In the Flow
District news & updates
24 March 2023 Update
In this Issue:
  • Klamath Union High School Students win awards for documentaries
  • Upcoming Events
  • Related Political Issues Destroying our Communities
  • Dam Removal Litigation Analysis by Judge David Kaster
  • 2023 Irrigation Season UPDATE
  • News stories impacting our communities
  • Funding Opportunities and News / Press Releases
  • Recently published interactive Story Maps
Klamath Union High School Students Win Awards
The following is a press release from C-SPAN.

WASHINGTON - On Wednesday, C-SPAN announced that students at Klamath Union High School in Klamath Falls, Oregon are honorable mention prize winners in C-SPAN’s national 2023 StudentCam competition.

Cassidy Bogatay will receive $250 for the documentary, “Water: Beauty of the Basin,” about endangered species. Mia Hidden will receive $250 for the documentary, “Flowers that Fly - Saving the Monarchs,” about climate change and habitat loss. 
C-SPAN StudentCam 2023 Honorable Mention - Water: Beauty ...

C-SPAN StudentCam 2023 Honorable Mention - Water: Beauty of the Basin

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C-SPAN StudentCam 2023 Honorable Mention - Flowers that...

C-SPAN StudentCam 2023 Honorable Mention - Flowers that Fly: Saving the Monarchs

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Oregon State University Extension Center
Nelsen, Berit
Sign up for Drought/Heat Mitigation Interviews

Interview spots are blocked for one hour but are frequently shorter than this allotted time. Expect at least a half hour.
Building a More Resilient Oregon

The OSU Statewide Public Service Programs (OSU Statewides), including the Ag Experiment Station, Extension Service, Forest Research Lab, are embedded in every county in the state. Together, we aim to serve all Oregonians by integrating research...

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Contact Your Legislator | The Beaver Caucus

The Beaver Caucus website has updated a form letter so folks can sign this in support of the Statewides and have it go directly to their representative.

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Related Political Issues Effecting Our Communities
Secretary of the Interior visits Klamath Basin

Oregon's U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley welcomed U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland to Oregon to tour historic investments the Department is making to bolster wildfire resilience, the outdoor recreation economy, and the Klamath Basin.

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Paul Simmons with Klamath Water Users Association writes:

       Secretary Haaland, accompanied by Senator Merkley, spent much of Saturday, March 18 in Klamath County. One of the stops was the Klamath Project; this included time at the KWUA office and at the A Canal headworks. 

             Gene Souza presented the A Canal-related slides from the attached, doing so at the A Canal headworks rather than in the office, and did a great job talking to the Secretary about those challenges and needs.

             The Secretary (and the Senator) were attentive and took notes. There were few questions other than from Senator Merkley. We will be following up on this meeting during our visit to D.C. next week.

Others in attendance at this meeting included multiple DOI staff, staff from Senator Merkley, Senator Wyden, and Representative Bentz’s offices, all three Klamath County Commissioners, two Supervisors from each of Modoc and Siskiyou Counties, and individuals from Farmers Conservation Alliance.

             The other locations that the Secretary and Senator visited were Crater Lake, Klamath Tribes (in Chiloquin), Barnes / Agency Ranches, and the sucker-rearing facility in Lower Klamath.

Yurok Tribe files amended motion to curtail and take control of the Klamath Reclamation Project undermining the Klamath Adjudication.
Amy Cordalis (Yurok Tribal Counsel) and Patti Goldman (Earth Justice) claim "This Supplemental Complaint challenges the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Klamath Project January 2023 Temporary Operating Procedure...Mismanagement of the Klamath Project has severely diminished the Tribe’s
ability to exercise its reserved fishing rights...

NMFS concluded that the 2021 and 2022
TOPs would not cause adverse effects on SONCC Coho Salmon and Southern Resident Killer Whales beyond what NMFS considered in the 2019 Biological Opinion.

This Supplemental Complaint challenges the 2023 TOP for violating the ESA because: (1) Reclamation has not engaged in ESA Section 7(a)(2) consultation with NMFS on going below mandatory Klamath River minimum flows; and (2) implementation of the 2023 TOP is likely to cause and in fact has already caused the unlawful take of threatened SONCC Coho Salmon by desiccating salmon redds, the depressions where female salmon lay their eggs, and diminishing rearing habitat for young salmon in early spring.

This Supplemental Complaint also challenges the 2023 TOP for failing to provide the mandatory minimum flows required by the 2019 Plan and IOP. In addition, the Supplemental Complaint challenges Reclamation’s Finding of No Significant Impact (“FONSI”) and Supplemental Environmental Assessment (Supplemental “EA”) prepared on the 2023 TOP under the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) because they are arbitrary and capricious and contrary to the record before Reclamation.

In addition to seeking declaratory relief as to these claims, the Yurok Tribe asks the Court to issue an injunction prohibiting Reclamation from delivering water for irrigation unless it can meet its full ESA obligations to SONCC Coho Salmon and Southern Resident Killer Whales as set out in the 2019 NMFS Biological Opinion, 2019 Plan, and IOP, and have sufficient water in UKL at the end of the water year to meet such obligations the following year."


WHEREFORE, plaintiffs (Yurok Tribe) respectfully request that this Court:

A. Declare that Reclamation is in violation of Section 7 of the ESA because it has adopted and is implementing the 2023 TOP without completing formal consultation and/or
because Reclamation and NMFS have not completed reinitiated formal consultation on
operations of the Klamath Project that allow Klamath River flows to go below the mandatory minimum flows in the 2019 Biological Opinion and the 2019 Plan;

B. Declare that Reclamation’s reduction of Klamath River flows below the minimum flows in the 2019 Biological Opinion and 2019 Plan is reasonably certain to cause the take of threatened SONCC Coho Salmon in violation of Section 9 of the ESA;

C. Declare that the 2023 TOP is arbitrary and capricious and violates Reclamation’s 2019 Plan as amended by the IOP, in violation of the Reclamation Act of 1905 and the APA, 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A);

D. Issue an injunction prohibiting Reclamation from delivering water for irrigation unless Reclamation can meet its full ESA obligations to SONCC Coho Salmon and Southern Resident Killer Whales, including providing at least the Biological Opinion’s minimum flows every month of the year, allocating water to and distributing water from the Environmental Water Account in accordance with the 2019 Biological Opinion, providing enhanced flows in accordance with the 2019 Biological Opinion, providing augmentation flows in accordance with
the IOP, and providing a full surface flushing flow complying with the provisions of the 2019
Biological Opinion;

E. Further prohibit Reclamation from delivering water for irrigation unless it UKL will have an elevation of 4139.2 feet on September 30th, while complying with 2019 NMFS Biological Opinion and IOP, to ensure that UKL will refill over the fall-winter to levels needed for Reclamation to meet its full ESA obligations to SONCC Coho Salmon and Southern Resident Killer Whales;

F. Declare that Reclamation’s Supplemental EA and FONSI are arbitrary, capricious, and contrary to NEPA in violation of the APA, 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A); G. Award plaintiffs their reasonable fees, expenses, costs, and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees associated with this litigation under the ESA, 16 U.S.C. § 1540(g)(4), and the Equal Access to Justice Act 28 U.S.C. § 2412; and

H. Grant plaintiffs such further and additional relief as the Court may deem just and
Current federal policies export poverty and hunger to other nations!
The Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife, and Fisheries has come to order. Earlier this week the subcommittee focused on the Endangered Species Act and its implementation. Watch the informative video below

Representative Hageman's questions need to be answered.

Dr. Servheen does a number of tap-dances to avoid answering questions directly. It is clear from Dr. Servheen's testimony that measures of effectiveness and measures of performance are not being implemented by those responsible for the ESA.
230321 Meet with Your Legislators

The Oregon Legislature’s Joint Ways and Means Committee has scheduled a series of public hearings on the state budget. This is an exciting opportunity for you to meet with your legislators, talk about your district, and communicate your needs.

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Trade Groups Can Intervene To Fight EPA Water Rule - Law360

Eighteen trade groups can intervene in a suit brought by dozens of states seeking to challenge a new rule expanding the Biden administration's authority under the Clean Water Act, a North Dakota federal judge ruled, saying they have established...

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No California salmon: Fishery to be shut down this year

Most summer mornings at first light, Jared Davis is a few miles west of the Golden Gate Bridge, motoring his charter fishing boat Salty Lady over the Pacific Ocean. His eyes sweep the horizon, looking for diving birds, but mostly he watches the...

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Why California's drought is not over

For those who live in those rural communities, it’s almost impossible to understand. Farmers and ranchers feel like our government is about to throw away the world’s best food production system, at a time when our country and the planet will need...

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$250 million proposal tests lawmakers' appetite for...

SALEM - Supporters of a $250 million "water security" package are betting Oregon's lawmakers haven't lost their appetite for water-related investments, despite spending heftily on drought relief two years ago. The newly-introduced legislation...

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Dam Removal Litigation Update
While Judge Kaster does not address the destruction of Chinook salmon spawning grounds across 190 miles in the Lower Klamath River for a period estimated to extend beyond 8 years, totally decimating at least 2 cohorts of Chinook salmon, he does capture a number of items worth further analysis.

Kaster writes, "But before I throw in the towel, I want to alert you to a quirky little “David vs. Goliath” lawsuit presently winding its way through the Siskiyou County Superior Court, called ANTHONY INTISO VS. THE STATE OF CALIFORNA, Case #22CV00609. I have been tracking this case since it was first filed, and wrote about it last December: ANOTHER DAM MYSTERY – Bob Kaster"
Work gets under way on America's largest-ever river...

US contractor Kiewit and South African civil engineer Knight Piesold have begun preliminary works on the Klamath River Renewal Project, the largest of its kind in American history.

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Ground Has Been Broken on Klamath River Restoration, the ...

In a monumental step that's taken decades to achieve, work has officially begun on the world's largest-ever dam-removal project. This complex endeavor will entail both removal of the four dams that comprise the Lower Klamath Hydropower Project,...

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2023 Irrigation Season Outlook
Reclamation directs a delay in irrigation deliveries and diversions of water from Upper Klamaath Lake.
OWRD issues curtailment orders directing non-Klamath Reclamation Project and other junior water users that no water is currently available.
Reclamation's Latest Hydrology Update
Although the Klamath Basin is receiving near average snowpack, precipitation this water year has been below average yet again. Inflows to Upper Klamath Lake continue to underperform and set 118 year record lows. All while excessive flows are demanded to be released over the natural Keno reef by downriver stakeholders claiming biased science demands it.

Reclamation issues projections for this irrigation season which does not model irrigation deliveries prior to 1 May 2023.

The Good Lord giveth...and the government taketh away...
Reclamation's 28 February 2023 letter to Districts - no water currently available

"This letter is to notify you that water is currently unavailable from Upper Klamath Lake (UKL) and the Klamath River for irrigation purposes for all irrigators within the Klamath Project (Project) for the reasons further explained below. Accordingly, you and/or your district are hereby directed to delay diversions of water from UKL and the Klamath River until further notice. At this time, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) anticipates this delay to be at least through May 1, 2023."

Reclamation response to K.I.D.'s 2023 water up plan.

"All districts, including KID, have a standing direction to delay diversions of water for any purpose, including water-up, from UKL and the Klamath River until further notice. At this time, Reclamation anticipates that the earliest availability of water supply from the Klamath Project would be May 1, 2023. Reclamation cannot at this time predict the exact date, or in what quantity, Klamath Project supplies will become available. Accordingly, we request that KID alter its plan to acknowledge a potential delay in Klamath Project water supply beyond May 1."

Prior to the development of the Klamath Reclamation Project, Lower Klamath Lake covered over 88,600 acres which evaporated at least 3 feet of water per acre per year (or no less than 264,900 acre-feet of water every year), the Lost River Slough overflow took thousands of acre-feet of water away from the Klamath River in wet years, the Lost River never spilled into the Klamath River, and the natural Keno reef impounded the waters maintaining the Lower Klamath Lake in the Klamath basin above Keno until water volumes allowed the lake to rise enough to spill. See the 1917 map below showing the water levels as the Tule Lake was being dewatered and the railroad dike constructed across the Lower Klamath Lake.

How much of the water that naturally evaporated from Lower Klamath Lake will Klamath Reclamation Project irrigators have access to this year? Well, it is all based upon a model with numerous flaws and biases...but current estimates indicate the volume will be less than the minimum of 264,900 acre-feet that would have naturally evaporated from Lower Klamath Lake.

Will the volume of water be enough to get our refuges healthy and prevent botulism this fall? Unlikely as they have been turned into a desert over the past 25 years of biased science; the refuges will take at least 3x the amount of time and water to fix what has been done to destroy them.
In the coming weeks, Oregon Water Resources Department will begin regulating junior surface water right holders in the Klamath Basin to protect senior instream determined claims. A recent federal court ruling provided guidance to the Department with respect to water releases from Upper Klamath Lake (UKL).  This year, regulation of 12 additional junior water rights that divert from UKL or tributaries to the lake will occur, including users on Fourmile Creek.

In previous years, the Klamath Tribes have routinely submitted calls in early March and November requesting regulation of junior water rights to protect their senior instream determined claims. The Watermaster staff in the Klamath Basin have regulated off junior users of surface water since 2013, on streams such as the Wood River, Crooked Creek, and the Sprague and Williamson Rivers. The Tribal calls for regulation often include a call on determined claim KA 622, which protects lake elevations in Upper Klamath Lake. Previously, the Water Resources Department has not validated the call on UKL elevations due to releases of water from UKL at the Link River Dam.
Oregon Water Resources Department begins regulation on more water users, to include Medford and Talent draws from the Klamath Watershed
Pursuant to the recent federal court ruling, the Department will validate the call for determined claim KA 622 and will send regulation orders out to junior water right holders in early March 2023. The Department wanted to make you aware of this change in water management and regulation in the region.
There are approximately one dozen junior water rights that are subject to regulation (and have not been regulated in the past) to protect the KA 622 determined claim on UKL. Two irrigation districts in the Rogue Basin, the Medford Irrigation District and the Rogue River Valley Irrigation District hold junior water rights to store water in Fourmile Lake. Fourmile Lake is at the head of Fourmile Creek, which is tributary to UKL, and the storage of water in Fourmile Lake normally occurs during the fall and winter. The Districts then convey the stored water out of the Klamath Basin into the Rogue Basin for irrigation use. Regulation notices to junior users are anticipated to be issued in March 2023. As these 12 water rights have not been regulated in the past, the Water Resources Department wanted to make you aware.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 971-283-6010 or by email at
Klamath Basin farmers still hoping for water despite...

klamath county has seen massive amounts of rain and snow over the past few months.that might mean for the many farmers who live and grow in the basinits been th

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Update from Family Farm Alliance
News Stories Impacting our Communities
Food Security is National Security!
Economic impact of agriculture, food sector increases

Food and agricultural industries and their suppliers contribute more than $8.6 trillion to the U.S. economy - nearly one-fifth of the total national output, according to the seventh annual "Feeding the Economy" report. Nearly one-fifth of all...

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Klamath River - Upper - CA Fish Report - Klamath River - ...

January is in the books and February is in it's second week, Winter Steelhead fishing on the Klamath continues to produce fantastic fishing days and tons of smiles. I have been mixing up the fishing methods with my clients, we have...

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Agriculture needs to step up to safeguard future

With "outsiders" gaining more influence and promoting the idea the food system is broken, many farmers are concerned about who will call the shots for agriculture in the future, an industry adviser and author says.

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Washington Farms grow native plants for Klamath...

MOSES LAKE, Wash. - The largest dam removal project in U.S. history is about more than just tearing down four hydroelectric dams. After years of careful planning, crews are now laying the groundwork to raze J.C.

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Federal researchers say two widely used pesticides harm...

Federal researchers have found that two widely used pesticides significantly harms endangered Northwest salmon and steelhead species. The opinion could lead to a change in where and how the pesticides can be used.

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Oregon company recalls frozen strawberries linked to...

GRESHAM, Ore. - A Portland-area fruit processor is recalling frozen strawberries sold at several stores, including Costco and Trader Joe's, linked to recent cases of hepatitis A. Scenic Fruit Co., of Gresham, Ore., issued the recall on March 16...

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California strawberry, raspberry farmers fear massive...

Like so many in the fertile Pajaro Valley where livelihoods are linked to the rhythms of the growing season, Fabiola Alcaraz is anxiously eyeing the calendar as fields and equipment that deliver a bounty of beautiful red strawberries and...

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Feed industry partners with WWF on sustainability

The American Feed Industry Association and World Wildlife Fund have joined forces working with corporate partners to implement sustainable practices and decrease the environmental impacts of feed production. WWF and the association's Institute...

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NOAA's spring outlook sees drought spreading in Northwest

Drought will worsen or develop in Oregon, Idaho and Washington over the next three months, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's spring outlook issued March 16. Waves of atmospheric rivers tracked to the south this...

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Feds want justices to end Navajo fight for Colorado...

States that rely on water from the over-tapped Colorado River want the U.S. Supreme Court to block a lawsuit from the Navajo Nation that could upend how water is shared in the Western U.S. The tribe doesn't have enough water and says that the...

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Crop, rangeland losses nearly double in 2022

Economists at the American Farm Bureau Federation estimate major weather disasters caused $21.5 billion in damage to crops and rangeland last year, well above the $12.5 billion in damage reported in 2021. The estimates do not include...

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Funding Opportunities and News / Press Releases
Merkley, Wyden: $15 Million Available for more Klamath Basin Restoration Projects 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Now Accepting Round Two of Restoration Proposals for Klamath Basin
March 7, 2023
Oregon’s U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden today announced the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has released another $15 million for restoration activities in the Klamath Basin and has begun accepting project grant proposals from the community. This second round of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding for the Klamath Basin—which is set to total $162 million over five years—is intended to invest in projects and activities that support or will help improve rivers, lakes, wetlands, and their associated riparian habitats, which historically supported millions of fish and waterbirds.
As Chairman of the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, Merkley secured this pool of $162 million dedicated specifically for Klamath Basin restoration projects in the bipartisan infrastructure law.
“Everyone in the Klamath Basin was deeply impacted from the worst drought in recent history in 2021, and I’ve pushed to make sure the federal government steps in to help,” said Senator Merkley. “As Chairman of the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, I secured $162 million specifically for the Klamath Basin intended to help expand ongoing fish and habitat recovery efforts and water quality improvements in the Klamath Basin. With this second funding opportunity, I encourage Tribes, farmers, fishermen and others to pitch their best ideas and take advantage of this historic opportunity. I will continue to use my position on the Appropriations Committee to make a difference, and support efforts by the Basin and all of Oregon to prepare and respond to more frequent and severe droughts caused by climate chaos.”
“Fighting the drought slamming the Klamath Basin demands a robust response providing a full menu of options so everybody in the region can weather this crisis,” said Wyden, Chair of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee. “This $15 million funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law I worked to pass stands out as a key piece of that urgently needed response. I look forward to the best local solutions emerging to capitalize on this newly available federal investment, and I’ll keep battling to secure similar investments for the families and small businesses in the Basin to allow them to survive this climate catastrophe and to prosper.”
USFWS invites restoration project proposals from Tribes, local and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, and other conservation partners who are committed to finding long-term solutions that will move the Basin forward.
Project proposals must demonstrate how planned restoration activity will improve conditions and achieve habitat restoration for native fish and other aquatic species throughout the Klamath Basin. Applicants are encouraged to submit project proposals that seek out or build upon opportunities for collaboration with other conservation partners in the Klamath Basin.
Senator Merkley has also used his position on the Appropriations Committee, along with Senator Wyden as a senior member of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, time and again over the years to fight for funding as the Klamath Basin has faced severe drought challenges, including:
·   $55 million for the Klamath Project Drought Response Agency to help respond to drought conditions in 2021 and 2022
·   $35.4 million for the Klamath River Basin to expand efforts to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire
·   $32 million for the Fremont-Winema National Forest to help recover from the Bootleg Fire, which Merkley secured as part of the 2021 disaster supplemental
·   $82 million in funding for the U.S. Fish and Wildfire Services to support habitat restoration and fish recovery efforts since Fiscal Year 2020, through annual appropriations and previous BIL investments
·   $5 million in the FY22 Energy and Water Appropriations bill to modernize the Klamath Project
·   $2 million in the FY22 Interior Appropriations bill for Klamath County to modernize the Wood River Irrigation District
Pre-proposals should be submitted no later than April 14, 2023, to

Review our complete list of cash incentives available for irrigation equipment. Stop by booth #1304 at the Central Oregon Ag Show for more information. Give us a call at 1-866-202-0576 or email at for more information...

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This Week at Interior March 24, 2023
Secretary Haaland highlights the Biden-Harris administration's investments in water access and infrastructure at a United Nations conference;
This Week: The President announces two new national monuments at the White House Conservation in Action Summit; Interior and the Defense Department partner to enhance outdoor access; Interior and its federal partners announce the first-ever whole-of-government Ocean Climate Action Plan;

the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks highlights investments in infrastructure and historic preservation in Alabama;

the Bureau of Reclamation announces the latest construction contract for the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project; and an adorable baby desert tortoise is our social media Picture of the Week!
Merkley, Wyden Announce Nearly $38 Million Coming to Oregon for Fish and Wildlife Conservation and Outdoor Access
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden announced that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) will be awarding the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) $28,513,417 from the Wildlife Restoration fund for wildlife habitat restoration projects and research aimed to better manage wildlife species, and $9,229,182 from the Sport Fish Restoration (SFR) fund to support important fisheries, monitoring, and education programs throughout Oregon.
“As Chairman of the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, which funds the important conservation efforts of the USFWS, I understand how integral it is to protect lands and waters so the vibrant ecosystems that support countless species and enhance our lives are there for future generations,” said Merkley. “I’m pleased these federal funds will be used to manage and protect Oregon’s wildlife areas around the state, and to help Oregonians access and enjoy the great outdoors through outstanding recreation opportunities such as fishing.”
“This federal investment in our state will help to protect the wildlife that inspires Oregonians of all ages with the wonders of nature, and also supports Oregon’s world-renowned recreational offerings,” Wyden said. “I’m gratified that communities statewide will benefit from these federal resources to support fishing and the love of the outdoors that’s in Oregonians’ DNA.”
USFWS is providing over $1.6 billion through the Wildlife Restoration Program, the nation’s oldest and most successful wildlife restoration program, to support states, commonwealths and territories in their efforts to connect people with nature and conserve fish, wildlife and their habitats.
ODFW utilizes the Wildlife Restoration funds to supports the operation and maintenance of 17 wildlife areas and 7 regional habitat programs which are designed to provide technical assistance and enhance wildlife habitats on public and private lands.
ODFW also uses the SFR funds to support fisheries while ensuring wild stocks are adequately protected, to keep a finger on the pulse of several of our iconic salmon/steelhead populations, including those in the Rogue, Deschutes, Willamette, and Umpqua rivers and along the Oregon Coast, and support the Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program, which engages volunteers throughout the state in education, habitat restoration, monitoring, and fish propagation activities.
NRCS Refines Nutrient Management Strategies to Improve Conservation Outcomes
By Terry J. Cosby, Chief, Natural Resources Conservation Service
March 16, 2023
In 2022, NRCS developed a strategic operational plan to address changing trends in agriculture, enhancing our existing nutrient management conservation efforts.
For decades, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has supported producers and landowners in addressing their nutrient management and water quality concerns. We continue to refine our strategies as we learn more, including from data in a recent report on cropland conservation outcomes from our Conservation Effects Assessment Project.
This report showed that despite many wins in conservation outcomes, there was an increase in soluble nitrogen and phosphorus lost to the environment nationally over a ten-year period. This increase was due to many factors, including changing trends in production, climate, and technology. Preventing nutrients from fertilizers and other sources from entering local waters ensures that they can be utilized by crops and benefits both water quality and farmer finances. 
These findings can help NRCS more effectively support farmers nationwide by refining applied conservation to address site-specific risk for nutrient losses. In 2022, we developed a strategic operational plan to address these changing trends, enhancing our existing nutrient management conservation efforts. This plan includes promoting SMART Nutrient Management planning and highlighting the importance of comprehensive, site-specific assessment of nutrient loss risks. 
The plan also includes several science-based nutrient management and water quality strategies for improving conservation outcomes, and NRCS continues to move this work forward. To date NRCS has:
·   Updated how producers can be paid for utilizing nutrient management related practices. NRCS has allowed payments to producers for soil, source nutrient, and water testing. Testing is key to determine the proper rate of nutrient application. NRCS has also created new payment scenarios to more closely align with the technology that farmers are encouraged to adopt, including enhanced efficiency fertilizers and precision application technology, which can help ensure nutrients are available at the right time, the right rate and in the right place. 
·   Initiated development of a new mapping tool to help conservation planners identify areas on the land that can be more sensitive to nutrient loss. The Sensitive Area Analysis Tool uses soil survey data to show the areas of a field at risk for nutrient loss that can benefit from site-specific nutrient management plans and other practices that can help mitigate nutrient losses. The tool will be available for use in early 2023. Ask NRCS at your local USDA Service Center for details.
·   Updated manure testing protocols through an agreement with the University of Minnesota (Recommended Methods of Manure Analysis, Second Edition). These new testing protocols for manure testing take management practices into account and deliver more accurate values specific to the farm. These protocols will be used to update NRCS nutrient management policy including laboratory testing procedures and determination of accredited laboratories.
·   Led an effort to create four new, long-term assessments to better understand the importance of legacy (historical) sources of nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrate, as well as sediment. Effective conservation options for addressing legacy sources are being evaluated. For example, NRCS is supporting a stakeholder-driven study of a perennial grass buffer to enhance plant uptake of legacy nutrients, reduce losses and improve on-farm nutrient cycling.
These and many other efforts are continuing in 2023 and beyond. The Inflation Reduction Act is providing NRCS with an additional $19.5 billion over the next four years to help support climate-smart agricultural practices, including nutrient management. NRCS is targeting funding for nutrient management, increasing program flexibilities, and expanding partnerships to support the development and implementation of nutrient management plans. NRCS will keep partners and producers informed as we make further improvements and updates.
Biden-Harris Administration makes $30 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds available to restore and protect aquatic ecosystems
Media Contact: Peter Soeth 303.910.7473
For Release: Mar 14, 2023
A new funding opportunity from Reclamation that is being funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
WASHINGTON – The Bureau of Reclamation is making $30 million from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law available to restore and protect aquatic ecosystems. Funding will support the study, design and construction of collaboratively developed ecosystem restoration projects that provide widespread regional benefits and improve the health of fisheries, wildlife and aquatic habitat through restoration and improved fish passage. 
The investments are part of the $1 billion investment provided by the Infrastructure Law for the WaterSMART program. 
"Aquatic ecosystem restoration is a nature-based solution that helps build climate resilience and it is important that we restore and protect aquatic ecosystems, even in a long-term drought," said Deputy Commissioner Michael Brain. "The benefits of aquatic ecosystems are far reaching. They include providing habitat for fish and wildlife, improving water quality and mitigating the impacts of drought and flood events." 
The funding opportunity is available on by searching for opportunity number R23AS00106. Applications are due by June 1, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. MDT. 
Study and design projects are eligible for between $500,000 and $2 million, and construction projects can receive between $3 and $20 million. A non-federal cost share of at least 35% is required. 
Applicants are eligible in two distinct categories. Category A eligible applicants are: 
·   States, Tribes, irrigation districts, and water districts. 
·   Regional, or local authorities, the members of which include one or more organizations with water or power delivery authority. 
·   Agencies established under state law for the joint exercise of powers. 
·   Other entities or organizations that own a dam that is eligible for upgrade, modification, or removal. 
Category B eligible applicants are non-profit conservation organizations acting in partnership with those in Category A. 
All Category A applicants need to be in the Western United States or Territories as identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902, specifically: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. All Category B applicants must be in the United States, or the specific Territories identified above. 
To learn more about this and other funding opportunities, please view
USDA Invests $2 Million to Provide Risk Management Training to Farmers, Ranchers
On February 22, 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced up to $2 million available for cooperative agreements for risk management education and training programs that support farmers and ranchers, including underserved producers, small-scale farmers, organic operations and climate-smart farm practices.
USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) makes this funding available to provide the needed resources for organizations – such as universities, county cooperative extension offices, and nonprofit organizations – to develop education tools that help producers learn how to effectively manage long-term risks and challenges.
“Agriculture is an inherently risky line of work, so we are partnering with organizations to provide valuable training, particularly in underserved communities, so that they learn how to effectively manage risks with their businesses,” said RMA Administrator Marcia Bunger. “We’re committed to broadening the reach of crop insurance and these risk management education partnerships are a testament to our efforts to reach more communities.”
A broad range of risk management training activities are eligible for funding consideration, including training on crop insurance options, record keeping, financial management, non-insurance-based risk management tools and natural disaster preparedness among others. Partners can also train farmers at all levels on risk management options that help secure local food systems.
Proposals are due April 24, 2023. The notice of funding has additional details View Opportunity |GRANTS.GOV. Interested organizations must apply through the Results Verification System at
Public Comment Opportunity: Rulemaking to Update Wetland Determinations and Delineation Reports in Oregon
March 1, 2023
The Department of State Lands is seeking public comment on permanent rulemaking (OAR 141-090) that would update the procedures for making a wetland determination in Oregon and the requirements for wetland delineation reports submitted to DSL. 
Wetland determinations and delineations help property owners know whether a permit may be required to remove or add materials in Oregon’s wetlands and waters. Consultants with specialized expertise map the exact boundaries of wetlands or other waters on a site and submit these reports to DSL staff for review.
Last updated in 2013, the existing rules do not meet the needs for current practices. A Rulemaking Advisory Committee was convened in October 2022 – January 2023 to advise on the revised draft rule language, representing the interests and expertise of city and county planners, wetland conservationists, engineers, the building industry and more.
The proposed changes will help ensure information submitted is complete, creating more efficient processes for property owners, consultants, and DSL staff. Changes being considered include: clarifications to the process, updates to technical requirements and standards for reports, inclusion of aquatic resources of special concern (for example, bogs, hot springs, kelp beds, and more) in the mapping, and requirements for GIS data. New GIS data submission requirements would follow a staggered timeline to allow consulting firms time to develop their GIS capabilities and spread out any new costs over multiple years. Lastly, the appeal process for requesting an independent review is being updated in response to a law that expired in 2022. 
The proposed changes are likely to save time and money for property owners and the state by addressing the common reasons projects are delayed.
Public comments are due March 31, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
Recent Story Map Projects
A Brief History of the Klamath Irrigation District

and the Klamath Reclamation Project

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Wetlands, Waterbirds, and Water

A visual journey through a century of change

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Stories from Klamath River Basin

Water Solutions Network

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Preparing the Klamath Basin for Dam Removal

A StoryMap Spotlighting Collaborative Efforts to Enhance Fish Passage in the Klamath River Basin in Honor of World Fish Migration Day 2020 with a moderate amount of misinformation.

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The Klamath River - A Tribal Perspective

The purpose of this story map is to explore the perception of damage that dams have done to the native culture and river's ecosystem.

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Employment Opportunities
2023 Klamath County Job Fair

" All Events Are you looking for a job? Come down to our Job Fair! We have lots of potential employers that want to meet you! This could be your ticket to finding your dream job, you never know! The job fair will take place at the Klamath County...

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The mission of Klamath Irrigation District is to acquire, maintain, assure, and deliver an adequate water supply for beneficial use on qualified land with the Klamath Project. We represent our Patrons before government agencies, the legislature, Congress, and in such forms as appropriate for the perfection and protection of their water rights. 

We defend the District from actions which would diminish our effectiveness and function. 

We further promote the conservation of water, soil, and other natural resources.