Greetings Brian,

Harvest Christian Academy is interested in hearing from families who would consider sending their children to HCA. We are gathering different focus groups to receive feedback and questions from prospective families to learn how we might best serve their needs.

If you are interested in participating in a focus group, please register by clicking the link below and selecting a time. The first meeting is this Wednesday, September 4th, at 6:30 PM. All focus groups will meet at GracePoint Resource Center (204 W Washington St, Rensselaer). We aim to limit groups to no more than 12 people to allow for interactive conversation. If you have any questions, please contact

Also, we now have online giving setup so if you feel led to donate toward our startup costs you can do so by clicking on the link below. We are seeking to raise $225,000 and by God's grace, we have already raised over half of that amount!


Brian Hannon

Board Chairman

Sign Up for a Focus Group
Donate Toward Startup Costs Here
Sign Up for Future Updates

Previous Announcements Below

Announcement #1 - Mission and General Plans
Announcement #2 - Core Values
Announcement #3 - Portrait of a Graduate
Announcement #4 - Portrait of a Teacher
Announcement #5 - Donation Request
Announcement #6 - Statement of Faith
Announcement #7 - What Makes a School "Christian"?

Temporary Office Info:


204 W. Washington St

Rensselaer, IN 47978

Current Board Members:

Brian Hannon -

Pam Davis -

Ryan Hunsley -

Susan Mattocks -

Breanna Smith -

Shelly Hurley -