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Sunday, August 30, at
10 am, Zoom Summer Discussion, Led by Vida Morley, "Poetry"
Everyone is invited to read a poem of their choosing. Poetry has been a favorite of our past Summer Discussions and with your participation - “may it continue!." Vida Morley

Join us by clicking the Zoom link here on Sunday, August 30 at 10 am, followed by coffee hour.

If you have a joy or sorrow for the August 30 service, please share it during the discussion or if you're not planning to attend, email the UUCR office at UUCR email by Friday, August 28 at noon. Thanks for everyone’s flexibility.

Kevin Brien, August 3
Joan Blume, August 6 "#90!"
Joan Biehler, August 18
Bob Fox, August 19
Harvey Wigder, August 20
(corrected date for Harvey)
Margo Long, August 27
Liz Salett, August 30

We want to help celebrate your birthday! If we didn't include your August birthday, please contact Jan Whitney at UUCR email


Sunday, September 6,
Lynn Dolinger and Marilee Taussig, Summer Zoom Discussion on "Growing Up White--What Now?"

Sunday, September 13,
Rev. Sue Browning, Virtual Service, Ingathering/Water Communion
The Winding Down of This Summer
Something just feels "off" as we approach Labor Day.

September has long been the month when we return to our routines. Maybe we do so reluctantly, not wanting the warm, relaxing days to end, yet we are often ready to make the shift. This year feels different.  

I’m particularly aware of the many families and teachers who are bracing for September. Though school will start soon, most won’t be returning to a physical classroom, or lunchroom, or a ride on the school bus, at least not right away. And for those who are returning to buildings, the list of limitations is long.

We know teachers are being called to reimagine their roles, and to prepare to engage students in fundamentally new ways. What was learned about "virtual school" last spring that will be useful? Where are whole new approaches needed? Where have the technical platforms changed? Beyond the classroom, sports, band, chorus and scouts are all impacted.

Kids, families, and teachers are resilient and will adapt in time. While true, it is a stressful time. To the teachers and families facing these many unknowns, your congregation will be here for you. While you likely don’t yet know what will feel helpful, please know as you figure it out that we’re here.

For the rest of us, we, too, face a September that feels different. We’ll need to launch the church year in a different way (stay tuned!), and virtually everything we traditionally return to in September has been tweaked or modified.

I invite you to take a moment and reflect on how you feel as we move toward Labor Day this year and ask, how might we support one another this September? 

Please be in touch with your hopes, needs, ideas and questions - our virtual door is always open.

Rev. Sue
Photo Directory News
A Photo Directory Is Really Coming This Time
Anxious to see our friends? As a visual reminder of all those smiling faces, we are creating a photo directory using pictures submitted by you using smartphone "selfies" or anyway you can capture your own happy face. We will bring them all together in a booklet publication.

In the next week or so you will be contacted with instructions on how to supply us with your "portrait" and to verify your contact information. Please get a jump on this process by starting today to aim that camera at yourself and family. Wild and crazy is acceptable!

The pictures do not need to be professional quality. Let's make this fun! We just want to stay connected and being able to pick up a directory with pics of our close friends seems a way to do this.

We will publish and mail the directory to all members
and friends. 

Smile and say "UU Please"!

David Biehler
About Voting in the
Upcoming Election
Because of the pandemic, Governor Larry Hogan has declared that this fall Marylanders will vote at prescribed Voting Centers – which may or may not be voters’ regular precinct location. A staff member at the Kent County Board of Elections, contacted by phone yesterday, stated that Kent County will have three Voting Centers, but the locations of these centers has not been confirmed. Another change is that the days for Early Voting have been moved forward; Early Voting will take place from October 26 through November 2, the day before Election Day. And, finally, a recent change in the law requires the State Board of Elections and each local board of elections to refer to absentee ballots as "mail-in ballots" and absentee voting as "mail-in voting." Please note that this change in terminology does NOT change the process of mail-in voting. 
3 Ways Marylanders Can Vote In 2020

  • Vote by mail-in ballot -- see below.

  • Vote in person and “early” at Voting Centers during Maryland’s Early Voting period, which is from Monday, Oct. 26 through Tuesday, Nov. 2, from 7 am to 8 pm each day.

  • Vote in person at Voting Centers on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3, from 7 am to 8 pm.

Voting by Mail 

  • You must submit a mail-in ballot application (either by mail or online) in order to receive a ballot in the mail. Your request for a mail-in ballot must be received by October 20.

  • You will receive an application to request a mail-in ballot via the mall. The Maryland Board of Elections is expected to mail each registered voter an application for a mail-in ballot around August 28. (You may not receive this ballot application if you have already requested one online.)

  • Note: If you request a mail-in ballot and then decide to vote in person, your in-person vote will be considered “provisional” and will be counted later, once verified.

  • Once you receive and fill out your ballot, you can return it by mail or deposit it in one of the official Ballot Drop Boxes located at sites in Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties. The number of, and sites for, these Ballot Drop Boxes has not yet been determined.

Registering to Vote

  • If you are not already registered and would like to vote, you need to register by October 13.

  • More questions? Call your county’s Board of Elections. Kent County – 410-778-0038; Queen Anne’s County – 410-758-0832.

Jane Hardy
100 Years Later
Today is Women's Equality Day: U.S. Women Won the Right to Vote 100 Years Ago
On August 26, 1920, after 72 years of grassroots organization, clever advocacy, and relentless agitation conducted by three generations of U.S. women, the struggle was finally won and the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution was certified. The amendment states: “The right of citizens of the United States shall not be denied or abridged in account of sex. “

Eight days earlier, on August 18, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment, making it the law of the land once certified. (In 1920 there were only 48 states, so the magic number for state ratification was 36!)

On this coming August 26 buildings and landmarks all over the country, including the Library of Congress and the National Archives, will light up in purple and gold in honor of the suffrage movement. Purple, gold, and white were the colors used by suffragists for their costumes and campaigns.

The League of Women Voters of Kent County has planned an event to celebrate the 100 years: They have rented the Chester River Packet for an evening sail. They will attach banners to the sides of the packet, touting women's right to vote in this country as they cruise down the Chester, wearing white and waving to onlookers. If you live on the river, keep an eye out on the 26th around 6 pm so you can cheer them on as they come into view!
UUCR on Facebook

Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River now has two Facebook pages. Our original UUCR Facebook Page now has a new look. This is thanks to Kate Livie, of Alosa Communications. (Click the image below to go to our original UUCR Facebook Page.)

  • Frequent posts are desirable not only because they keep our page updated with fresh content, this new content is carried forward into our followers’ newsfeeds. That’s an example of the interconnectedness of all things. We want our page to reflect a balance of news and information, not skewed too much in one direction. So far the bulk of our content is about upcoming services, ideas for family activities, and our work on racial justice. It would be helpful if we could expand our postings into other areas.

  • Pat Bjorke has been posting from UU World about Unitarian Universalism so that folks not familiar with us will get some idea what we're about. 

  • Pat has also been posting her “BITES” on this Facebook page, as well as putting them in Reflections newsletter.

  • PLEASE visit ... maybe once a week to see what's new even if you're not going to post.

  • As well as our Website, our Facebook page is our public face in the now mostly virtual world. Do not post personal information about yourself or anybody else.

  • If a Facebook page isn’t seen in the virtual universe, does it exist?

Our UUCR Facebook Forum is the new more personal space. Again, created by Kate Livie. (Click the image below to go to our UUCR Facebook Forum.)
  • This is a private Facebook page/group for UUCR congregants and friends only.

  • One has to be admitted by someone already in the group.

  • Only members can post.

  • The intention is to give us a means of sharing experiences and possibly connecting in this time of distancing.

  • Content posted to the private UUCR Facebook Forum group offers greater latitude than on the public Facebook page, and can include thought-provoking discussion topics, fun asides, and current local topics of interest. It is highly advisable to keep a definite boundary between the two Facebook pages.

  • DICK HAWKINS MEMORIAL SERVICE -- A picture of the service has been posted on the Facebook Forum. This is your chance to join the group, if you have not already done so. Add your own pictures and remembrances. Feel free to start your own post.
From UUCR's Social Concerns/Social Justice Committee
Redner's Receipts
For all of you hoarders of grocery receipts from Redner's, help has arrived! While the church is closed as a collection point, Upper Shore Aging is still serving seniors and welcomes your receipts.  You can deliver in person by driving up to the Amy Lynn Ferris Center and calling someone to come out and get your collection (410-778-2571); or you can mail them to Upper Shore Aging, 200 Schauber Rd., Chestertown, MD 21620.

Thanks go out to Margo Long from the Social Concerns Social Justice Committee for making this happen!
Lynn Dolinger
Last Sunday's Zoom Discussion
Last Sunday, August 23, Zoom Summer Discussion, Led by Rev. Sue Browning, "About Anything But Covid"
We discussed where are you finding joy this summer? What are you looking forward to this fall? Rev. Sue led us in a conversation focused on the good things which may be possible in the months to come. Some screen shots the Zoom Meeting below.
Check in Every First Wednesday at
7 pm for Support and Feedback on Our Individual Efforts to Make a Difference
Dear UUCR Members and Friends,

During my sermon on Sunday, June 21, I encouraged each congregant to make one specific commitment to support ending racism. As I explained, I will host a Zoom call on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 pm, where we will be able check in with one another on our progress. The call will be brief, and will focus on encouragement and learning. Rev. Sue Browning

 If you have questions, please be in touch with Rev. Sue at email.
Pastoral Care & Connection
We are here for you!  We will focus on staying directly connected with our members and friends, especially those who may need assistance or support. The caring teams from our congregation is staying in touch, but if you need to reach out, please be in touch with any of the contacts below to stay connected (and see additional contacts below for RE families).
Please know your congregation is here. We can help you find connections. Please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know what is helpful for you in this time. 

Rev. Sue Browning, and the Pastoral Care Associates: Kevin Brien, Gayle Folger, Nancy Holland, and Vida Morley
or for more information, contact:
Jan Whitney (Office) p: 410-778-3440 | e:
Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River 914 Gateway Drive, Chestertown, MD 21620
Phone: (410) 778-3440