UUFF eNews - Week of May 8, 2024

These weekly emails are intended to keep you, our members and friends, informed of current and upcoming Fellowship events and opportunities.

Have a UUFF announcement you'd like to share? Send it to Fawn via the office email! Submissions for each Wednesday's eNews must be received no later than the preceding Tuesday at noon and should contain only pertinent information such as title, date, time, location, purpose of the UUFF event or opportunity being announced. New announcements are typically run for two consecutive weeks only (to keep things "fresh"), with some exceptions made for special circumstances. THANKS!

Sunday 11am Service

Sunday, May 12th: "My Big Happy Chalice: Our Present and Future." This Sunday, members of UUFF's Youth Religious Exploration group will speak about their personal UUFF experiences and share their hopes for the future.

You can attend service in person at the fellowship building or view it remotely online via Facebook Live Stream. To attend via Facebook, click on: https://www.facebook.com/events/385929457781196/ at exactly 11am Central Standard Time (CST), and then click on "Watch Live Video. You don't need a Facebook account to access.

The UUFF Nursery (located downstairs) offers childcare during both the 10am Religious Exploration hour and the 11am Service.

Please see Nursery Coordinator, Alex Emmons if you need to register your child(ren) or if you have questions.

Sunday 10AM Religious Exploration Classes

Meditation Group - each Sunday morning via zoom, starting at 9am.

If you'd like to attend or just to know more, please contact Ines Polonius (work4justice2@yahoo.com) or Caroline Lennox (clennox1@gmail.com).

Adult RE Mindful Discussion is held at 10am each Sunday in the downstairs common room. All are welcome.


Topic this Sunday: "The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth...?" UUFF member and Mindful Discussions participant, John Johnson will lead our discussion this week, exploring ways in which we may not tell a direct "lie" but perhaps shade the truth, tell only half the truth, or answer questions that were not asked. And hopefully help remind us what a gift it is when we really are honest with ourselves and with others. Kate Kowalski will co-facilitate. Join us. 

Youth (ages 11+) and Children's (ages 4-11) Religious Exploration Classes are offered each Sunday at 10am in the classrooms downstairs.

Questions about this Sunday or about YRE or CRE in general? Contact Leanda Gavin (lmshelby@gmail.com) or Stephanie Bentley (stephmacbentley@gmail.com).

UUFF Cares Update

UUFF Members & Staff with Birthdays in May:

Dustin Cook

Joe Euculano

Journey (Linda) Flores

Nancy Garner

John Johnson

Carol Tarvin

Jacki Tighe

Gene Vinzant

Dana White

If you would like to send these folks a card or note and are unable to access the online directory, you may contact Fawn at uuff.ar@gmail.com and ask for the address.

UUFF Events, Announcements & Opportunities

UUFF's Flower Communion Service is coming up NEXT SUNDAY, May 19th!

This is one of our most beautiful and beloved UU annual traditions. Please bring a flower or flowers to share. If you don't have access to any, don't worry, as we'll have plenty to go around!

Dallas Arceneaux is heading up UUFF's relationship with 7hills Homeless Center, and we are determined to collect donations for them per what they list as needs on their website. We have a specially labeled collection cart in the UUFF lobby by the entrance doors, or you can drop off donations at the center yourself. To check the current needs, go to: https://7hillscenter.org/7hills-needs-list/

In addition to the online list, we have also been made aware of a current special need for electrolyte hydration powder packets that can be added to water to prevent dehydration (see pictured example). These can literally be a life-saver as the warm seasons come upon us. THANKS for your support!

Upcoming Sunday 11am Services:

May 19th - Flower Communion! Led by Rev. Renée Janski

May 26th - "Singing the Living Tradition," let by Rev. Renée Janski

Calendar of UUFF Events for May 8th - 16th

TODAY, 05/08 - 6pm - Space Team Meeting - UUFF

Every Thursday - 10am-12pm - Grounds Work Day - UUFF

Sunday, 05/12 - 9am - Sunday Meditation Group - Zoom

Sunday, 05/12 - 10am - Adult RE Mindful Discussions Group - Downstairs Common Room

Sunday, 05/12 - 10am - Children and Youth RE Classes - Downstairs Classrooms

Sunday, 05/12 - 11am - Main Sunday Service - UUFF or remotely via Facebook Live Stream

Wednesday, 05/15 - 6:30pm - Chalice Team Meeting - Zoom

Every Thursday - 10am-12pm - UUFF Grounds Work Day - UUFF

UUFF Main Contact Info:

Office Phone: 479-521-8422

Administrator Email: uuff.ar@gmail.com

Mailing Address: 901 W. Cleveland St. / Fayetteville, AR 72701

*UUFF's Associate Minister/Music Director, Rev. Renée Janski, does not keep regular office hours due to her extensive & varied ministerial duties. To schedule a meeting with Rev. Renée, please email janskistudio@gmail.com *

* UUFF's Operations Manager ("OM"), Christina Maples, can be contacted by emailing uuff.ar.CMaplesOM@gmail.com *

UUFF's Weekday Office Hours have increased to Monday - Friday from 10am-2pm! Disclaimer: Hours are subject to change based on OM/Admin vacation, inclement weather, work errands, personal appointments, illness, holidays, etc.

Please refer to our website - www.uufayetteville.org - for the latest UUFF news and updates.

Visit UUFF's Website
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville | 479-521-8422 | uuff.ar@gmail.com| uufayetteville.org
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