Connect Newsletter

June 2023

In Ephesians 4, the Apostle Paul (a Jew) writes to the predominantly-Gentile church in Ephesus: “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Eph 4:3)

Notice what he does not say. Paul doesn’t tell everyone to become the same so that there are never any disagreements. He doesn’t ask the Ephesians to conform to Jewish practices. And he never mentions Jews abandoning their customs. Instead, he makes a plea for a higher cause: unity within the body of Christ.

Like the Jews and Gentiles of the first century, we face many divides; cultural, political, societal, racial, and economic separations abound in our society. Yet the Church is called to see beyond the divides and become a family unified by the love and grace of God.

May we pursue unity in the name of our Lord Jesus; may peace be our bond.

So That the World May Believe

In his new article, National Director Alan Robinson observes that remaining unified in the face of mounting pressure to embrace division is one of the biggest challenges facing the Church today. He writes: “My prayer for the Brethren in Christ is that we remain true to our heritage, our identity, and our values as we focus on knowing and following Jesus.” Read more »

Clinic Construction: Nono Mission

In rural Western Zimbabwe, people must travel long distances - often on foot - to receive medical care, causing treatable illnesses to go undetected. Help Nono BIC Mission meet this need by building a new clinic that will make primary healthcare more accessible for people in the surrounding villages. Learn more »

Setting the Table

“I know what we’re doing next!” That text, sent from Jan Pasteiner to her pastor Jon Grimshaw in 2019, was just the first step for the small congregation of Lakeview Community Church. Today, they are home to a market-style food pantry that provides $30-40 thousand worth of food to around 100 families each month. Read more »

Flooding Relief

Last year, floods devastated many vulnerable communities around the world. Crops were ruined under rising water, and landslides destroyed property and homes. Through the Global Compassion Fund, we distributed $52,592 in 2022 to flood-impacted communities in southern Africa and South Asia. Read more »

We're Hiring!

We are looking for two people with strong organizational skills and a heart for the Church to join our team in Grantham, Pa.! Learn more below:

World Missions Assistant

Support the World Missions team in the U.S. and around the world.

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Administrative Coordinator

Provide administrative skills in office management and event planning.

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Under the Kansas Sun

Read World Missions Director Jonathan Lloyd's reflections on our global team’s gathering in Kansas this past summer: “As long as there are still people who haven’t heard the good news, we will continue to send and support missionaries.” Read more »

$30,000 Sent to Macha Hospital, Zambia

We sent funds from the Global Compassion Fund to purchase furnishings for two newly-renovated patient wards at Macha Mission Hospital. “Bed pans, dust bins, and gallipots aren’t glamorous; but they are essential to patient care,” says Dr. Mark Roth. Learn more ».

Unity and Trust

Without the unity and trust of our donors and global partners, the worldwide impact of the Global Compassion Fund would not be possible. In our most recent blog post, take a behind-the-scenes look at how the fund supports individuals and communities around the world in the name of Jesus. Learn more »

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. -Ephesians 4:2-3

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