Western Ontario Drama League (WODL)
From Mona Brennan-Coles - President of WODL - president@wodl.on.ca

I know I am rushing spring but after the last few days of shoveling wet snow, I’m ready for spring now!
WODL General Meeting – Sunday, February 21, 2021

Thank you to all who were able to attend our February General Meeting via Zoom. It was great to see everyone virtually. For me it was a bittersweet meeting because we weren’t gathered together to learn the results of the pre-Festival adjudications followed by in-Festival productions touring the facility and buying tickets.

  • We remembered Laura Jean McCann who died on February 13, 2021. Laura Jean was active with several WODL theatre companies in a variety of roles – actor, director, musician, consultant. I will particularly miss her smile and joie de vivre and always be grateful for her recruiting me to job share with her as the Area Vice-President for Elgin-Middlesex-Perth.

  • Peter Busby, Treasurer, reported that WODL continues to have liquidity and stability in its financial affairs.

  • Ken Menzies, Adjudications Chair, reported that both the pre-Festival and Festival adjudicators have ties to Guelph so they are excited that WODL Festival 2022 is hosted by Guelph Little Theatre.

  • Tricia Ward, Communications Coordinator, reminded us that the deadline for submitting information to be included in the March 2021 newsletter is February 28, 2021. Tricia encouraged everyone to share what they are doing.

  • Mary Jane Walzak, Webmaster, formally launched the new WODL website – the soft launch was a few weeks ago. Please provide any feedback including suggestions for content, layout, etc. to Mary Jane at webmaster@wodl.on.ca.

  • WODL Archives – Bev Dietrich continues to collect WODL archives and prepare them to go to the University of Guelph. This will be an open collection available for WODL to borrow from as needed. Because of this, multiple copies are welcome so please reach out to Bev at bev@wodl.on.ca if you have anything to contribute.

Guest Speaker

Brandon Moore was once again our guest speaker. 

Brandon was formerly Community Theatre and Communications Manager at Theatre Ontario and has served for over fifteen years as a member of the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development Advisory Committee for Live Performance.

Because the committee’s guidelines were accepted by the Ministry on Friday February 19, 2021, Brandon was able to give us an overview. He will be providing more detail including links to download the document in the March newsletter.

Draft Minutes

If you would like a copy of the draft minutes of this meeting, please contact the WODL Secretary at secretary@wodl.on.ca.
What’s Next for WODL?

Virtual Demonstrations

The WODL Festival 2020 committee arranged with Off the Wall, Stratford Artists Alliance (Off the Wall), www.stratfordoffthewall.com, to provide two workshops (Make-up, Faux Food) during Festival week. To celebrate theatre in WODL and to gather virtually at a time when we can’t gather in person for Festival 2021, WODL is presenting the following virtual demonstrations via WODL Zoom at no cost to you. We can accommodate a maximum of 80 people. If more than 80 people register, we will create a waiting list.

  • Faux Food Demonstration with Michelle Jamieson on Saturday March 13, 2021 from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.

  • Makeup Demonstration with Georgia Steele on Saturday March 20, 2021 from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.

For more information, including how to register, please go to wodl.on.ca/workshops-training.

Your Area VPs Can Help You

Please reach out to your area VP if:

  • your theatre company would like to use the WODL Zoom account. While several groups are already using our Zoom account, there is lots of open times for meetings.

  • you have questions and/or ideas of how WODL can support your theatre group.

The contact information for the area VPs is:

Save the Date – WODL AGM 2021

Our Annual General Meeting is at 11:00 am on Sunday August 8, 2021 via Zoom unless it is possible to meet in person.  

Brandon Moore will be our guest and provide further updates from the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development's Advisory Committee for Live Performance.

Take care. Stay safe. I am enjoying the inventive ways we are finding to keep theatre alive in our communities and planning for turning out the Ghost Light and welcoming audiences into our theatres.  
