Unitarian Universalist
Church of the
North Hills
| Nourish your spirit. Celebrate life. Cherish the connectedness of all things. | |
Sundays - May 12 & May 19
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Sunday - May 12 2024
10:30 am (EDT)
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The Importance of Being Grounded
Rev. Lee Anne
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Ever feel out of sorts – achy all over, sluggish, and mentally foggy? Well, there’s an ancient practice, well-supported by medical science, that you might want to try. Join Rev. Lee Anne as she explores the many benefits of being grounded.
After the service, the Denominational Affairs Committee will be facilitating discussion about the proposed changes to Article II of the UUA Bylaws — wherein the principles and sources are to be replaced with a set of values statements.
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Sunday - May 19 2024
10:30 am (EDT)
Take Down These Walls - Pluralism’s delicate balance
Rev. Lee Anne
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When there are so many ways to divide us into those who are “in” and those who are “out,” how do we find common ground? Join Rev. Lee Anne as she explores the causes of and the antidotes to the natural tendency toward tribalism.
After the service, you are invited to join TrUUe Blue as they make signs for the upcoming Gay Pride Parade.
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The Share the Plate recipient for May will be the Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN). PIIN is a network of congregations and organizations in Southwestern Pennsylvania committed to drawing together people of faith to act powerfully on local and regional issues of justice and fairness. Through the processes of community-building, working with politicians and policymakers, direct action, and negotiation, we transform our communities. PIIN is also an affiliate of the Gamaliel Foundation, an international network of more than 60 local and regional congregation-based organizing groups.
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The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 9th immediately following the service. If your committee or team would like to request time on the agenda, please reach out to Board President Alison Smith.
With the Annual Congregational Meeting comes the Annual Report preparation time. Any Team, Committee, Group, or Task Force chair, co-chair, or leader that wants to have a submission in the 2024 Annual Report, please send your submission to the Office no later than Friday, May 31.
- Send your submission with the title of your Team, Committee, Group, or Task Force name in bold.
- Name of who is submitting the report.
- Single-spaced (Arial 10 if possible).
- View previous submissions in the 2023 Annual Report.
- Firm deadline is Friday, May 31
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Would you like tips on how to have brilliant conversations? In addition to committee and team updates on their exciting work, we will be watching, and discussing, 10 Ways To Have A Brilliant Conversation by Celeste Headlee.
The meeting will be held at the church on Saturday morning, May 18 from 9:30 to 11:00. Every team and committee should send someone. This is an open meeting and all interested members and friends are welcome to attend.
We hope to see you there.
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Article II: Are you for the proposed Values and Covenants or keeping our Principles and Sources?
Join a Discussion Group May 12th after church or May 13th, 7PM by zoom
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Once we have had a little time to reflect after discussions, we’ll come together again to dive a little deeper and, again, share our thoughts. If you weren’t able to be part of a discussion group, you won’t want to miss this town hall. Last year more than 25% of members abstained from voting on Article II. We want everyone to be able to confidently cast their vote.
Article II - Town Hall Sunday, May 19th after church in the West room
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Join us on Saturday, May 11th from 7:00 – 8:30 pm for UUCNH’s monthly Coffeehouse!
In the past, we have had a wide assortment of singers, instrumentalists, songwriters, poets, improv comedians, storytellers, and more. We have a full karaoke setup for those who appreciate electronic assistance.
The format is open-mic and if you have a talent you are willing to share, great! If not, we also really need and appreciate audience members! It's a great way to have some fun & and entertainment in a friendly room!
We hope to see you there!
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Your Board of Trustees will be holding a meeting on Tuesday, May 21, at 7:00 pm on Zoom. Meetings are open to all members and we welcome your participation. Attendees will be muted upon joining and we respectfully ask that questions and comments be reserved until the end of the meeting.
Please click here to join the meeting with Passcode UUCNH
Note: The meeting agenda will be posted at a later time
The Board of Trustees welcomes communication, comments, questions, and suggestions. If you would like to contact the Board, including to request time on the agenda at an upcoming board meeting, please email the Board. The Board committees are encouraged to consult with their Board Liaison. Emails will receive an acknowledgment and will be reviewed by Board members at the next available opportunity, recognizing that Board members are volunteers. Smaller questions and comments may receive a response within a week, while more detailed or substantive questions and comments are typically discussed at the next monthly Board meeting
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The Denominational Affairs Committee is reaching out to all members of UUCNH to offer the opportunity to be a UUCNH delegate to GA 2024 and be part of this historic vote.
Express Interest or Ask Questions Here
The UUA General Assembly 2024 will take place from Thursday, June 20, 2024 until Sunday June 23, 2024. GA 2024 is only online. It is free to be a delegate and attend all General (business meeting) Sessions; donations are also welcome.
Each day, Thurs. through Sat., the General Sessions will discuss the items to be voted on that day. At the close of the day’s session, voting will open for the items discussed that day. Delegates are responsible to cast their votes electronically prior to the close of voting that evening. Here is the Tentative GA 2024 Business Agenda
UUCNH delegates will be finalized and authorized by the UUCNH board to cast votes on behalf of UUCNH.
Express Interest or Ask Questions Here
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The annual UUCNH camping trip is taking place this year at Loleta Campground in the Allegheny National Forest from July 17-21. The camping trip is great fun: lots of families, a good way to get to know people better while relaxing around the campfire, hiking, floating down the river, and "s'more..."! Space is limited - contact Abby Vaughn or Rachael Smart with any questions or to RSVP.
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Please share your reviews of local caterers with the Facilities Rentals Taskforce. If you have had any experience working with a caterer at UUCNH or another facility, please let us know. We’re interested in hearing both good and bad reviews of licensed companies that have the ability to serve larger groups.
Please reach out via email to Jane Switzer and Barbara Clark with your feedback. We would love to hear from you!
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Zoom with UUCNH Friends
This drop-in connection will be held every Tuesday at 3:30 - 4:30 pm and will be led by Michael Horwitz. Click the link above to join the Zoom meeting. Login is the same each week.
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Training that will equip you to organize and mobilize voters to live their values at the polls and in the community.
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Future Events
- Summer & Fall, 2024: SCT members are planning one or more Potlucks -Writing GOTV Letters to Voters events at the church. Stay tuned for further details in the Enews.
Want to attend an SCT meeting? Email Liz Perkins for a Zoom link, helping with any of our activities, and/or about being a paid poll worker this year. The next SCT Meeting is on Monday, June 3 at 7:30 pm.
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UUCNH will be participating in the NHCO Spring Cleaning Collection this year! SNAP benefits cannot be used to purchase cleaning supplies. These items can be an extra expense that many low-income families cannot afford. NHCO is committed to providing each family with a bag of cleaning supplies to make their home sparkle. Donations can be made through Sunday, June 2.
Most needed items include:
- Laundry Detergent (size under 100oz )
- Disinfecting Wipes
- All-Purpose Cleaner
- Toilet Bowl Cleaner
- Dish Detergent
- Pack of Sponges
- Roll of Paper Towels
- Canvas Shopping Bag
Please place donations in the blue bin next to the food pantry. Thank you for your generosity!
Compassionate Service Team
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Tatyana Nagorski shared her Sorrow: "May 5th should have been my friend's 30th birthday" She passed away June 27th from cystic fibrosis. Happy Birthday, Morgan! XOXO" | |
Note: There are times when you may not be able to share during service but want the Congregation to know what is on your heart. In that instance, just contact a member of the Lay Pastoral Care Team (LPCT) in person or submit your Joys & Sorrows electronically by clicking here. Once submitted, the form is sent to all LPCT members. (Chris Hill, Ruth Horwitz, Susan Powers, Lynn Richards, Lynne Herchenroether, Inga Burton-Smith, and Marsha Pedone). Please be sure to submit your item by NOON on Saturday at the latest, so we get it in time for Service. Also, LPCT emails are forwarded to all members of the team. We welcome your sharing and would be honored to carry forth your message.
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Click your calendar choice below, then choose to view by list, day, week, or month. | |
UU Church of the North Hills
2359 West Ingomar Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Phone: 412-366-0244
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Rev. Lee Anne’s Work Schedule
Work Week: Tuesday – Sunday
Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00 - 6:00 by appointment
Sunday 8:30 - 3:30
Friday: Message Preparation
Monday: Sabbath
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