Unitarian Universalist

Church of the

North Hills

Nourish your spirit. Celebrate life. Cherish the connectedness of all things.
Visit UUCNH Website


Friday, March 29, 2024


Sunday - March 31, 2024

10:30 am (EDT)

Easter: What's the Good News, Really?

Rev. Lee Anne

Easter is the Christian celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the anointed one (Christ). For many Christians, the traditional interpretation of the Easter story has become the raison d’etre of Christianity. But was that always the case? Is there yet a more primary, deeper, and more hopeful message than “Jesus died for our sins?” Join Rev. Lee Anne as she explores the possibility.

DTCare intends to leave the world a better place than we found it by elevating and empowering disadvantaged communities across the globe through creating unique opportunities for employment, education, job training, local awareness, capacity building, and celebrating diversity within the communities we affect. DTCare collaborates with our Bellwood Kidstuff Sale, packing up and delivering unsold items to people in need in our local communities.

How to Donate to Share the Plate


Your Board of Trustees will be holding a meeting on Monday, April 1 at 7:00 pm on Zoom.  Meetings are open to all members and we welcome your participation. Attendees will be muted upon joining and we respectfully ask that questions and comments be reserved until the end of the meeting.

Please click here to join the meeting with Passcode UUCNH



Pledge total as of 3/25/24


72 Pledges

Is your leaf on the tree?

PLEDGE DRIVE ENDS - April 20, 2024

What is pledging anyway?

Pledging is a commitment stating the amount of money you plan to give for the next fiscal year.


UUCNH’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to the end of June the next year. To get ready for that next fiscal year we need to know how much money we will have to work with. The Finance committee and the Board will present the budget at the annual meeting in May or June. The members will vote to accept that budget or not. Some negotiating may happen before we agree on a budget.  July 1 you start paying your pledge! 


As you know we are very careful with your money and spend it wisely.

Pledge: April 20 - Budget: May

Program: July 1 - June 30

The campaign is ending soon! Have you done your part? If you haven't yet attended a cottage meeting and/or signed a pledge card for the 2024-25 fiscal year, please do so.

For UUCNH to succeed in reclaiming our traditions, renewing and refreshing our high-quality programming, and reimagining our role in the community and the wider world, we must provide the necessary financial resources.

Do Your Part!

Cottage Meeting Registration
Online Pledge Card Year 2024/25


During the month of February, we held 13 discernment sessions, receiving input from 65 church members and friends. Many thanks to those of you who took the time to share your opinions and ideas with us!

We’ve spent the last month reviewing and sorting the almost 600 recorded bits of input offered at these meetings, as recorded in the notes shared during those meetings. (For the record, no names are attached to any of these notes, as we seek to ensure complete anonymity.)

These discernment sessions have been a great way to learn about some of the things on the minds of UUCNH congregants. However, focus groups of this sort are not a good way to quantify results and come up with definitive findings.

There are a couple of points that came up during the discernment sessions that we think are worth following up on to gain a little more clarity and precision. So we’re going to be asking quick survey questions for the next couple of weeks. The first few questions are contained in this link. We hope you’ll take a couple of minutes to give us your input. You’re welcome to respond to the survey even if you didn’t get a chance to participate in a discernment session.

Please respond by end of day on Monday, April 1, so we can publish the results in next week’s E-News.


Survey Questions


Zoom with UUCNH Friends

This drop-in connection will be held every Tuesday at 3:30 - 4:30 pm and will be led by Michael Horwitz. Click the link above to join the Zoom meeting. Login is the same each week.


Vespers - with Reverend John Ballance

Join us for a Vespers service each Wednesday starting at 7:00 pm. The formal part of Vespers will end at 7:30, but the Zoom link will remain open until 8:00 so that participants who wish to remain longer can converse informally about what’s going on in their lives. Please join us (and invite others to join us as well) as we continue to nurture our bonds with one another.



Have you ever wondered about the big picture? - how many UU congregations are there, who are UUs (demographics), how are we doing? Technology use, financial health, tensions, and more. 


Check out the “Faith Communities Today” 2023 FACT Survey Results for Unitarian Universalist congregations. Quickly view The Slides, watch the Presentation, or dive into all of the details about this survey. Survey Details: Background, Results, Insights. And, here is a list of UUA Congregations.


Related and Associate Member Organizations are diverse groups that embrace Unitarian Universalist (UU) principles and traditions outside of congregations and covenanting communities. They include member and professional organizations, justice-focused groups, camps and conference centers, and more. 


For example, there are 17 social justice groups. One is UUJME UUs for Justice in the Middle East. Find a group you’re interested in here.


Want to be a delegate at this year's GA? Have a question? 


Or want to share something you learned? Email UUAffairs@uucnh.org.


Check out the March CER Newsletter. Here is just a small sampling.

March Activities

  • Canvass Clean Up Webinar - March 14 & April 25
  • General Assembly 2024 is all Virtual.  Register before March 15 for the best deal: $280
  • UUtheVote 2024 Launch is March 14 / 7 pm ET. Learn about upcoming work. Register here
  • Mosaic Virtual Spring Gathering - March 16 / 2:30-3:30 pm ET. Mosaic provides resources, connection & support for UU’s dismantling of racism & oppression. Visit Mosaic’s webpage.
  • Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meeting: Climate Justice and Racial Reconciliation in a Predominantly White Congregation - March 20 / 7 pm ET.

Highlighted Resources


              And …MUCH MUCH More in the CER Newsletter!


Pennsylvania's Primary Election is not far away.

Make sure to meet the deadlines below.

Because the only way to FIX HARRISBURG, is if EVERYONE VOTES!



March Capital Campaign (CC)’22 Status Summary: The monthly CC summaries show the prioritized project list, our initial estimated cost of each project, actual contractor quotes we have received for the work, and much more.   


Please click this link to review the latest status summary update.  

Status Summary Update

There are minor changes from the last update including the installation of Handicapped Door Openers at three of our bathrooms, a new lock and handles on the breezeway doors, and the nearing of construction of the Celebration Garden Memorial Walls. Our Project Task Force continues to investigate cost savings ideas for air conditioning at the Barn. As mentioned in the last update, our estimate to air condition the entire barn has increased to $265,000.  This increased estimate of cost is reflected in the CC Status Summary Spreadsheet which now shows us needing $128,939 additional funding to complete all of the projects in the Enhanced Plan approved by the congregation. We are meeting with the mechanical engineer this month (March) to discuss ways to reduce costs. After we hear the mechanical engineer’s ideas we intend to create a list of the ideas/options to move forward staying within the present budget. A meeting to present these ideas/options with the CC Stakeholders (congregation) will be scheduled after this list is formulated.   


See this link for a more detailed discussion of our progress to date.

Detailed Discussion of Progress


From Amy and Erin Terrizzi, a joy: Please keep Amy and Erin in your thoughts. They are going through the speedy process of emergency fostering.

Also from Amy and Erin, a sorrow: Please continue to keep Erin’s Uncle Barry in your thoughts. He is on hospice care at home and the nurses don’t think he has long to live.

Note: There are times when you may not be able to share during service but want the Congregation to know what is on your heart. In that instance, just contact a member of the Lay Pastoral Care Team (LPCT) in person or submit your Joys & Sorrows electronically by clicking here. Once submitted, the form is sent to all LPCT members. (Chris Hill, Ruth Horwitz, Susan Powers, Lynn Richards, Lynne Herchenroether, Inga Burton-Smith). Please be sure to submit your item by NOON on Saturday at the latest, so we get it in time for Service. Also, LPCT emails are forward to all members of the team. We welcome your sharing and would be honored to carry forth your message.


Click your calendar choice below, then choose to view by list, day, week, or month.

View UUCNH Full Calendar
View UUCNH Events Calendar

UUCNH Policy for In-Person Gatherings

Check Allegheny County Transmission Levels

UU Church of the North Hills

2359 West Ingomar Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Phone: 412-366-0244

Rev. Lee Anne’s Work Schedule


Work Week: Tuesday – Sunday

Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00 - 6:00 by appointment

          Sunday 8:30 - 3:30 

Friday: Message Preparation

Monday: Sabbath

Rev. Lee Anne's Work Schedule Explained