April 2023

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Upcoming Events

Washington County Lunch-N-Learn


April 5, 2023

Washington County

The Bluebonnet Master Gardeners of Washington County are pleased to present the Spring 2023 “Lunch-N-Learn” series to be hosted on the first Wednesday of each month in April & May. The series boasts topics related horticulture with the homeowner and backyard gardener in mind! Speakers are experts in their fields and practical gardeners with great tips and information for everyone. 


Program registration will begin at 11:50am with the program beginning at 12:05pm and concluding at 12:55pm. At the conclusion of each session the speaker and our Washington County Master Gardeners will be available to answer questions.


The Lunch-N-Learn Sessions will be held at the Washington County Expo Event Center, 1305 E. Blue Bell Road in Brenham. All Master Gardener Lunch-N-Learn programs are free to the public and you are welcome to bring your own lunch and drink.  

Click Here for Information

Weed and Brush Management (CEUs)

April 21, 2023

Austin County

The April meeting for the 2023 series will take place on Friday, April 21, 2023, at the Immaculate Conception German Catholic Church-Parish Hall located at 15994 TX-159 in Industry. The goal of this session is to help landowners identify common weeds and brush species in our area. In addition to identifying problem species, we will cover the ins and outs of why we have the weeds we do, how to determine the most effective treatment option, as well as covering a variety of herbicides and application methods for management and control of these plants.  This is a great opportunity to network with other new landowners and learn about resources that can be of great assistance to you in establishing and/or managing a pond for your property. Also, if you have a weed you would like identified please bring it and we will be glad to identify it for you. Any plant sample needs to be as fresh as possible, include leaves and roots, and flower (if applicable). Three CEUs (2 Gen, 1 IPM) will be available for licensed pesticide applicators. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity!  

Click Here to Register


BMGA Annual Plant Sale

April 22, 2023

Austin County

Due to the inclement weather on Saturday, April 8th the Bluebonnet Master Gardener Association has decided to postpone the Plant Sale. The Plant Sale has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 22nd at Levine Park Pavilion located at 406 Main St. Sealy, TX. The Plant Sale hours are 9am until 5pm or until sold out. 


The Bluebonnet Master Gardeners will still have their demonstrations on Square Foot Gardening and Rainwater Harvesting along with Kids’ Corner, where children can plant seeds and microgreens or build mason bee houses. There will be some gardening tools and Magic Worm Compost for sale as well as some Texas Superstar Experts on site.


A wide variety of plants will be available for purchase including Easter Lilies, roses, “Texas Superstar” plants, “Texas Native” plants, succulents, pollinator plants, tomatoes, milkweed plants, herbs, blueberries, blackberries, and a few surprises – something for everyone.


Proceeds from the sale help Bluebonnet Master Gardeners support the four counties (Austin, Colorado, Fayette, and Washington) with graduating high school senior scholarships each year, community gardens, FREE-to-the-public “Lunch & Learns”, and other local activities.


For more information regarding BMGA, visit: https://txmg.org/bluebonnet or find us on Facebook at Bluebonnet Master Gardeners Association.

Private Applicator Training

May 10, 2023

Washington County

If you plan on using a state limited use or state restricted use pesticide, such as Grazon P+D, 2 4-D, Weedmaster, etc., and need a license, the Texas AgriLife Extension Service will be sponsoring a Private Applicator Training on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, at the Washington County Extension Office Conference Room, 1305 E Blue Bell Road, Brenham.  Books and study materials for the course need to be purchased ahead of time for $50.00 at the Extension Office.  A registration fee of $10.00 will be charged for the training.  The registration fee will include the training and additional study materials. The training will begin at 8:30am and conclude at approximately 12:30pm. Please reserve your spot for the training as soon as possible; seating is limited.

Click Here to Register

Important Updates

Forest Tent Caterpillars

Photos courtesy of Mr. Alan Winkelmann

It’s that time of year again!

We’ve had lots of phone calls and emails about the infestations of worms in trees. Here’s the information everyone is looking for! Don’t panic - the population should be starting to decrease soon and be will be sparse at next in a few weeks.

Forest tent caterpillars are one of the most widespread and abundant of the tent-making caterpillars. Like their close cousins the eastern tent caterpillars, forest tent caterpillars feed primarily on trees; but unlike their cousins, and the common fall webworm, the forest tent caterpillar doesn’t make an actual tent. Instead the caterpillars aggregate between feedings on a silken mat which they spin on some area of the trunk or on large branches of the host tree.

Click Here to Read More

Whitemarked Tussock Moth

Photo credit to Dr. Drees

Another creepy crawler that we have received a number of call about!

PLEASE NOTE - these insects are known to cause skin irritation!

These are another pest that we expect to see decrease in population over the next few weeks - be patient and let mother nature take its course!

Common Name: Whitemarked tussock moth

Scientific Name: Orgyia (=Hemerocampa) leucostigma (J. E.Smith)

Order: Lepidoptera

Description: Caterpillars grow to 1-1/4 inch long and is unique in that there are four brush-like tufts or bunches of light tan hairs on the back (top of the first four abdominal segments) and red dots (abdominal segments six and seven). In addition, there is a pair of longer tufts of black hairs (pencil lead-sized tufts called pencil hairs) arising from the front (from the prothorax) and a light-haired one from the back (eighth abdominal segment) of the body. The body is overall cream-colored, has a broad black stripe on the back and a broader gray stripe along each side, and a red-orange head. The male moth is ash gray and the forewing is marked with darker wavy bands, with a wing span of about 1 1/4 inches. Females are white to gray and do not have fully-developed wings.

Click Here to Read More
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Contact your Washington County Extension Agent
Agriculture & Natural Resources

Kara J. Matheney, MS

County Extension Agent - Agriculture and Natural Resources

Washington County

1305 East Blue Bell Road

Brenham, Texas 77833

(979) 277-6212 ext.2


Visit us online by clicking the link below!

Washington County AgriLife Extension - Agriculture and Natural Resources

Stephanie Rudolph
Office Manager
Agriculture & Natural Resource
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
1305 East Blue Bell Road
Brenham, Texas 77833

(979) 277-6212 ext. 2