28 Tishrei, 5784

October 13, 2023

Parshat Bereishit

The Gemara in Masechet Chagigah (12a) recounts an interesting argument between Hillel and Shammai: what was created first – heaven or earth? Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai doesn’t understand the question. He maintains that they were created simultaneously like a pot with its lid; they are one thing.

The Slonimer Rebbe reveals a deeper message in this discussion. The heavens represent the spiritual path to serving Hashem, while the earth represents the physical path. Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai cannot understand how one could serve

G-d with one and not the other, like a pot without its lid!

In fact, the opening verses prove the necessity of a combined approach. “The land was null and void and the spirit of G-d hovered over the depths.” When the earth is devoid of spirituality, when there is no connection, life is null and void. “And G-d said let there be light and there was light. And G-d saw the light that it was good”.

When we infuse light, or spirituality, into our earthly lives, it is good. This is the way of the Jewish people. To bring Hashem’s light into the world and reflect it in the way we live, in the way we infuse spirituality into our material existence, and in the way we live our everyday lives, celebrate joyous occasions and fight our wars.

As we experience one of the darkest moments in Jewish history, it is incumbent on us to look for the light and to be the light. We must unite in love and acceptance. The existence of the world hangs on the light of the Jewish people. May we experience the day when the original light of creation is again revealed, and we know no more wars and can live in peace with all of humanity.

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Nechama Goldman

Upcoming Events:

October 15 - Sunday Morning Tefillah in the Kohelet Yeshiva Beit Midrash at 9:00 AM

October 15 - Kohelet PTSO Achdut Event for Israel

October 16 - Freshman Retreat

October 17 - Cookies and Coffee Meet & Greet at Kohelet (meet members of the Board of Directors & administration)

October 23 - 9th Grade Parent Let's Talk Program

October 24 - Wine and Cheese Meet & Greet at Kohelet (meet members of the Board of Directors & administration)

October 28 - Motzei Shabbat Destination Scavenger Hunt for 8th Graders from 7:45-10:00 PM

October 29 - KYLS Open House Tours

October 30 - Picture Day

November 2 - Dessert Meet & Greet in Cherry Hill (meet members of the Board of Directors & administration)

November 3-4 - KYMS Shabbaton

November 7 - Election Day - No School for K-12, Staff Inservice

November 10-12 - KYHS Shabbaton

November 10 - 4/5 Fridayton

November 11 - 4/5 Fridayton Motzei Shabbat Acitivty

November 13 - KYHS Parent Teacher Conferences, No Class for HS Students

November 15 - KYLS/MS Parent-Teacher Conferences (Zoom), No School for K-8

November 19 - KYHS Open House

See what else is coming up at Kohelet Yeshiva here.

Visit Our Website
Click Here to View Our 2023-2024 Calendar
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Kohelet Swag Sale

Click Here to Order Kohelet Swag

Open House


Coming Up

Please join us at one of our Meet & Greet sessions, where you can meet and spend time with members of our Board of Directors and Mrs. Troodler, Rabbi Stein, and Ms. Groen.

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about Kohelet Yeshiva and to interact with our school's lay and professional leaders.

CLICK HERE to RSVP for one of our Meet & Greet sessions.

News from Kohelet Yeshiva

Kohelet students and faculty throughout our three divisions are responding to the terrorist attacks in Israel through a range of activities, including Torah learning, special tefillot, and acts of chesed for our brothers and sisters in Israel.

Our 9th and 10th graders heard STEM presentations from 12th graders who participated in the Summer STEM initiative.

We kicked off KYLS clubs this week with some fun and exciting selections like performing arts, chess, and art.

Our 9th graders spent some time getting to know their 11th grade "big siblings" as part of the KYHS Big Sibling/Little Sibling initiative.

Updates from the Kohelet Beit Midrash
Parnas HaYom

Sponsor a day or a week of learning at Kohelet Yeshiva. Contact Nachi Troodler at ntroodler@koheletyeshiva.org for details or click here to sign up.

Thank you to this past week's Parnas HaYom sponsors!

October 12th

Irit, David, Leora Malka, Ella Aviva, Matan Ephraim, and Netta Bracha Goldman

In memory of our beloved brother and uncle, Ilan Moshe Rasooly, whose yahrtzeit is the 27th of Tishrei.

May the merit of our children’s learning bring some measure of comfort to all of us.

Kohelet Yeshiva | www.koheletyeshiva.org | 223 North Highland Ave, Merion Station, PA 19066
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