There's a lot changing and happening at Beth Jacob, COVID-related and otherwise, and this week is packed with updates!

Watch your email for:

  • Monday - From Rabbi Rubin
  • Wednesday - Security and what's new in the building
  • Thursday - Technology progress
  • Friday - Programming for June/July
Shabbat Service Policy Overview
As previously communicated, beginning this Saturday, June 12, we are adjusting our policies for gathering on Shabbat for in-person services. This communication is focused on the updated policies and expectations when attending Shabbat services inside Beth Jacob.

  • Reservations are no longer required
  • Attendees must be vaccinated if you are 16 years and older. Beginning July 1st attendees 12 years and older must be vaccinated
  • Everyone must wear a mask in the shul (this will decision will be revisited in July)
  • No capacity restrictions
  • No distancing restrictions… However, the divider to the social hall will be open and set aside for those wishing to be distanced from each other
  • Services will be simulcast on both Zoom and YouTube livestream
  • All davening and Torah chanting will be done in person from the sanctuary. Please note that if those who lead davening, give the d’var Torah, or chant the haftarah from the bimah are at a significant distance from other individuals, they can choose not to wear masks (but only during the time they lead those ritual acts). 
  • We will hold a torah procession and congregants will be allowed to kiss the torah via their tallit
  • Torah readers will continue to wear masks due to the closeness of multiple people on the bima
  • Weather permitting, kiddush will be held outdoors, in the form of kiddush kits  
  • Kiddush kits still require advance registration by Wednesday… you can choose to pick up on Friday afternoon, or Saturday after services
  • Chairs will be available for outdoor kiddush, but please bring your own if you prefer. We can assist you if you have any mobility issues.
  • Babysitting is available provided a request is made to Rabbi Tamar on Wednesday prior to services
  • Babysitting room is available for parents, who must stay with their children unless they requested a babysitter.

Weekday Morning Minyan Information:
  • Morning minyan is currently meeting in person (and "simulcast" via Zoom) on Tuesdays at 7:15 am and Sundays at 8:30 am. 
  • Masks are required

We look forward to our next steps in bringing congregants who are able to come together for morning minyan and shabbat services as well as more socialization and in-person interaction at Beth Jacob.