How to Manage UI Cost Effectively
Q & A 
Edition 1

October 15, 2013

Why should I respond to unemployment claims?  It seems like nothing comes of it

Claims are based on wages that you and other employers have paid to your former employees during the past 18 months and caused the separation.  Responding allows the State agency to adjudicate whether the claim should be paid, as liability is based on reason for separation. 
The state agency is simply 
attempting to determine who is at fault, no liability hence no payment.    
Preventing claim payments keeps more money in your UI account and helps keep your rate from increasing. REMEMBER: Every $ Paid is a $ Owed. 
Changing the explanation for the work clear, concise and factual

Be careful with verbiage, since false statement penalties exist in many states when providing the actual reason for separation.  If a response is inaccurate simply because a mistake was made in choosing the right separation reason, contact the State immediately and clarify the situation.  Altering the facts of separation can create monetary penalties and legal ramifications.  Just report the actual event leading to separation and the company's position in the matter.


Accurate reporting will generally ensure the correct decision.  If it doesn't, then use the appeal process to clarify and rectify your position.  Changing the facts may easily open the door to penalties that are unpleasant and expensive. 

My tax rate changes annually and I'm not sure why

That is because every claim for which you have been proven at fault and liable, requires you to repay the state for the benefits paid to former employees.


Respond and monitor all your UI claims and review your benefit charge statements to be sure only qualified employees are receiving benefits.

Auditing your claim activity and benefit charges ensures that your tax rate is accurate.  Nationally, there is a 10% error factor found in benefit charge statements.
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