Enjoy this issue of Saving Nearby Nature from the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust . Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.
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Saving Nearby Nature                                        December 2016 
                                                                                                              2016 read-a-thon at Leopold's Preserve, Haymarket
Celebrate Aldo Leopold's Birthday 
Join us for Public Reading of "A Sand County Almanac" 

is sponsoring a read-a-thon on Sunday, Jan. 15, 2017, to celebrate the 130th birthday of legendary conservationist Aldo Leopold. Come hear public figures, students, local conservationists, and community members read excerpts from "A Sand County Almanac." The reading is at Busboys and Poets in Shirlington, from 5-7 p.m., with table service available from the restaurant's menu. Let us know if you can come--and sign-up for a reading if you're interested. Contact Daniel at dsaltzberg@nvct.org or call 703-354-5093. See our website for more.
News                                                         Read about nearby nature
Land Trusts Nationwide have Saved 56 Million Acres!
A new census of conserved land by the Land Trust Alliance shows that nonprofit land trusts--like NVCT--have protected an average of 5,000 acres per day, or 1.8 million acres per year. That adds up to 56 million acres across the country, with 1,741,420 acres in Virginia. The full report is at www.lta.org/census, with a state map to show how land trusts in Virginia have protected our nearby nature. And notice the pictures from an NVCT conservation easement in the photo gallery on the Virginia page!
Virginia Treasures to be honored at Richmond Event 
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe will honor the Virginia Treasures named to-date at an Executive Mansion reception this week, including 10 NVCT conservation easement landowners and two NVCT-owned properties. McAuliffe set a goal of designating 1,000 Treasures during his term to preserve, protect and highlight Virginia's special lands, and important ecological, cultural, scenic, and recreational assets. NVCT's website has photos of each of our local Treasures.
Become a Steward of the Land by joining NVCT's monthly giving program. It's an easy, "one and done" process. Just click on Donation Frequency when you make your gift from the Donate page on our website. Your monthly gift provides the steady support for our ongoing work. Together we will make it possible for current and future generations in Northern Virginia to be connected to the natural world through nearby nature. Contact Fund Development Coordinator Brenda MacRoberts for more.

If kids aren't able to touch the natural world regularly,
they may not value it when they grow up.
Who, then, will protect it for the generations to come?
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A Last Look at Fall  
Conserved land in Loudoun
Sky gazing in Prince William
Fairfax view of the Potomac
Please contact us with any questions about the Trust and our work
703-354-5093  |  4022-A Hummer Rd. Annandale, VA 22003  | email info@nvct.org