Thursday, August 29th, 2024

Communion Sunday: 09/01/24


UMH #529 How Firm a Foundation vv. 1, 2, & 4

TFWS #2130 The Summons 


John 20:24-29

(8:30 AM) Tommy Damico

(11 AM) Steve Backstrom


We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight by Michael D. Costello

(8:30 AM) Small Ensemble

(11 AM) Chancel Choir


"Before, Within, and After"

Rev. Katie McKay Simpson

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Today's Newsletter:

Click Here to View Last Week's Newsletter

  • Serve and Grow at UUMC
  • Meals for the LSU Wesley
  • Upcoming at UUMC: Exploring Doubt (Week One), First Sunday Food Pantry Collection, Christmas in August?, Holy Grill, The Chosen Study

  • UUMC In the News: Kids Hope

As we discover more about following the call that God has on our lives, we invite you to visit our Serve Form. This form has all the ways that a person can serve in our church. It ranges from Kids Hope to Small Group Leader to HOPE Ministries to being a worship volunteer. We hope you will take the time to check it out.

Click Here to Serve at UUMC!

UUMC ministries help church members find meaningful, relevant ways to strengthen their relationship with Christ. Make weekday small groups part of your routine. We'd like to invite you to visit our Grow Form and find your place at one of our intended groups. We have groups that are all women, all men, and couples.

Click Here to Grow at UUMC!

Meals for the LSU Wesley Foundation:

Friends of the Wesley Foundation at LSU!

Can you or a group that you are a part of bring a meal or contribute to a meal for students at the Wesley Foundation at LSU? We'll be worshipping at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays during the semester, and we'll eat dinner afterward. We'd like to have food ready at 6:45 p.m. To begin the semester, let's plan for 30 students. Check back in with me as your date approaches to get a more accurate estimate of student numbers.

If you can commit to a date, please use the link below to sign up for this semester:

If you'd like to support me in another way, please let me know. Feel free to share this widely. Thank you for your continued support!

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Mary Rachel Moore

September Sermon Series: Exploring Doubt

We often believe that doubt is the enemy of faith. However, doubt can actually be the bedrock of a richer faith life. Using Brian McLaren’s book Faith After Doubt as a guide, we’ll be journeying with our doubts throughout this series. We encourage you to dig deeper into the questions you dare not ask out loud in church. Those are the very questions we’ll be encouraging you to work through in this series beginning this Sunday.

View the Week One Devotional Guide

First Sunday Food Pantry Collection:

Reminder!  The Hope Ministries Food Pantry needs canned meat, breakfast items, and items such as cooking oil, flour, cornmeal, and sugar. Any non-perishable food item that you bring will be appreciated.

We encourage you to bring food items on the FIRST SUNDAY of each month. We will feed our souls with communion and help to feed those in need with our food donations. On Sunday, please place the items in the collection bin in the Fellowship Hall. If you are unable to bring food on the first Sunday, feel free to bring items whenever you can. If you bring food during the week, please bring it directly to the office.

Christmas in August?:

If you are an eager shopper, it is not too early to buy something for the Christmas Toy Collection. Each year, Hope Ministries evaluates the families it serves and selects some families to receive Christmas toys for their children. For some children, this will be the only toy they receive. In October, we will start collecting the toys at church as the deadline is usually the first week in December. For now, please store the toys at your home.


Rules for toys: Please spend $20 to $25 on each item. All toys should be NEW and unwrapped. No guns, knives, or toys of violence. Popular items are footballs, basketballs, ethnic baby and ethnic Barbie dolls, Disney items, toy cars, action figures, and toys for babies and toddlers. If the toy requires batteries, please tape extra batteries onto the package. Toys that are valued at less than $20 will not be able to be used for this project. You also may participate by donating money.

Click Here to Donate to the Christmas Toy Drive


Please pray for the success of this project. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Holy Grill:

UUMC volunteers will serve at The Holy Grill next week, Tuesday - Friday the week of Sept. 3rd-6th. The InterFaith Federation of GBR delivers food around noon to the Cadillac St. BREC Park gym (6117 Cadillac St. 70811) in Zion City, an area north of Airline Highway and east of the airport. Four or five volunteers a day is an optimal crew. Generally, three people serve plates; one volunteer handles drinks and one does dessert. Usually, a group will carpool from the church, leaving about 11:30 a.m. and returning by 1 p.m.

Click Here to Serve at the Holy Grill!

The Chosen Study with Cindy Hall:

All are invited to join the Chosen Study with Cindy Hall. This study will begin Wednesday, September 18th from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and will gather in the UUMC Library. We ask that you bring your lunch with you to enjoy during the meeting. We will meet and then have a roundtable discussion to close our time together. This is a long-term study, 32-weeks, excluding holidays.

Click Here to Join the Chosen Study

Kids Hope News:

It doesn’t take Super Powers 

to make a great Kids Hope volunteer, 

just a willingness to show up 

and be part of someone else’s life!

Check out one of the SUPER Kids Hope Volunteers: Melissa Nguyen

We’re now turning our attention toward recruiting new volunteers and training. We’re looking to add more volunteers to serve on our 5th-grade garden team, as a 4th-grade book club leader, or as a mentor to one precious kiddo. If you’d like more info on how you can join our volunteer efforts this school year, please reach out. There are more than 640 students enrolled and the needs are great. We’d love to serve alongside YOU as we build relationships with the best kids in town!

Serve with Kids Hope!

Shirley Flake

Director of Kids Hope

Prayer List:

Robert Blackledge, Marc Blackwell, Joan Benedict, Myrtle Branning, Doug Braymer, Bob and Sharon Buchanan, Beth Courtney, Jan Daly, Blaire Dickey, The Dunn Family, Nancy Gardner, Janet Grace, Kristine Hawkins, Susan Horton, Elliot Irby, The Family of Arnold Jackson, Nancy Johnson, Rev. Linda Joseph, Dana and Curt Kinard, The Family of Marilla LaFleur, June Lank, Maria and Oswaldo Linares, Charlotte Love, The Family of Sonni Muller, Ceci Neustrom, Sally Perry, Susan Pourciau, Marianna Ritter, Brooklyn Rives, Jessica Roux’s Ukrainian Host Family, Jessie and Herbert Sibley, Mary Tinsley, Garrett Ward, Wesley Foundation Leadership, Students at LSU as Classes Begin, and all of those in our congregation who are in nursing homes or homebound.

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