51st Annual South Central Texas Cow-Calf Clinic
October 28, 2022
Washington County
Join us for the 51st Annual South Central Texas Cow-Calf Clinic and Trade Show on Friday, October 28, 2022, at the Washington County Expo - Sales Facility in Brenham! Registration will begin at 7:30am with the program getting underway at 8:00am. Early registration closes Wednesday, October 25th and is $20.00 per person. Late registration will be $30 per person at the door. The registration fee provides admission to the clinic, an opportunity to visit with tradeshow vendors, refreshments, a catered bar-b-que lunch, the afternoon social, and a ticket to win the GRAND DOOR PRIZE HEIFER at the conclusion of the day. **NEW for 2022** The first 75 completed preregistrations received will be entered to win a commemorative South Central Texas Cow-Calf Clinic Cooler (Must be present to win)! Make plans to join in and hear from industry experts to help you make sound management decisions in your beef cattle operations. To register please click on the flyer below, visit https://washington.agrilife.org/ag/ccc/cccregistration/, or stop by the Extension Office.
A great list of program topics and excellent speakers have been prepared based on the recommendations of Beef and Forage Committees from Austin, Brazos, Burleson, Colorado, Fayette, Grimes, Harris, Lee, Waller, and Washington Counties. This year’s clinic will focus on Sustainability and Stayability in Beef Cattle Production with conversations covering economics, genetics, feeding, and more. The 2022 agenda welcomes a lineup of incredible speakers, including Dr. Temple Grandin from Colorado State University. Dr. Grandin is an educator, author, and well-known livestock equipment designer and is slated to be the keynote speaker for the event. Additionally, we will welcome a number of experts in the field of Agriculture Economics and Beef Cattle Production including, Dr. David Anderson who will provide a market recap and update for beef cattle as well as Dr. Joe Paschal who will discuss supplemental feeding and forage systems for cattle producers dealing with this drought. Other program topics for the event include understanding Carbon Credits and Carbon Sequestration from a Ranchers Perspective, Identifying Traits in Beef Cattle for the Long Haul, and Understanding the Value of Grazing Livestock for the Sustainability and Future of Agriculture. The day is packed full of great presentation, live cattle demonstrations, and includes several contests for participants to test their knowledge and skills with awards sponsored by Capital Farm Credit. Throughout the day there will be time to visit with tradeshow vendors, view cattle in the contests, and network with producers, speakers, and others.
For the early risers we will offer an Early Bird Laws and Regulations Session focusing on a Picolinic Acid (Invora) Herbicide Update sponsored by Bayer Range and Pasture. This session will allow anyone interested in using the new herbicide chemistry in Invora the opportunity to learn more about the product and complete the mandatory training to be able to purchase and use the product for the control of brush species including huisache. For more information on the Early Bird Session participants need to make sure they are registered for the session when they signup online for the 51st Annual South Central Texas Cow-Calf Clinic.
For the ninth year, the Washington County Beef and Forage Committee has partnered with Texas Farm Credit and purchased a bred commercial heifer at the Washington County Fair to be given away as the GRAND DOOR PRIZE at the end of the day. Participants must be registered for the entire day and must be present to win! Be sure to get your ticket for this great door prize.
The tradeshow at the South Central Texas Cow-Calf Clinic continues to be a highlight of the event and features some great representatives from the cattle and ranching industry. You will not want to miss the opportunity to visit their booths, learn about the products and services they offer, and have an opportunity to win some of the great door prizes they will be giving away!
After the meeting is adjourned tradeshow vendors, participants, and speakers are invited to stick around for the social hour sponsored by Mike Hopkins Distributing and enjoy some Beer-Battered-Beef-Tips! During the social we will be drawing for the FIFTEEN great prizes in the 4th Annual South Central Texas Cow-Calf Clinic Scholarship Drawing. This is a drawing you will not want to miss out on! This year the committee has put together a great list of items including – a Hustler FasTrak SDX 54” Zero-Turn Mower, Pen of Three Bred Heifers, Pen of 2 Bred Heifers, 4 Custom Processed Sides of Beef, Quiet Cool 36" Portable Evaporative Cooler, 24 Round Bales of Coastal Hay, 3 - $500.00 Visa Gift Cards, STIHL Chainsaw, Blower and Trimmer, 1 Ton Pro-Gain Beef Pro Feed, 1/2 Ton of Schulte Cattle Feed, Custom Double Bench, American Ag Mineral Feeder, and a Gift Certificate for Veterinary Services at Philips Veterinary Hospital. Each and every prize on this list is valued at more than double the ticket price! Only 500 tickets will be sold so don’t delay, get your ticket today! For more information or to purchase a ticket please visit: https://washington.agrilife.org/ag/sctcccdrawing/
South Central Texas Cow-Calf Clinic participants who hold a private, commercial, or non-commercial pesticide applicators license will receive one hour of continuing education in laws and regulations. For additional information please contact the Washington County Office of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service at (979) 277-6212 ext. 2.