January 27, 2021 View as Webpage
Information Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine
  • Scheduling
  • Second Dose Appointments
  • Vaccine Availability

We have received many questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine appointments, how to schedule for the second dose, and vaccine availability. These are all very good questions, but unfortunately the answers vary.

At the State PODs... State Farm, Phoenix Municipal Stadiums, and Chandler, they are either scheduling the second appointments on site after the first, or will contact you via email for further instructions.

The AZDHS portal site posts this message:

"State Farm update - All January appointments and February appointments are full.
Phoenix Municipal Stadium - All February appointments are full.
**All Dose 2 eligible invitations are being sent out - be assured that you will receive these invitations for self and family member(s)/dependent(s) shortly."

  • Currently, the State Farm & Phoenix Municipal Stadium PODs are offering to schedule the second appointment before leaving, and a follow-up email is sent to confirm the appointment.

  • Currently, the Chandler POD is telling people that you will be emailed as to what the next step will be or try to schedule online if possible.

  • Currently, on the Honor Health POD, the first and second vaccines are scheduled at the same time. They have just recently opened up to a 'lottery' invitation only system for 75+ former patients. But their main focus is still vaccinating the first responders and healthcare workers.

  • Currently, at group home/assisted living facilities, pharmacies are scheduling the second vaccine at the same time as the first.

  • Currently, CVS, Safeway, Walgreen, Albertson sites are not open to dispense in Arizona the COVID-19 vaccine to the general public outside of group communities/assisted living facilities.

  • Other smaller clinics/facilities in Arizona are giving COVID-19 vaccine, but at their discretion & in accordance with their vaccine supply. CLICK HERE

These are very conflicting messages and very hard to know what the true options are! Also, there is a lot of 'chatter' circulating adding to the confusion.

We encourage you to follow what is on the State and County websites.
Arizona is following the national guidelines, and doing their best to get the information out as soon as possible. The system is not perfect by any means, but this is what we need to work within.

The CDC goal is to vaccinate everyone that wishes to be vaccinated by summertime, 2021. The US needs to have at least 75% participation to accomplish a 'herd' immunity goal. This is a huge undertaking, but very necessary to change the trajectory of the pandemic.

By getting the COVID-19 vaccine, we are doing our part, but we must be patient and trust our leaders and medical community.

The government recently announced that they have ordered 200 million more doses of vaccine, both Pfizer and Moderna to meet the US needs. CLICK HERE

This is the CDC's most recent recommendations for the spacing between the first and second COVD-19 vaccines (Pfizer & Moderna). "There is some wiggle room for that second dose — while also emphasizing that it's still essential to get fully vaccinated as soon as possible." CLICK HERE

Again, we encourage you to be in touch daily with our State and County websites for their latest information and follow our newsletter..

Please Stay Safe!

To All My Patients,

Be sure to sign up for the COVID vaccine as soon or when possible.

The AZDHS portal does work... Be persistent or call the support line for help.

For additional Help:

I ask that you please do not inundate our office with inquiries….
We will forward more information as we learn of it via our website and newsletters.

Yours in good health,

Dr. Lakin

Douglas M. Lakin MD
Paradise Valley Medical Clinic