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February 2020 E-Newsletter

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible.

Audrey Hepburn

Upcoming Events and News
The Leadership Academy will enable you to:
  • Strengthen your own leadership skills,
  • Become more comfortable sharing your story,
  • Increase your ability to become leaders in your communities, and
  • Create a “Family-Driven” and “Youth-Guided” System of Care. 
The Leadership Academy is for:
1. Parents/primary caregivers of children birth to twenty-six years old with emotional/social delays or behavioral health disabilities, AND
2. Young adults ( 16-24 years old ) that have a behavioral health disabilities. These transitional-age youth must be at least 16 years old and be able to participate in the group process.
(IMPORTANT: All young adults under 18, or who are over 18 and have a guardian, must have a parent or guardian that will attend the conference with them.)
3. Providers or agency partners that understand and support the “family-driven and youth-guided System of Care” and want to assist KPFC in moving forward in this effort.
Training Fee: $25 Per Person

Lodging, and Meals are Covered for Registered Participants

March 20th - 22nd, 2020
Location: General Butler State Resort Park
Family and Youth Peer Support Training
There is a training pre-requisite for the Family or Youth Peer Support Core Competency Training. You must complete the Kentucky Family Leadership Academy prior to attending the Family or Youth Peer Support training. 
April 20th - 24th, 2020

Family and Youth Peer Support Core Competency Training

Individuals (Non-hired): $100
Agencies/Organizations: $500

Training fee covers:
all training materials, lodging, and meals

There are qualifications that are required to become a certified Family or Youth Peer Support Specialist.

For a list of Youth Peer Support qualifications, Look up the KY Regulation 908 KAR 2:240

For a list of Family Peer Support qualifications, look up the KY Regulation    
908 KAR 2:230 


Kentucky’s SOC-V aims to improve behavioral health outcomes for children
and youth (birth to age 21) who meet criteria for having a severe emotional
disability (SED) and their families and who have child welfare involvement*.
*For this project, child welfare-involved families are those for whom a child abuse
and/or neglect investigation results in a substantiation or services-needed finding
and for whom DCBS does not have custody.
  SOC V Grant Facts
  • Funded by federal Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
  • Awarded to KY Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental & Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID)
  • Co-administered by DBHDID Commissioner’s Office and Children’s Behavioral Health & Recovery Services Branch
  • Builds upon 4 previous SOC grants
  • Supports FFPSA and other child welfare transformation work
  • Awarded for period of September 30, 2019 – September 29, 2023
  • Funded for up to four years at up to $3,000,000 per year
  • Requires cost-sharing/match
  • Partners with: DCBS, KPFC, EKU, UK-HDI, CMHCs, UK CTAC