts receivable. In addition, a new computerized system for overnight reservations was created, using the same cloud-based system. The project became fully operational summer 2021, just in time to begin using it with overnight reservations for the October reopening for overnight guests. 
  • Preeti, working from home, is on the jumpstarted Media Team and works with Gateway as the Center’s Volunteer Coordinator for tours, reception, and Gateway evening volunteers. 
  • Gateway team worked on drafting, editing, and proofreading many of the documents put out by the Center during 2020-21 related to staff and volunteer communications (notices, schedules, meeting plans, summaries of meetings, protocol changes), Covid information and guidelines for visitors and guests, general information about Center operations, etc.—all of which needed frequent adjustments as pandemic conditions evolved.
  • All Center teams were involved in preparing for outdoor visits starting Oct. 16, 2020. Over thirty local people joined a volunteer team to help with this initial opening of the Center grounds. We held meetings for training and discussion several times during the following months, as Covid conditions changed, in order to keep the procedures in line with safety guidelines. At present, day visitors continue to call Gateway to register ahead of their visit, and are checked in by outdoor volunteers at the inner green gate. This day visiting process has been maintained for three hours every afternoon since October 2020. 
  • All international Baba lovers on the mailing list contacted to request they go paperless.
  • Organized and executed intake and Covid testing for 2021 Youth Sahavas.
  • Began offering tours again, with the help of trained volunteers, in July 2021. We had collected six pages of drop-in people who wanted to have a tour, during the early months of the Center’s closure and after we opened for day visitors in October 2020. Those people were all contacted in July 2021 and provided an opportunity to come for a tour. Tours continue to be requested and offered almost every day of the week.
  • Dean Mendoza joined Gateway staff late August 2021, moving over from maintenance, just as we all started learning the new software Salesforce and our new Scheduler. His help was very needed as the Gateway began to prepare for opening in October 2021 for overnight guests.
  • Prepared for and executed 2021 "lottery," placing 205 guests on the schedule between October 1 and January 2. We are now sending with each reservation confirmation our Covid guidelines (updated as needed) and Meher Center Directives.
  • Opened October 1, 2021, to overnight guests at reduced capacity (accommodating one person/family/pod per bathroom).
  • Now preparing end-of-year data (spreadsheets and charts). 

Cabin Crew

  • Intensive cleaning/mold remediation throughout the Center, on-going.
  • Heavy duty restoration cleaning on cabins that had been up on blocks for several months. 
  • Purchased and distributed 31 new mattresses, 32 mattress pads, 59 wool blankets.
  • Extensive Youth Sahavas preparations and clean up, given Covid precautions.
  • Designing initial supplies/strategies for disinfecting areas for staff (bathrooms, work areas).
  • Same needed adjustments when day visiting started. 
  • And, finally, opening preparations for overnight guests.

Finance/HR department

  • Set up all financial functions to work remotely, given ongoing Covid circumstances.
  • Made the move to a more "paperless" environment for Quickbooks (a PDF of all invoices are electronically attached to payments).
  • 2 PPP Loans successfully applied for and received.
  • First Draw - $163,827
  • Second Draw - $231,917 
  • Transfer 403B Plan from a Pooled Plan to a Participant Directed Plan.
  • Revamped investment structure. 
  • Consolidated our operating accounts. 
  • Current Property and Liability carrier canceled our coverage which resulted in an extensive renewal process for the coverage.
  • Involved in transition and coordination of Gateway software. 
  • Accounting Processes not changed for Income and Expenses: 
  • Monthly and Ad Hoc Financial Reports created 
  • All insurance policies renewed
  • Taxes filed 
  • Budgets monitored for 2021 and created for 2022
  • Work with Phoenix Renaissance nonprofit providing community support continues

Head Librarian
  • An inventory of approximately 6,000 books was completed. 
  • A number of books were repaired.
  • Many new donations in all categories were added, and numerous Meher Baba books were replaced with new copies that had been donated.   
  • Also, the Library and Reading Room have been open for visitors and Center guests from 2 to 5 p.m. every day, from October 1st 2020 to the present, with a volunteer librarian on duty to assist with checking out books, answering questions, etc.

Programming Team

  • Programming Team has provided audio and video recordings from the Center’s collection to the Media Team for the Weekly Offerings and monthly Newsletters that are sent out by email to the Center family.
  • Has provided planning, preparation and management for Saturday afternoon outdoor gatherings at the Center’s playground, weather permitting, during the past several months, offering music, story-telling and sharing.
  • Has continued to focus on creating more audio and visual materials from the Center’s collection for weekend programs when the Center is fully reopened.

Media Team

  • Created ways to strengthen ties with the larger Baba community.
  • Started weekly offerings, expanding from once a month, which have included:
  • Current updates from the Center.
  • Sharing Meher Center’s audio and video archives.
  • Presenting videos of music, poetry, talks, jokes, articles and dance from Baba followers from all over the world.
  • Presenting films of Baba and close disciples.
  • Sharing written articles on topics including the Western women Mandali, Meher Center staff, new visitors and historical information.
  • Beginning the Family Letters series.
  • Helped plan and implement virtual Sahavases: 
  • 2020 Youth Sahavas
  • 2020 Young Adult Sahavas
  • 2020 Holiday Sahavas
  • 2021 Amartithi Program
  • 2021 Baba’s Birthday Program
  • 2021 Young Adult Sahavas
  • 2021 Holiday Sahavas
  • Helped the Executive Director and board with announcements and letters.
  • Currently In the process of revamping the entire website, while maintaining the current website.
  • Created and maintained live-streaming of the Lagoon Cabin, Baba’s House and Long Lake.
  • Collected archival content from the world-wide Baba family for our offerings.
  • Created a documentary on the Youth Sahavas.