Welcome to Digital Transatlantic Dialogue, an online platform sent throughout the month to keep our community in discussion about transatlantic affairs while we suspend in-person events.

You'll find news from France and the US, updates from program participants, upcoming digital events, notes from staff members on what they're doing to manage stress, and more. For breaking news about COVID-19, we've included a set of links to news sources, the CDC, and the French Ministry of Health at the bottom of the page.
Upcoming Webinar
We are very pleased to welcome Emily Nemens , writer, illustrator, and editor, as a guest speaker for our next Zoom webinar to introduce her new book, The Cactus League.

The Cactus League
Emily Nemens, author and editor at the  Paris Review

  • Topic: The Cactus League presents stories from multiple narrators in Scottsdale, Arizona, the home of Salt River Fields, the spring training facility of the Los Angeles Lions professional baseball team.
  • Date & Time: Thursday, April 16 at 7:00 pm ET
  • RSVP: Click HERE to sign up. Registered guests will receive a link to join in the days leading up to the event.
  • Remark: For those who would like to listen, you do not need a Zoom account to join.

Last night, we had the pleasure to host 2018 Young leader Karin Tanabe, author of several fiction books, to present her fifth and new book, A Hundred Suns . The discussion was moderated by 2019 Young leader Kabir Sehgal , a New York Times & Wall Street Journal bestselling author of thirteen books including Coined: The Rich Life of Money and How Its History Has Shaped Us and Fandango at the Wall: Creating Harmony Between the United States & Mexico .
  • "Nobel-winning biologist Joshua Lederberg warned “the single biggest threat to man’s continued dominance on the planet is the virus.” The Covid19 pandemic is a wakeup call to this existential truth.(...)"
-- Article written by MARK MEDISH , FAF 2002 Young Leader.

  • "At this stage in the COVID-19 pandemic, uncertainty prevails. The greatest error that geopolitical analysts can make may be believing that the crisis will be over in three to four months, as the world’s leaders have been implying.(...)"

  • "Mardi 7 avril, un essai clinique baptisé « Coviplasm » a commencé en France, avec en préalable le lancement d’une campagne de prélèvement de plasma sanguin sur d’anciens malades du Covid-19.(...)"

  • "Jobless claims now exceed 16 million as shutdowns from the coronavirus pandemic widen and problems with getting benefits persist.(...)"
Mental Health during Covid-19
As the number of COVID-19 cases increases in the US, we believe it's important for children and adults to pay attention to not only their physical health, but their mental health, as well .

  • "Syracuse.com continued its series of question-and-answer sessions with local experts in trying to help you navigate all the potential impacts of the coronavirus.(...)"

  • "The battle to stop the coronavirus pandemic, fought with social distancing and enforced isolation, is taking a psychological toll that some officials warn could prompt another crisis, a mental-health one. (...)"

  • "The coronavirus pandemic has not just threatened the physical health of millions but also wreaked havoc on the emotional and mental well-being of people around the world. Feelings of anxiety, helplessness and grief are rising as people face an increasingly uncertain future — and nearly everyone has been touched by loss.(...)"
Supporting Students and Families in Need
Jesus Salazar (Young Leader '16) , Co-Founder, President, and CEO of Prosono - a consulting firm that helps organizations align their strategies, people, and systems with the rapidly changing future - is helping students in need of school supplies to support remote learning in Colorado. Click here to learn more .

Jesus Salazar on Prosono's response to COVID-19:
  • As this crisis unfolded, we sprung into action and began driving relief programs. We are mapping out the available assets of large corporations in Colorado to the most direct needs in our community. We are launching a multi-district supply drive to get families in need the resources they need for remote learning. We are also working with fellow entrepreneurs and the VC community in Colorado to connect small businesses with the resources they need to survive the health and economic fallout.
Breaking News Sources on COVID-19
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