Lead Pastor
“A God-First Life”
Sermon Series: July 21 – August 24
Last year I heard two statistics about the religious landscape that really hit deep in my heart. The first was a gallop poll (from 2021) that stated:
Dropping below 50% for the first time in Gallup's eight-decade trend, 47% of Americans said they belonged to a church, synagogue or mosque.
The second was from the research & book, “The Great Dechurching” that said:
“About 40 million adults (16 percent) in America today used to go to church but no longer do.”
We have all sensed it in the air around us. There are friends we used to see in church and no longer do. Some people have kids that grew up in the church and walked away. We hear stories about declining church attendance and churches closing. While Good Shepherd is still thriving in many ways, those who have been here for a few decades remember a time when the pews were packed on most Sundays. What’s going on?
I knew we needed to go deeper, so our Council read “The Nones” by Ryan Burge. I am reading “The Great Dechurching” by Jim Davis and Micheal Graham. Both of these data-driven resources have done a phenomenal job of painting an accurate picture of the religious landscape, outlining the history and factors that have led us to this precipice, and dispelling many of the quick-blame myths people often point to as causes. As difficult as it has been to look closely at these hard realities, it has forced me to really examine some core questions and begin to articulate my own faith more clearly.
Why does the Church matter for people’s lives?
Why does Jesus matter in people’s lives?
Over the next six weeks, we will dive into these questions through our sermon series: A God-First Life. In John 10:10 Jesus says,
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
What does it mean to have abundant life, a God-first life, now? How do we live this out? How do we invite others into this life God desires for us?
I invite you to join us, beginning July 20/21, for this six-week journey. I hope you will open your heart, and allow the Holy Spirit to move in your life, our church, and our community. I ask you to join me in praying for those who have drifted away, for those waiting for an invitation, and for the Holy Spirit’s leadership as we seek to live into the beautiful life God has created us to live
In Christ,
Pastor Josh
A God-First Life
July 21: Why Church? – Abundant Life
July 28: A Life of Beloved Identity
August 4: A Life of Deep Purpose
August 11: A Life of Abundant Time
August 18: A Life of Joyful Community
August 25: An Abundant & Fruitful Life
A God First-Life: Discussion Sessions
- Session 1: Where are we, and how did we get here? Sunday, August 4: 10:00 - Room 205
- Session 2: Where is God Calling Us? Sunday, August 11: 10:00 - Room 205
(You can sign-up for the discussion sessions below or via the mobile app. Sign up is not required, but is helpful for planning and a great way to invite a friend!)