October Newsletter

Save the date!

On Sunday, October 23 at 2:00, I will be giving a talk about my work at the Fitchburg Historical Society. The talk will be followed by a drawing workshop lead by the MA Women's Caucus for Art. No art making experience is necessary. Simply bring an object or photo of personal historical significance to use as inspiration. You may participate directly or enjoy observing the session, either way I hope to see you there!

781 Main St. Fitchburg, MA

Sponsored by the Fitchburg Cultural Council

Watch the PSA here:


Upcoming Shows:

"Coming Together"

November 1 - December 31

New Dawn Arts Center - 84 Main St. Ashburnham

Other News:

The holiday season is quickly approaching! Be on the lookout for my annual holiday sale for some unbeatable deals on original artwork. Follow me on Facebook for updates!

Recent Work: 

"Morning Sun"

Oil on canvas



Thank you to everyone who came to visit during Fitchburg Open Studios last month! It was a great time! 

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