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in observance of Independence Day.

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Exercise UGH? Not so fast!

Does the thought of sweating buckets in a gym doing endless burpees, or huffing and puffing your way through a boot camp workout make you want to roll over and go back to sleep? You know you should exercise, but you just hate doing it so muchā€¦so you donā€™t.

The good news is, you donā€™t have to!

There are plenty of ways to exercise without stepping foot in the gym or doing burpees. In fact, when I started I didnā€™t join a gym at all. I didnā€™t want to exercise in front of othersā€“and that is perfectly okay.

But first, letā€™s consider a few mindset shifts that will help you succeed.

Rethink what it means to exercise...

Think of exercise as simply movement.Sometimes we have a picture in our mind of what exercise looks like. Instead, think outside the box. All movement counts.

Make it about more than just weight loss. 

Think about how you will feel when you are more active and fit. Imagine yourself with more energy, being less stiff and sore, feeling less stressed, sleeping better, and feeling more alert and energetic. There are so many physical and mental benefits of exercise!

Avoid all-or-nothing thinking. 

Does one hour of exercise feel overwhelming to the point of avoiding it? Instead of an hour, start small. Tiny bouts of exercise are still beneficial. Even a few minutes is better than none.

Donā€™t rely on motivation. 

Many people assume that you have to be motivated to work out, and they think that they hopelessly fall short. But the thing is, motivation wanes over time. Even athletes may not feel like working out every day, but they stick to a training schedule.

Make movement a habit by setting aside a specific time to do it each day. Find the time that works best for you, and If you wait until you ā€œfeel like it,ā€ in all likelihood you wonā€™t.

Make it fun! 

If working out isnā€™t your thing, focus on finding a physical activity that you do enjoy. There really is something for everyone. Find your thing by trying different kinds of exercises or activities until you find what clicks for you (or at least something you donā€™t hate). It doesnā€™t have to be traditional exercise like going to the gym or calisthenics.

More on Activity

A letter from Deb Wright

Weight Watchers of Philadelphia

ļ»æGeneral Manager

Dear WW Philadelphia Member,

Developing skills that make the programā€“and healthier choices in general work for you, are key to losing weight and maintaining that weight loss.

Making it easy to do something beneficial and less comfortable to do something not as beneficial can make healthier habits part of our regular routines.

I have a desk job. I could sit at my desk from 7:20 AM to 5 PM, day in day out. Thatā€™s not good for me! I do two things to make sure I get up often. One, I use the printer all the way across the office, and two, I drink LOTS of water and use the restroom furthest from my office. Everybody is different and has different abilities, but we can all find a way to encourage/entice or just require ourselves to be a little less sedentary.

Eating foods in single portions is another challenge for me. For that reason, I divide up splurge foods into single servings. Iā€™ll allow myself to take a single serving, go to the dining room or my desk or wherever I plan on enjoying my food, and savor the moment. If I want more, I go through the same process never taking two servings at once, only one at a time.

Hereā€™s a tip: if you live in a household where youā€™re afraid the other servings of your splurge food will be consumed by other family members, wrap the food in foil, mark them as ā€˜liverā€™, and place them in the freezer. Problem solved!

In fact, the suggestion above fits this weekā€™s topic about adding friction. I added the friction of the mislabeled food in the freezer making it less likely the Darling Husband was going to eat it before I had another serving of it. Friction works in both directions.

If you havenā€™t attended a workshop for a while, please consider returning. Weight Watchers workshops are the special compass that makes the weight loss journey a guided path instead of being lost in the diet wilderness.

Have a beautiful, safe, and healthy Independence Day and thank you for reading this weekā€™s newsletter.

Take care,

Deb Wright,

GM Weight Watchers of Philadelphia, Inc

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Feeling uninspired to get moving?

Head outside to experience some awe!

These techniques help members find awe in your surroundings. From Philadelphia to the Jersey Shore, your town to your neighborhood! On vacation, everything is new! Get steps in.

1/ Awe is that feeling of wonder and amazement 

ļ»æwe get when weā€™re observing something vast, like an open field, the ocean, a mountain range. Experiencing this positive emotion can improve life satisfaction, well-being, and feelings of energy, pleasure, and delight. Plus, it may help you tune in to all the good things around you. (More chances to feel joyful?) Yes, please!

2/ Increasing positive emotions associated with activity can encourage us to be more active. Increasing physical activity leads to 20% greater weight loss than changing eating habits alone. Physical activity may be the single greatest predictor of who keeps weight off.

3/ Scout out a new spot

 -or one you've been to before but never fully taken in. Unplug. You'll enjoy your surroundings without distraction. It's hard to feel wowed when you're staring at a screen. Move mindfully, paying attention to your breathing, how your body feels, and all the sights and sounds. Notice what's energizing or intriguing around you! Experience the Awe.

Couple Walking

4/ A daily walk may be your go-to way to keep moving. Appreciating your surroundings while youā€™re staying active can help you experience Awe, that feeling of wonder and amazement you get from observing or feeling something inspiring, like a cool summer night or your bestie right beside you. awe-filled experience can motivate you to move more oftenā€”re-energizing your being

5/ A good stretch is a good beginning or end! There are a lot of benefits of stretching! Giving yourself the flexibility to do another type of movement than what you usually do can help you stay consistent with your activity routine. Stretching can promote flexibility, helping the body to move more comfortably, which can encourage more movement overall. Just a few minutes of stretching each day can help to improve flexibility, range of motion, and decrease risk of injury.

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ļ»æThe WW 4 Pillars of weight loss success

The WW 4 Pillar approach to weight loss has proven that while each of these components of our life is important on its own--eating healthy, fitting activity into our lifestyle, having a good mindset, and getting a restful night's sleep, the combined power when all four work together is undeniable.

Weight Watchers program 4 Pillars

Foodā€“Eat Slowly & Mindfully

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Meet the POINTā„¢

Activity: Fit in Fitnessā€”Even If Youā€™ve Only Got a Few Minutes

ļ»æRead more>

Find 20 marvelous moves 

Mindsetā€“Sneak More Movement into Your Day. Gardening?

Read more>

Tips for a miraculous mindset

Sleepā€“Stretching Before Bed Can Improve Sleep

ļ»æRead more>

Expert tips for  successful shuteye 

ļ»æ4th of July recipes to try now

You can stress outā€”or you can savor pasta (our members ate pasta salad 7x more on this day than a normal day last yearā€¦ and still lost weight). Try these delicious, summery recipes.


Grilled Vegetable

ļ»æPasta Salad

Chicken Sausage Sandwich

Grilled Corn with Paprika-Lime Butter


ļ»æCaprese Salad

Pink Frozļ»æen

ļ»æHibiscus Daiquiri

Watermelon Pizza with

Almond-Scented Spread

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