Separation and Payment Information Forms (B8F and B10S) must be completed and returned to the Department by the Due Date on the form when the claimant has separated from your employment for any reason other than Laid Off/Lack of Work or has/will receive any monies other than wages earned.
With all requests, the information requested must be completed in detail. There are specific reasons that we ask for this information in the format we do, and by providing this detail we may be able to process the information without any additional outreach to you. Forms received late, not at all, or without sufficient information may result in a $100 penalty. In addition, if an overpayment of benefits occurs because of a late, missing, or insufficient response, the employer account may be held chargeable for the benefits overpaid, regardless of the benefit charging decision that is the result of the separation issue.
Request for Separation and Payment Information Forms can be returned by email to, by fax to 802-828-9191, or by mail to P.O. Box 189, Montpelier, VT 05601- 0189.
For more information on employer Requests for Separation and Payment Information, and what specific types of information is needed, please see the Instructions for Completing Requests for Separation Forms which can be found in the
Vermont Unemployment Insurance Employer Information Manual.