UUFF eNews - Week of August 29, 2024

Sunday 11am Service

Sunday, September 1st: “Books, Backpacks, Briefcases, and Blessings.” This Sunday we'll get the UUFF Library lowdown from Annette and E, and everyone is encouraged to bring your Backpacks, Briefcases, Purses, Lunchboxes or any bag you use for work or school and receive a loving UUFF Blessing from Rev. Renée and Melly! Let's celebrate this time of new beginnings together!

You can attend service in person at the fellowship building or view it remotely online via Facebook Live Stream. To attend live via Facebook, wait until 11am Central Daylight Time (CDT) and go to: https://www.facebook.com/share/jFtYiexgEFJ5svxj/ and click on "Watch Live Video. A Facebook account is not required for viewing.

During RE's Summer Break (July 7th - September 1st), the UUFF Nursery (located downstairs) will only be open for the 11am hour.

Please contact UUFF's Childcare Coordinator, Elizabeth Rathburn (childcare@uufayetteville.org), if you have questions or need to register your child for care.

Sunday 10AM Religious Exploration Classes

Meditation Group - each Sunday morning via zoom, starting at 9am.

If you'd like to attend or just to know more, please contact UUFF's Operation Manager, Christina Maples, at opsmanager@uufayetteville.org

NOTE: Meditation Group will continue to meet via Zoom each Sunday at 9am while other RE groups are taking a Summer Break.

Informal Discussion Group - Sundays at 10am - Downstairs

All are invited to join the informal discussion group that is meeting Sundays at 10am during UUFF's Religious Exploration Summer Break. These "free range" non-facilitated discussions have been held weekly since the start of July, and we're pleased to report that zero basement brawls have erupted! So come visit with fellow UUFFers and discuss whatever comes up!

*RE Classes & Adult Mindful Discussions start back NEXT SUNDAY, September 8th* No childcare is available until 11am during RE Summer Break.*

UUFF Cares Update

UUFF Member and Staff birthdays coming up in SEPTEMBER:

E Anglin

Kathy Benton

Edith Bradberry

Laura Brewer


Cobi Cogbill

Chris Cook

Jori Costello

Callie Gardner

Deb Hunter

RJ (Ronda Jean)

Arden Kate

Joanna Person-Michener

If you would like to send these folks a card or note and are unable to access the online directory, you may contact Fawn at uuff.ar@gmail.com and ask for the address.

UUFF Events, Announcements & Opportunities

A Being UU Class will be offered at UUFF on Tuesday, September 24th, from 6:30-8:30pm!

Interested in finding out more about Unitarian Universalism, UUFF, and/or becoming a member of our fellowship? If so, you should check out the upcoming Being UU Class!

This two-hour class is taught by various members of UUFF's leadership and gives participants lots of great info and helps newcomers get better acquainted with one another and with the leadership who are teaching! A light dinner will be provided, and childcare is available if participants indicate the need for it in advance via the registration form.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED - Please CLICK HERE to fill out and submit the online registration form no later than NOON on Sunday, September 22nd!

UUFF Justice Team Meeting coming up soon!

Anyone interested in social/environmental justice and in making a positive difference through personal and group action is encouraged to attend the Justice Team's next meeting, which will be held on Thursday, September 5th, 7pm, at the home of Dina Nash, team lead (Address: 1978 N. Settlement Lane in Fayetteville)!

The meeting will be a discussion of plans for the coming year and a discussion upcoming (late September) webinars on Environmental Justice. Please RSVP to 501-554-2200 to allow for refreshments planning. 

7hills Donations Update

Thanks to your generous donations, Dallas Arceneaux was able to drop off another 250 powdered hydration packets to 7hills this past week!

With summer winding down, they have requested that we pivot back to collecting canned soups and chilis. These are in such high demand during the winter months that they like to get a stockpile before colder weather arrives. They also asked for new men’s and women’s underwear in sizes small & medium.

You may leave donations in the black rolling cart that is just to the left when you enter into the lobby. THANK YOU!

Calendar of UUFF Events for August 29th - September 5th

Thursday, 08/29 - 9-11am - UUFF Grounds Work Day - UUFF

Sunday, 09/01 - 9am - Sunday Meditation Group - Zoom

Sunday, 09/01 - 10am - Informal Discussion Group - Downstairs common area

Sunday, 09/01 - 11am - Main Sunday Service - UUFF or remotely via Facebook Live Stream

Monday, 09/02 - ALL DAY - UUFF Closed for Labor Day (Office Closed and Covenant Group has canceled usual 6pm gathering)

Thursday, 09/05 - 9-11am - UUFF Grounds Work Day - UUFF

Thursday, 09/05 - 1pm - Women Rowing North Discussion Group - BTV Lodge

Thursday, 09/05 - 7pm - UUFF Justice Team Meeting - Nash Residence (1978 N. Settlement Lane in Fayetteville)

* We are working on updating staff and leadership emails through our domain, so it you see emails coming from addresses ending in @uufayetteville.org, don't worry. That is planned and legit!

UUFF Main Contact Info:

Office Phone: 479-521-8422

Administrator Email: uuff.ar@gmail.com or office@uufayetteville.org

Mailing Address: 901 W. Cleveland St. / Fayetteville, AR 72701

*UUFF's Associate Minister/Music Director, Rev. Renée Janski does not have set office hours, so if you would like to meet with her, please contact her via her NEW work email at RevRenee@uufayetteville.org

* UUFF's Operations Manager ("OM"), Christina Maples, can be contacted by emailing opsmanager@uufayetteville.org

UUFF's Weekday Office Hours have increased to Monday - Friday from 10am-2pm! Disclaimer: Hours are subject to change based on OM/Admin vacation, inclement weather, work errands, personal appointments, illness, holidays, etc.

Please refer to our website - www.uufayetteville.org - for the latest UUFF news and updates.

Visit UUFF's Website
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville | 479-521-8422 | uuff.ar@gmail.com| uufayetteville.org
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