Update April 18th, 2024

This coming Sunday, we will be celebrating the fourth Sunday of Easter

Chris Tomlin concert: The concert is THIS SATURDAY

April 20 at Agganis Arena in Boston. There are a limited number of tickets available for our young adults for $25 each.

Call Bill ASAP if interested! (843)-475-5707

General Conference 2024:

The General Conference of the United Methodist Church, which is the decision-making body for the entire UM denomination will be meeting starting Monday April 22 through May 3, 2024. Delegates from all over the world will be present and make decisions on behalf of all UM churches. Please pray for God’s Spirit to move and guide the delegates. Also pray for Pastor René who will be going as the first clergy alternate. Rev. Wanda Santos-Perez, District Superintendent of the Seacoast district will be preaching on April 28, while pastor René is away. She will also be handling any pastoral emergencies. Please contact the office if you have a pastoral emergency and Lyndsey will put you in touch with her. 

Changing Our World for April- Changing our World for the month of April we’re collecting change for Allison who’s doing mission work in the Middle East. She is coming to visit us in April.

Book Study: Monday nights @ 6 PM in the John Wesley UMC library, starting April 29 through June 17th. The book is Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus by Lois Tyverberg. Sign up on the sign-up sheet in the narthex, text Karen Camp at 508-737-1636, or email: nerakpmac13@gmail.com. Order your book on Amazon. (We will do two chapters per week.)

Save the Date for the SPRING PLANT SALE on Friday, May 24 & Saturday, May 25 with set-up on Thursday, May 23! 

The welcoming and invitation team has created three boxes in order to help the congregation with prayer requests, suggestions and newcomers information. The three boxes are located in the lobby/narthex, each labeled respectively. Please feel free to fill out one of the cards and insert them in the appropriate box. All prayer requests and suggestions are handled confidentially. 

A screening of the Award winning documentary A Still Small Voice! Tickets are free. Click the link below to get your tickets today!

A Still Small Voice follows chaplain Mati as she completes a year-long hospital residency, the movie explores her journey of learning how to offer spiritual support to individuals facing significant life transitions. We learn new insights on the value of genuine connection and the agony of its absence through Mati's experiences with her patients, her battle with professional burnout, and her own spiritual exploration.

A panel discussion and questions from the audience will take place after the film. The panelists include Rev. Saramaria Allenby, chaplain of Falmouth Hospital, Rev. Peter Feltman-Mahan of the Church of Messiah, and Marney Rathburn, chaplain of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.


Stewardship Ministry Team:

We’re adding more videos every month! Please visit The Stewardship in Action webpage on the John Wesley website. Just click on “Info Videos” at the top right of the home page. We have already completed nine of the 22 videos planned. All the titles are listed on the page. The completed ones are featured in the color red. The others are black and have a (coming soon) line beneath them.

We hope that these videos will be useful to our parishioners who may be wondering about a particular event or ministry team. And we hope they will be informative to our website visitors who may be searching for a church home.

On the third Sunday of each month, Pastor will feature a video in our Sunday services. Last Sunday he introduced our Contemporary Service video. Please have a look by clicking the link below.

Contemporary Service video

Come hear Falmouth Chorale perform Paul Winter’s Missa Gaia/Earth Mass with other selections on April 27th and 28th: Saturday at 4:00 and Sunday at 3:00 here at John Wesley Church! As a family friendly “cool” event (with percussion, horn, whale and wolf calls) children are welcome. Tickets for teenagers and students are $5.00. General Adult admission with a ticket is $25, $30 at the door or $18 for JW members purchasing a discounted ticket by Friday, April 26th. If you are interested please contact Anne Tupper (2annetupper@gmail.com) or Michelle Lowry to purchase tickets before Friday, April 26 to receive this discount.

The collection for the Food Pantry is still needed. The most needed items are Apple Juice, Canned Tuna, Canned Chicken, Chicken Noodle Soup, Italian Dressing, Ranch Dressing, Ketchup and Garlic Powder (3-4 OZ). 

Thank you all for your continued support for our neighbors in need. 

The John Wesley United Methodist Church’s Missions and Outreach Team has designated funds for church members who may find themselves in dire financial need during these difficult economic times. All requests are held confidential. If you need help, please feel free to contact Pastor René at pastor.jwumc@gmail.com or leave a message at 508-548-3050. All requests are confidential

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