APF Celebration in Israel
APF Fellow 360
It's All Hearts and Minds for Prof. Lior Gepstein,
APF's Edward H. Kass Medical Research Awardee
Rock star researcher and clinical cardiologist Lior Gepstein took the first steps of his international cutting-edge work in 1999 with the aid of the APF Edward H. Kass Medical Research award.
Registration for APF's Emergency Course
and the Podiatry Scientific Mission in Israel
is closing up!
In conjunction with Israel's Ministry of Health and the Israel Defense Forces, APF's unique Course in Israel for healthcare professionals will take place from November 3 to 8, 2018. There will be a special 70th-birthday dinner celebration on Tuesday, November 6.

Click here for more information. If you have any questions, contact Amir Goldshtein at amir@apfmed.org or call 617-232-5382.
APF's Second Podiatry Scientific Mission in Israel will be held October 28 to November 7, 2018. There will be a special 70th-birthday dinner celebration on Tuesday, November 6.

Click here for more information. If you have any questions, contact Amir Goldshtein at amir@apfmed.org or call 617-232-5382 .
Upcoming APF Michigan Chapter Meeting
Michigan - Israel Connections: Medicine and Beyond
This enlightening presentation will bring together 3 renowned leaders of academic medicine in SE Michigan – 2 Medical School Deans and a University President – to discuss their institutions’ respective relationships (both formal and more personal) with academic medicine and the health care system in Israel.

When: Sunday, October 21, 2018 at 10:30am
Where: Adat Shalom Synagogue, 29901 Middle Belt Road, Farmington Hills, MI
Robert Folberg, M.D. , serves as Founding Dean of the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine. Following graduation from Temple University School of Medicine, he completed Residencies, became Board-certified, earned Professorships in both Ophthalmology & Anatomic Pathology, and served as a Pathology Department Chairman. He received NIH research funding for more than 20 years, and has authored more than 200 original articles and book chapters. He is respected internationally as a superb clinician, researcher, teacher, and innovator in medical education. 
Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D. , is President of Oakland University, a public university in Michigan with more than 19,000 students. She is a renowned academic leader, healthcare executive, pediatric endocrinologist and researcher who has published more than 190 original papers and book chapters.
Jack D. Sobel, M.D. , is Dean of the Wayne State University School of Medicine. A graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in South Africa, he served as a research fellow in Infectious Diseases, Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases, with the National Institutes of Health and as a fellow in Infectious Diseases at the Medical College of Pennsylvania.
2018 New Membership Renewals
(through September)
Boris M. Ackerman, M.D.
David B. Alper, D.P.M.
Bruce R. Andich, M.D.
Mitchell J. Barrer, M.D.
Drs. David and Adrea Benkoff
Daniel Brauman, M.D.
Maury W. Bronstein, M.D.
Israel Bruk, M.D.
Alan P. Burckin, M.D.
Mr. Aaron D. Spencer
David R. Cornblath, M.D.
Ms. Ina S. Cushman
Gilbert H. Daniels, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Leopold Eisenberg
Sheldon H. Feldman, M.D.
Arnold J. Felsenfeld, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Fine
Robert L. Fine, M.D.
Arthur C. Fleischer, M.D.
Arthur H. Gale, M.D.
Eric M. Garver, M.D.
Ronald L. Ginsberg, M.D.
Barry I. Goldstein, M.D.
Harold S. Goldstein, M.D.
Jeffrey and Doris Goldstein
George B. Greenfield, M.D.
Michael D. Grossman, M.D.
Warren Grossman, M.D.
Henry Guralnick, M.D.
Simon Helfgott, M.D.
Philip I. Hershberg, M.D.
Bernard Hilberman, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Hootnick
Howard H. Kaufman, M.D.
Marvin M. Kirsh, M.D.
Edwin H. Kolodny, M.D.
Stephen A. Kramer, M.D.
Jonathan S. Krohn, M.D.
John A. Kulick, M.D.
Lorne S. Label, M.D.
Sara Lefkowitz
Joseph W. Landau, M.D.
Alan Levin, M.D.
Lawrence M. Lieblich, M.D.
Jay D. Lifshen, D.P.M.
Warren J. Manning, M.D.
Ronald B. Marks, D.D.S.
Robert J. Meislin, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Irving M. Miller
Jacob M. Morgenstern, M.D.
Michael S. Nussbaum, M.D.
Robert H. Rathauser, M.D.
Mr. Jarrow L. Rogovin
Austin and Jessica Rose
Barry S. Savits, M.D.
Daniel Schlusselberg, M.D.
Richard and Nancy Schmidt
Charles L. Schulman, M.D.
Lawrence Schulman, M.D.
Richard B. Schwarz, M.D.
Steven and Jody Seidman
Joseph and Barbara Shube
Jonathan H. Siegal, M.D.
James N. Simon, D.O.
William D. Singer, M.D.
Barry Skarf, M.D.
Raymond G. Slavin, M.D.
Mrs. Anne Sobel
Jack D. Sobel, M.D.
Michael J. Sopher, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Elliot G. Steigman
Stephen and Lisa Stone
Mark R. Sultan, M.D.
Dennis S. Weiner, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wolkowicz
Richard P. Zimon, M.D.
The International EMPH Master's Program
on Disaster Management
The International Multidisciplinary Program for Emergency and Disaster Management was established at Tel Aviv University in 2011 with the aim of providing the graduates with the knowledge and skills required to effectively deal with emergencies and disasters and their consequences.

The 10-month program enables students from all over the world to study in Israel, gain knowledge and competence in emergency preparedness and management, and learn from leading experts as their lecturers and faculty .

The master's program has three major goals :
  1. To impart the academic knowledge and the operational and theoretical analysis skills required when dealing with emergency and disaster situations.
  2. To develop new, innovative and critical ways of thinking when examining intervention plans for dealing with emergency and disaster situations, as well as the ability to transform these plans into action.
  3. To provide the knowledge and hands-on experience to develop the skills needed for dealing with diverse types of emergencies and disasters, using tools and skills for capacity building, management, organization, evaluation, and analysis of such situations.

Click here For more information, or email Assaf Levinton, Administrative Director at emergex@tauex.tau.ac.il.
MBA in Healthcare Innovation
2001 Beacon Street ~ Suite 210
Boston, MA 617-232-5382