BMGA Annual Plant Sale
April 22, 2023
Austin County
Due to the inclement weather on Saturday, April 8th the Bluebonnet Master Gardener Association has decided to postpone the Plant Sale. The Plant Sale has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 22nd at Levine Park Pavilion located at 406 Main St. Sealy, TX. The Plant Sale hours are 9am until 5pm or until sold out.
The Bluebonnet Master Gardeners will still have their demonstrations on Square Foot Gardening and Rainwater Harvesting along with Kids’ Corner, where children can plant seeds and microgreens or build mason bee houses. There will be some gardening tools and Magic Worm Compost for sale as well as some Texas Superstar Experts on site.
A wide variety of plants will be available for purchase including Easter Lilies, roses, “Texas Superstar” plants, “Texas Native” plants, succulents, pollinator plants, tomatoes, milkweed plants, herbs, blueberries, blackberries, and a few surprises – something for everyone.
Proceeds from the sale help Bluebonnet Master Gardeners support the four counties (Austin, Colorado, Fayette, and Washington) with graduating high school senior scholarships each year, community gardens, FREE-to-the-public “Lunch & Learns”, and other local activities.
For more information regarding BMGA, visit: or find us on Facebook at Bluebonnet Master Gardeners Association.