Eliminating Unacceptable Behavior
  • Alison is always late.
  • Some days Mike doesn't show up at all.
  • Kathy swears like a drunken sailor in front of customers.
  • And Gary's never quite grasped the concept of "mind your own business."

Sound familiar?

Imagine if this cast of characters were all in your office! That could create some serious performance issues. Not just for Alison, Mike, Kathy and Gary, but for their co-workers who have to deal with the havoc they create. Their performance would suffer, too.

Chronic bad behavior can sabotage productivity, destroy morale, and drive your best employees right out the door.

That's why it's critical to address all these types of behaviors quickly and convincingly with HR policies that clearly spell out expectations for acceptable behavior - and consequences for failure to comply.

Take The Next Step!
Reach out to Alternative HR today!
Do You Have Questions?

We can help you deal with the behavior that drains productivity, and even worse - threatens the stability of your workforce.

Give us a call today at 605.335.8198!