Unitarian Universalist
Church of the
North Hills
| Nourish your spirit. Celebrate life. Cherish the connectedness of all things. | |
Friday, May 24, 2024
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Sunday - May 26 2024
10:30 am (EDT)
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What is Your Train Moment
Jonathan Murray
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Gandhi’s passion for justice was ignited after facing discrimination and being ejected from the train to South Africa. What fuels your passion for truth and justice?
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The Share the Plate recipient for May will be the Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN). PIIN is a network of congregations and organizations in Southwestern Pennsylvania committed to drawing together people of faith to act powerfully on local and regional issues of justice and fairness. Through the processes of community-building, working with politicians and policymakers, direct action, and negotiation, we transform our communities. PIIN is also an affiliate of the Gamaliel Foundation, an international network of more than 60 local and regional congregation-based organizing groups.
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Are you for the proposed Values and Covenants or keeping our Principles and Sources?
June 9th, UUCNH members will be voting on the Article II proposal at our annual meeting. If you can’t attend, be sure to vote by proxy.
Discussion on Article II continues even though discussion groups and the Town Hall are complete. There are two methods:
- West Room: Browse other’s written comments and share yours on the Article II comment wall anytime through June 9th.
UUCNH Community Facebook: Join the group UUCNH Community. Read and share comments in the thread dedicated to the Article II proposal.
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The UUA General Assembly is from Thursday, June 20, 2024, until Sunday June 23, 2024.
Consider being a UUCNH delegate to GA 2024 for this historic vote. We are looking for at least one more delegate and alternates, who are willing to step in if needed. It is online and free. You must be a UUCNH member.
Let us know your interest by Tuesday, May 28.
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ANNUAL MEETING: Any committee or team that would like to request time on the agenda, reach out to Board President Alison Smith.
ANNUAL REPORT PREPARATION: Any Team, Committee, Group, or Task Force chair, co-chair, or leader that wants to have a submission in the 2024 Annual Report, send your submission to the Office no later than Friday, May 31.
- Send your submission with the title of your Team, Committee, Group, or Task Force name in bold.
- Name of who is submitting the report.
- Single-spaced (Arial 10 if possible).
- View previous submissions in the 2023 Annual Report.
- Firm deadline is Friday, May 31
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We need 2 more people for the Usher Team. It involves ushering one Sunday each month. If interested, please contact Ruth Horwitz.
Thanks, Ruth
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The Pittsburgh UU Cluster (including UUCNH!) will once again be participating in the 2024 Pride Parade. The parade will take place on Saturday, June 1 and will step off at noon! The lineup will begin at 10 am along Liberty Avenue. Specific location details for the cluster's spot in the parade is pending and will be noted in the May 31 E-news. Participants are encouraged to wear a UU or UUCNH t-shirt if you have one. If you aren't up for the long walk - feel free to watch from the sidelines and give us a cheer as we walk by!
Details about the parade and other Pride festivities can be found at March and Parade 2024 - Pittsburgh Pride 2024
If you would like to be specifically informed of the details for meeting up at the parade (or if you want to join the UUCNH lgbtq group TrUUe Colors), please send an e-mail to TrUUe Colors.
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The annual UUCNH camping trip is taking place this year at Loleta Campground in the Allegheny National Forest from July 17-21. The camping trip is great fun: lots of families, a good way to get to know people better while relaxing around the campfire, hiking, floating down the river, and "s'more..."! Space is limited - contact Abby Vaughn or Rachael Smart with any questions or to RSVP.
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Zoom with UUCNH Friends
This drop-in connection will be held every Tuesday at 3:30 - 4:30 pm and will be led by Michael Horwitz. Click the link above to join the Zoom meeting. Login is the same each week.
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April - May News
- ACTION REQUESTED: HB 1776 - Establishing an Independent Redistricting Commission will finally end gerrymandering in our state if passed. Please contact and urge your PA House Representative to co-sponsor HB 1776 and your State Senator to co-sponsor the Senate version, SB 1076.
- April 23 - UUCNH congregants served at various community polling places & the church was a new polling place.
May 7- Over 550 people attended End Gun Violence Advocacy Day 2024 at the Capitol in Harrisburg. Among participants were UU’s from around the state, including five UUCNH congregants. Attendees met with their lawmakers to discuss pending gun safety bills and rallied on the Capitol steps, strongly urging passage of the potentially life saving bills. For more information on gun legislation & to TAKE ACTION.
Future Events
Voter Registration - League of Women Voters “LWV”- Check the Greater Pittsburgh LWV site://lwvpgh.org/ for opportunities to register voters before the Nov. 5 General Election and for other election related events. .
A Summer & Fall 2024 Get Out the Vote “GOTV” Activities - SCT will announce several dates for church Potluck dinners, where attendees will also participate in the Vote Forward Campaign by personalizing pre printed letters to PA voters, saying why you think it’s so important to vote in November. SCT will supply all letter/mailing materials. Stay tuned for further details in the Enews. Click for information about Vote Forward.
Next SCT Meeting is Monday, June 3 @ 7:30 pm on Zoom. For a zoom link to attend, please contact Co-Chair Diana Hull.
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Check Out What’s Going On in Our UU Central East Region - Read the May CER Newsletter
Future Activities
June 20-23 ALL VIRTUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY, the UU annual gathering, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. Theme: Love Unites, Stories Ignite Registration is open
July 7-13 CERSI (Central East Region Summer Institute) is a multigenerational camp at which the Speaker, Rev. Julian Soto, UU minister and activist will present "Unlikely Superheroes: Skills for Practicing Faith and Ethics in Tough Times." Join us at PennWest in California, PA. Learn more and register at the CERSI webpage. Deadline for scholarships from the CERSI scholarship fund is May 31, 2024.
Learn About the Proposed Article II Amendments
Proposed Article II Revision: If you're interested in talking to other UU’s about Article 2 and the proposed amendments, a place to do that is at the UUA Forum at discuss.uua.org. Join the important conversation. Amplifying the Charge Resource Kit is available.
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UUCNH will be participating in the NHCO Spring Cleaning Collection this year! SNAP benefits cannot be used to purchase cleaning supplies. These items can be an extra expense that many low-income families cannot afford. NHCO is committed to providing each family with a bag of cleaning supplies to make their home sparkle. Donations can be made through Sunday, June 2.
Most needed items include:
- Laundry Detergent (size under 100oz )
- Disinfecting Wipes
- All-Purpose Cleaner
- Toilet Bowl Cleaner
- Dish Detergent
- Pack of Sponges
- Roll of Paper Towels
- Canvas Shopping Bag
Please place donations in the blue bin next to the food pantry. Thank you for your generosity!
Compassionate Service Team
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Our Joy is for our dear friend Cindy Mitchell who used her arm to protect Robyn Travers from being hit in the face with a baseball at a Friday Pirate game. She didn’t break anything, but we so appreciate her sacrifice. Our sorrow is that she was injured and didn’t even get the ball.
From Ginny Love a Joy: Our twin grandsons Connor and Tyler arrived eighteen years ago, two months early and each weighing only about three pounds. As infants, they faced a myriad of medical challenges including weekly infusions for primary immunodeficiency disease that began at ten months of age. This continued for almost two years. Connor needed a feeding tube starting at six months and continued for a year when he had surgery for his situation. Skip ahead and just yesterday both boys were off to their senior prom, and next Saturday I’ll attend their high school graduations. And then at summer’s end, two healthy grandsons head off to college. Blessings on the medical help that has come their way over time. What a source of joy they are! Happy guys and happy grandma to share this news about these two much-loved kids.
Lynne Herchenroether shared her Joy and Sorrow: My college roommate, who lives in a village just outside Oxford, is nearing her end. I’m flying to England on Wednesday to visit and say goodbye. Linda has scoliosis, as well as a rare, degenerative brain disease, and has gradually been losing muscle control. My Joy is that we’ve been close friends for over 60 years, and have shared wonderful adventures along with 2 other college friends while having a lot of fun and funny times together.
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Note: There are times when you may not be able to share during service but want the Congregation to know what is on your heart. In that instance, just contact a member of the Lay Pastoral Care Team (LPCT) in person or submit your Joys & Sorrows electronically by clicking here. Once submitted, the form is sent to all LPCT members. (Chris Hill, Ruth Horwitz, Susan Powers, Lynn Richards, Lynne Herchenroether, Inga Burton-Smith, and Marsha Pedone). Please be sure to submit your item by NOON on Saturday at the latest, so we get it in time for Service. Also, LPCT emails are forwarded to all members of the team. We welcome your sharing and would be honored to carry forth your message.
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Click your calendar choice below, then choose to view by list, day, week, or month. | |
UU Church of the North Hills
2359 West Ingomar Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Phone: 412-366-0244
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Rev. Lee Anne’s Work Schedule
Work Week: Tuesday – Sunday
Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00 - 6:00 by appointment
Sunday 8:30 - 3:30
Friday: Message Preparation
Monday: Sabbath
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