Weekly eBulletin - February 14th, 2021
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Last week Bishop Oscar Cantu gave us the green light to resume indoor worship after the Supreme Court’s decision affirming our right to do so. The faithful of our Diocese and throughout California received the news with great joy. It was a surprise and a wonderful gift.
This weekend, we are all ready to go back inside the Father’s House, the church, to worship and to celebrate our God who continues to be with us. However, just before noon on Thursday, February 11th, Santa Clara County announced the U.S. District Court temporarily suspended its Monday emergency Order, concluding that the County’s continued prohibition on all indoor gatherings- including indoor religious services – could remain in place for the time being. Read more...
Like last year, observance of the Lenten season is being modified because of the pandemic. Chances are Holy Week will also be celebrated in a nuanced way. To start our Lenten journey, please join us for our Lenten series-Through the Desert with Jesus. More information below.
God Bless,
Fr. Ritche
Our 2021 Annual Diocesan Appeal is doing well. To date: we have collected $162,630 in pledges; that is 61% of our diocesan goal. There are already 209 families that have participated.
Please prayerfully consider pledging to this year’s appeal to donate click here. To donate via text, text ADA to 408-317-0990. To donate via QR code, open your camera app and focus on the image on the right. If you are unable to pledge, please pray for the success of the campaign. Thank you so much for your generous support.
#BuildTheFuture: Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe ( Ash Wednesday, February 17))
The Lenten season is an invitation to assist others who are in need. This year, many parishes will be taking up the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe (CCEE) on Ash Wednesday, February 17. By participating in the CCEE collection, you answer that invitation by helping our brothers and sisters in Central and Eastern Europe rebuild and strengthen the Church after 70 years of communist rule. To donate, click here.
Mass Times: 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm (livestreamed)
Confession: 4:00pm-4:45pm
9:30am: (livestreamed) and 11:30am
Ash Wednesday Masses (February 17th)
8:30am: In-person and Livestream Mass
12:00pm: In-person Liturgy of the Word
5:00pm: In-person Mass
Please review this video as we shift back to indoor mass. Outdoor seats will also be available for all who would like to remain outside. Please note that communion will be different; please stay at your seat and Priests will approach you with the Eucharist. Watch video here…
Distribution of Ashes on Ash Wednesday (February 17)
We have received the following instructions from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop (USCCB) Committee on Divine Worship regarding Ash Wednesday in 2021 to be adopted in our parishes, schools, and institutions. Read more...
CRS Rice Bowls
During Lent, our community will participate in the CRS Rice Bowl Program. Your Lenten sacrifices can help families around the world overcome the challenges of hunger and poor nutrition. Please pick up your bowl after Mass, or to donate online click here.
Through the Desert with Jesus
It’s easy to think this is just another Lent. But we know it’s different. Our lives are completely different from last year. WE are completely different. Let’s answer the call of the Spirit into the Desert with Jesus this Lent, opening to the transformation that awaits us in Easter. Save the dates and register here.
Fridays During Lent: 2/19, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26
- 8:30am Mass will be followed by Eucharistic Adoration at 9:00am (livestreamed).
Stations of the Cross at 7pm via Zoom - sign up here
Please Pray For:
Kara Labiaga
Mason Williams
Ted Buszkiewicz
Self-Care During a Global Pandemic
Taking care of YOU so you can care for others
“I’m over it!” We hear you! It’s common to feel stressed or anxious during this extended pandemic. Check out our list of suggestions for taking care of YOU! Read more...
Happy Valentine’s Day!
While this holiday focuses on a particular aspect of love, please be reminded that there are various types of love aside from the ‘romantic’ love. The greatest love of all is the unconditional love that God has for us…the ‘agape’ love. So celebrate and enjoy the love that God has for us today!
3sixty High School Ministry
Our next 3sixty is on Sunday, February 14th at 7:00pn on Zoom. Join us for a special evening with a theme suited for the date!
Food Distribution
In Santa Clara County, the need to help with the food distribution is being met by Catholic Charities and Second Harvest Food Bank. Food distribution from church parking lots continues but there is a need for volunteers every week. Parishioners from Holy Spirit are helping but more are needed. To find out more, click here.
Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass 2021
Registration is OPEN for the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass! The Mass will be “drive-in” style at the Shrine of Our Lady of Peace Church on February 27th at 10:00am.
Holy Spirit Parish
1200 Redmond Avenue
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-5101