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Friday, July 12th - 7:00 PM
    Special Music Shabbat Service led by Max Kassler

Monday, July 15th - 7:30 PM
At Or Chadash
Everyone is welcome to join - we would love your participation.
Contact David Moutner (dmoutner@hotmail.com)

View our full calendar here .

>>>   GETTING TO KNOW YOU...   <<<

Hello everyone! My name is  Emma Sarinick  and I have taken part in  a project to  help bring our community together. The project is a series of interviews that will come out  weekly featuring 10 questions about people who were chosen from our synagogue an d their families.

Emma is an Or Chadash 2019 Confirmand and a rising Junior at Hunterdon Central Regional High School

Our first interviewee is Eileen Freda (and her two wonderful boys)!

Q: How long have you been a part of Or Chadash?
A: We joined Or Chadash in 2014. My husband is Catholic; however, we chose to raise the children in the Jewish faith. I was searching for a place that would be accepting of our interfaith family. Or Chadash was so welcoming! We started through the Temple Tots program and Or Chadash immediately felt like a second home. The boys love coming to classes on Sundays and the family services on Fridays. We live in Washington, Warren County, and there are only a handful of Jewish families. I felt strongly that my boys (ages 7 and 9 now - they were 3 and 4 when we started) make connections with other Jewish kids.

Q: What motivates you to work hard?
A: When I was in high school my father told me to "only put your name on something if it makes you proud". That has always resonated with me. I work hard because everything I do is a representation of myself. When I complete a task, no matter what it is, I give it 100% of my effort.

Q: If money was no object, what would you do all day?
A: I am a teacher; I have been working with children for over 20 years. I truly believe that if money was not a factor I would continue to work with children in some capacity. I also love to travel. I feel that seeing the world and meeting people of different cultures helps to foster a greater understanding of human kind. I would love to open the world to my children and provide them with life experiences.

Q: What makes you laugh the most?
A: When the boys start laughing it usually triggers a chain reaction. I love the joy, delight and wonder they find in the small things around them.

Q: How do you define success?
A: Success to me is setting attainable goals and working toward achieving them. There is so much negativity in the world, that I try to teach (and live) a growth mindset philosophy. Nothing is easy, but hard work and practice will get you far.

Q: If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
I could probably eat pizza every day! I don't think there are many things that are more delicious than a thin crispy crust, tomato sauce, and mozzarella cheese. I would throw some veggies on there for good measure.

Q: If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
I am a terrible cook. It's not something that I enjoy. So, I would definitely get help in that department. In fact, my seven-year-old has almost surpassed my culinary skills!

Q: What's your favorite Jewish holiday?
A: Passover and Hanukkah are the two biggest holidays where the family gathers together. I enjoy Hanukkah because that is the holiday that we host. Each person in the family lights his/her own menorah and there's such a sense of unity watching the table lit with sometimes 20 menorahs! We also get family dreidel games going... that can be somewhat competitive. My aunt and uncle always host Passover. I love that the kids are getting old enough to participate in the service. They ask questions, read from the haggadah and chant the four questions in Hebrew. I love that they are making connections to their heritage.

These last two questions were answered by her children:

Q: What is your favorite family vacation? 
A: We took a cruise to the Bahamas last year. The boat also went to Florida. We loved seeing Cape Canaveral and the Atlantis spaceship. We loved being on the boat and watching the water and the animals.

Q: Who is your hero?
A: My mom and dad are my heroes because they keep us safe and love us. They also drive us places and we can do fun things because they take us to do stuff.

The more you know...

Thank you so much to the Fredas for participating!


Friday, July 12th - 7:00 PM
Special Music Service
with Max Kassler, guitarist and vocalist
Yahrzeits to be observed: 
Marsha Bacal
Eileen Ohlinger
Carl Christensen
Lorryne Lane
Edith Hack
Harold Smith
Paul Adelman
Wayne Wolfson
Marcus Leon
Diane Sigel

Friday, July 26th - 7:00 PM
Shabbat Service with Cantor Kathy
Yahrzeits to be observed: 
Joe Zalaznick
Illmari Bernard Erkkila
Hattie Hillman
Ellen Gold
Ida Wolfson
Victoria Hanbicki
Irving Crystal
Israel Louis Levin
L. George Rosskam
Friday, August 9th - 7:00 PM
Lay Led Shabbat Service with Kate Metelitsa
Yahrzeits to be observed: 
Ida Ettinger
Henrietta Weinstein
Simi Rotter
Dick Coriell
Ben Bland
Ira Korfin
Ada Kadet Levy
Barbara Vrabel
Howard Isaacs
Jay Gilbert Fuhrman
Barbara Rabiner
Stanley D. Weinstein
Judith Ivry
Friday, August 23rd - 7:00 PM
Lay Led Shabbat Service with Annette Ivry
Yahrzeits to be observed:
Sophie Rabiner
Jessie Mazzocchi
Estelle Frankel
Lily Jacobsen
John Stoter
Eugene Bobnar
Helen Viola
Joseph DeMaria
Helen Halper

The Social Action Committee extends a heartfelt thanks to  Liz Loew  for volunteering to represent Or Chadash on  The Comprehensive Emergency Assistance Systems Committee 
for the Flemington Area Food Pantry.



Thank you to the Tsukroff and Moscowitz families for signing up to participate in the Scrip Program and placing orders right away!

Thank you to the 10 families who placed orders for the past three months in a row (April, May, June):  Berg, Blumenfeld, Freedman, Gong, Orr, Senator, Solomon, Tauscher, Weiss, Zalaznick.  These families have shown their continued commitment to fundraising for Or Chadash, and we appreciate their efforts so much!

Announcing our April-May-June raffle winner:  Sandra Gong!  Sandra wins a $25 gift card to GAP!  Congratulations, Sandra!

Simply put, Or Chadash could use all the help you can give with this monthly fundraiser.  There is a pile of free money out there that we can bring in to Or Chadash if we take a couple steps and use scrip to buy what we would anyway.  We have 48 members signed up in our Scrip Program. If you are a member, make the commitment to ordering every month!

If you are not yet a member, it's never too late to get in on this fundraising gem!  Scrip is another name for gift cards, and when you sign up to buy them on the ShopWithScrip website, every purchase you make earns Or Chadash much-needed (free) funds.  There are hundreds of retailers, offering varying percentages back to Or Chadash.  And Or Chadash shares the benefits with you as credit on your dues.  This is truly a win-win opportunity!

Here is how members of the Scrip Program are helping Or Chadash each month:


TOTAL dollars Or Chadash is giving back to members as dues credit:  $618!

Can we count on you to place an order in July? Our July deadline is Monday, July 22.

Buying scrip each month is a wonderful mitzvah you can do all year long! Check this out:
  • $500 of ShopRite scrip each month for a year = $240 earnings for OC
  • 50 families ordering $500 of ShopRite scrip each month for a year = adds up to $12,000 earnings for OC!!!

We can do this!

Take a look at the ShopWithScrip website, and please contact Christine Berg with any questions:  cberg3@comcast.net

Happy Shopping -- Happy Earning!


Did you know that your Amazon purchases can benefit Or Chadash with a charitable donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation  when you shop at AmazonSmile? Or Chadash is a registered charitable organization with AmazonSmile.

What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Or Chadash every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com , you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to Or Chadash.

How do I shop at AmazonSmile?
To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.  Tens of millions of products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donations. You will see eligible products marked "Eligible for AmazonSmile donation" on their product detail pages..

Can I use my existing Amazon.com account on AmazonSmile?
Yes, you use the same account on Amazon.com and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same.

How do I select Or Chadash as the charitable organization I want to support when shopping on AmazonSmile?
On your first visit to AmazonSmile smile.amazon.com , you select Or Chadash to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. AmazonSmile will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation.

P.S.:  Don't forget to sign up for Amazon Smile and designate Or Chadash as your charity of choice!!

Or Chadash Summer Childcare Listing

We now have a list of high school students available for summer childcare.
If anyone is interested in seeing the list of names, please contact Betsy Zalaznick (bzalaznick@gmail.com).

This year, the SSB-JCC will be participating at the QuickChek Festival of Ballooning! This is an awesome 3 day event, including hot air balloons, live concerts, amusement rides, fireworks, and over 200 crafters and vendors.
Join us for a weekened at the 2019 QuickChek New Jersey Festival of Ballooning - Solberg Airport, Readington, NJ: July 26, 27 & 28, 2019!
There will be raffle tickets for sale in support of the JCC's Special Needs programming, face painting, giveaways, and a lot of fun at the JCC tent!

To make this event a successful one, we need many JCC volunteers to help man our table where we will be selling raffle tickets in support of our Special Needs Programming. In just a matter of a few short years the JCC's Special Needs program has grown to play such an integral role in the special needs community. This fundraiser will allow the JCC to continue to support the JCC Bridgewater Rising tide with bathing suits and competition apparel. It will allow special needs children the opportunity to attend camp and enjoy a summer of fun. It will allow our J Cares interns the opportunity to enjoy days at the JCC swimming, working out, and socializing. It will allow families the opportunity to drop their children off at the JCC on a Sunday afternoon and enjoy an afternoon of respite while their child spends time with our loving and caring J Zone staff and volunteers.
Please register using the link below; the available timeslots will be listed there:
We are looking to have our volunteer list finalized by July 15! 
-Topaz Brown & Sarah Pollak

The Kantors Have Moved!

Sudha, Craig and Shayna Kantor have moved to Pittstown.

Welcome to Hunterdon County!



Howard Shapiro (father of Joy Gray)
Ira Jaffee
Donald Kantor (father of Craig Kantor) 
Elliot Rosen
Robert Ackerman (cousin of Fran Hack)
Andy Stein
Rhoda Kantor
Al Berman

Dr. Diane Kurtzberg Vaughan (sister of Richard and Evelyn Kurtzberg) died June 19, 2019
Robert Nathanson (father of Dara Nathanson) died on June 28, 2019

In order to help us be a more caring community, 
please share your lifecycle events with Rabbi Forman

Rabbi Joseph M. Forman ( Rabbi)
Cantor Kathy Gohr ( Cantor)
Betsy Zalaznick ( Educator)
Debbie Weiss ( President)
Glenn Wasserman ( Vice President)
Jeff Berg ( Treasurer)
Laura Senator ( Secretary)

Phone: 908-806-2122

OFFICE HOURS - please call in advance 
Tuesdays: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Wednesdays: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Thursdays: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Keep your message brief, friendly, and to the point.
Use the image as a link, or add a call-to-action link here.
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