May 4, 2020
Greetings from the Local Government Enablement Team!
With an eye toward the future, we have offered a list of products and services that communities may find useful as they navigate next steps in this COVID-19 journey. Additionally, we want to share an opportunity to engage
remote meeting services and we have enclosed the newly released Statewide Contract Reference Guide.
In This Issue:
- Products and Services to Support Our New Normal; Project-based Resources on Contract
- Free Remote Meeting Services through ITS60/ITT46 Statewide Contract Vendor
- Availability of PPE
- Statewide Contract Reference Guide for May/June 2020
- MassDEP Accepting SMRP Grant Applications
- New! 30-minute COMMBUYS Webinar Series
- Coming Soon: Guidance to Reset the Fiscal Year in COMMBUYS
- Reach the OSD Help Desk
- Quick Links to Resources
Contact us if you have questions or need assistance.
Best regards,
Operational Services Division
Products and Services to Support the New Normal;
Project-based Resources on Contract
Although it's still unknown when we will be able to get back to work and what the new normal will look like as we begin to
with one another in our communities, many organizations are starting to think about what types of products and services they will need.
Moreover, others are taking advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to tackle projects that often get put to the side due to competing priorities.
Products and Services to Support the New Normal
Here is a list of Statewide Contract products and services that may prove helpful as restrictions are lightened and/or warmer weather draws out more community members:
- Electronic Traffic Signs, Safety Cones, Barriers: HLS06
- Signage, Banners: TRD03, OFF44, FAC104
- Portable Hand Washing Stations: FAC100, FAC105; Hand Washing Station Rental: FAC112
- Fencing: FAC104; Fence Rental: FAC93
- Pre-order Flu Vaccine for Fall Delivery: MED54
- Janitorial Services: FAC81
- Package Delivery Services to send items to those working from home: OFF46
Project-based Resources on Contract
With fewer people on premises, organizations may be able to use this time to focus on facility-related projects:
- Asphalt paving, Catch Basin Cleaning: TRD02
- Tree Trimming, Landscaping Services: FAC103
- Exterior Painting, A/C Services: TRD01
- Roofing: TRD04
- Facility Maintenance, Repair, and Operations Supplies: FAC100, FAC101, FAC105
- Flooring - Installation and Repair: FAC98
Link to all Statewide Contracts
Free Remote Meeting Services through
ITS60/ITT46 Statewide Contract Vendor
CherryRoad Technologies, a vendor on Statewide Contract
Cloud Solutions and
Network Services, is offering two remote meeting services at no cost for 90 days:
- GoToMeeting - Allows users to run meetings remotely, enabling group or one-on-one meetings with face-to-face video, audio, screen sharing, high-definition webcam sharing, and transcripts.
- GoToWebinar - Enables users to host large-scale events, internal communications events, and training with capacity of up to 3,000 attendees for live events and 10,000 attendees for recorded events.
Take Advantage of this Offer
- Eligible Entities interested in the 90-day, free-of-charge offer should contact CherryRoad Sales by email at or by phone at (978) 275-1600, extension 2, no later than June 30, 2020.
- A CherryRoad Account Manager will review the services and license counts needed by the Eligible Entity and register the services with LogMeIn, the meeting software provider.
- A sales quote with Terms and Conditions will be sent to the buyer for acknowledgement and signature.
- LogMeIn will contact the Eligible Entity directly for activation, which will occur within 2-4 days following order confirmation.
- The CherryRoad Account Manager will contact the buyer at the end of 60 days to review their account usage and answer any questions they may have about the service. Buyers have the option to purchase meeting services after the no-cost period ends. With no action by the buyer, meeting services will conclude after 90 days.
Reach out to Statewide Contract Vendors for additional information. Stay safe!
Availability of PPE
The Commonwealth continues to work with Statewide Contract Vendors to source needed PPE and monitor availability of these items. To request PPE, municipalities may:
- Request items directly from Statewide Contract Vendors, those published in Contract User Guides and labeled as Tier I vendors on the COVID-19 Goods and Services List. Note that Executive Departments are authorized to use Tier 2 vendors, identified on the COVID-19 Goods and Services list; however, municipal organizations are advised to follow your organization’s procurement policies and procedures and 30B requirements;
- Work with their Local Emergency Management Director or Board of Health to obtain PPE items from the MEMA warehouses. See related guidance here.
Statewide Contract
Reference Guide for May/June 2020
Review the latest Statewide Contract Reference Guide to see the range of products and services offered on Statewide Contracts. This list is updated every two months.
MassDEP Accepting SMRP Grant Applications
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection's (MassDEP) Sustainable Materials Recovery Program (SMRP) offers municipal grant funding to improve local recycling, composting, reuse, and household hazardous waste diversion programs and is accepting applications for current year grant funding through June 10, 2020.
Last year, MassDEP awarded $6.6 million to 268 communities and regional entities through SMRP. Eligible grant categories include: Recycling and composting equipment;
mattress recycling; Pay-As-You-Throw start-up assistance; Education and Enforcement Coordinators; School recycling; Waste reduction enforcement; and Organics capacity development. SMRP funding also is available for
SMRP Recycling Dividends Program
(RDP) payments to qualifying cities and towns.
New! 30-minute COMMBUYS Webinar Series
The stay-at-home advisory doesn't mean you can't attend OSD training. Our staff has moved our curriculum online!
In addition to our regular course offerings, the Training team developed a series of quick, 30-minute live webinars designed to help buyers use the COMMBUYS portal.
Coming Soon: Guidance to Reset the Fiscal Year in COMMBUYS
Each year, municipal organizations and other entities not linked to the Commonwealth's financial system are advised to reset their fiscal year in COMMBUYS. This action ensures that bids, requisitions, and purchase orders are cataloged in the appropriate fiscal year within the system.
Organization Administrators for these organizations will receive instructions to update their organization's fiscal year. This action takes approximately 4-5 minutes to complete.
Watch for our June 2020 communication.
Reach the OSD Help Desk
OSD Help Desk staff are working remotely. Reach us by phone or email:
Local Government Enablement Team
Wishing you and your family
health and resilience during this challenging time.