Hoping to learn more on Thursday Tuesday
Last week, Commissioner Mike Morath let districts know to expect some decisions and guidance regarding funding for next year on the Tuesday afternoon conference call. What we didn't know at the time is that he meant NEXT Tuesday, June 23. Be sure to tune into the 3 p.m. Superintendents' call with the Commissioner for important information about funding and health guidelines for the 2020-21 school year.

At this time, we know that state leaders expect schools to be open for in-person instruction and that districts will be given some flexibility to make decisions at the local level that are "supported by science." We also know Commissioner Morath has made the statement that there " will also be flexibility for families with health concerns so that their children can be educated remotely, if the parent so chooses." Read more from the Texas Tribune.
Calculating the cost of unfunded mandates
During last week's Workshop we spent some time talking about unfunded mandates and the fact that during a time of possible budget cuts, mandate relief can make limited dollars go further to actually serve students. Plano ISD has worked hard to put a price tag to what each unfunded mandate costs in their district to allow for a real conversation about each of them. Please click here to see Plano ISD's list.

We would like to see all Coalition districts create a share a list like Plano ISD's so that hard facts are available regarding what each of these state mandates costs. You can use one of the two options below to create a similar list for your district. Once complete, please share that list with christy@txsc.org as well as your local legislators.

This isn't to say that we can or should do away with all unfunded mandates, but information is required to have a conversation about which mandates are essential to the operation of schools or safety and service of students and which ones simply aren't. Legislators can't know what each of these mandates cost unless schools provide them with that information.
HB 3 implementation: tax rate compression
Today school districts received a letter from TEA regarding HB 3 implementation and tax rate compression for the 2020-21 school year. The Local Property Value Survey (LPVS) data collection will open in the FSP system on July 18 and close on August 1 . Please make sure your district has carefully reviewed this communication and that you have all the information you need to follow each of the steps and not risk any delay with the calculation of your Tier 1 tax rate for the upcoming school year.
Deadlines approaching
Don't forget that not all the funding that has been discussed will be delivered to schools automatically. There are some important deadlines that must be met in order for your district to access all the resources you may have coming your way.

The deadline for district superintendents to complete the survey for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is Tuesday, June 23 at 6:00 p.m. If you have not already done so, please make sure your district completes this survey. That link also provides info about district allotments and who to contact with questions.

The deadline for districts to apply for Missed School Day Waivers for all COVID-19 related closures was originally today, but that deadline has now been extended to Friday, July 3. This includes all days where remote/home-bound instruction was provided while the district remained closed for the last months of the 2019-20 school year. Please see TEA's COVID-19 Related Waivers FAQ document, which was once again updated yesterday, for more information.

For those who are looking for more information regarding the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) available through the CARES Act, there has not yet been a deadline established, but hopefully information will be coming soon. The CRF includes $400 million that has been earmarked for schools to receive up to a 75% reimbursement for COVID-related expenses incurred on or before May 20, 2020 (within a certain floor and ceiling). The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) will administer those reimbursement funds to school districts, and TDEM does not yet have information for schools available. Once they do, TEA will communicate that information, and we'll also make sure to let you know.
Virtual Legislative Planning Workshop
If you missed any of the information from our Virtual Legislative Planning Workshop, it is still available for you to access:

You can access Christy's presentation on economic outlook and history of funding cuts in two formats: ( Download PDF) ( Download PPT slides)

You can also download this summary presentation of the breakout group responses, as well as video presentations:

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Austin, Texas 78746