Unitarian Universalist

Church of the

North Hills

Nourish your spirit. Celebrate life. Cherish the connectedness of all things.
Visit UUCNH Website


Friday, April 19, 2024


Sunday - April 21, 2024

10:30 am (EDT)

Reclaim, Renew, Reimagine - A Passover Message

Rev. Lee Anne

Our Stewardship Pledge Campaign has come to an end. As we celebrate the generosity and commitment of our beloved community, we will explore how this year’s theme - Reclaim, Renew, Reimagine - relates to the upcoming Jewish Holiday of Passover. Stew R. D'ship and Captain Kindness are also expected to make a guest appearance!

The April Share the Plate recipient will be Group Against Smog and Pollution (GASP). GASP is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit citizens' group in southwestern Pennsylvania working for a healthy, sustainable environment. Founded in 1969, GASP has been a diligent watchdog, educator, litigator, and policymaker on many environmental issues, with a focus on air quality in the Pittsburgh region. 

How to Donate to Share the Plate


We are Almost over the Top!


DEADLINE is Tomorrow (April 20)

Let’s prove that we have stable finances!

Will your pledge do the trick?

Online Pledge Card Year 2024/25


The Board of Trustees will be holding a Special Congregational Meeting following the service on Sunday, April 28, 2024 to vote to call Rev. Lee Anne as our Settled Minister. In accordance with our bylaws, to call a settled minister, a larger quorum of 40% of the membership and an affirmative vote of at least 80% of votes cast is required. A Member shall be eligible to vote sixty (60) days after signing the membership register. If unable to attend in person, a member may vote by proxy by submitting the required form to any Board member prior to the meeting. Please reach out to the Board if you need assistance finding an available proxy. Please note that proxy votes do not count toward establishing a quorum. We can all help make Rev. Lee Anne’s decision to accept the Call an easy one by showing up to vote in large numbers! 

Proxy Form


UUCNH will be a new polling place for Franklin Park Ward 3, Precinct 3 for the Primary election to be held on Tuesday, APRIL 23rd. Poll workers will arrive at 6 AM. The polls will open at 7 AM and remain open until 8 PM. Poll Workers will perform closing operations for another hour or so until finished.

UUCNH welcomes our neighbors and members who vote in person in Franklin Park Ward 3, Precinct 3. Please be aware that church activities will not be held in UUCNH on election day. Access to the building through the keypad entry on election day will be prohibited due to the location of the voting area.

The Board of Trustees thank you in advance for your welcome to our neighbors and for our community service to Allegheny and our region.


Game night is canceled for this Saturday, April 20th. Please join us for our next game night on Saturday, May 18th. If you have any questions, please contact Team Fun.


Article II: Are you for the proposed Values and Covenants or keeping our Principles and Sources?

Information To Help You Decide


UUCNH is exploring the possibility of hosting an elementary OWL training session this fall. OWL, short for Our Whole Lives, is comprehensive age-appropriate sexuality education that fosters informed, responsible, and values-based decisions about sexual health and behavior. If you are interested in becoming an OWL instructor, please reach out to the CYFD Team. The UUA asks that we demonstrate interest from the congregation before beginning to plan a training session, so don’t be shy!


UUCNH benefits from you buying Giant Eagle and/or Kuhn’s Gift Cards at no extra expense to you! Both stores donate $5 to UUCNH for every $100 of gift card value sold. 


Grocery cards are sold in Friendship Hall after the Sunday service. Every grocery card seller is also an usher that week, so be patient and have a cup of coffee or snack until we get settled in to sell cards at the usual bench in Friendship Hall near

the church office.

Here is our Grocery Card schedule:

Lindsay Scott - 1st Sunday

Joe Meier - 2nd Sunday

Michael Horwitz - 3rd Sunday

 Mary Ellen Johnson - 4th Sunday

Beth Zak - 5th Sunday as needed


Mother Earth and small-scale farmers benefit when you buy Fair Trade Equal Exchange Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate. They are always available from their usual display in Friendship Hall. For more information or bulk orders contact Chris Hill.

Thanks to everyone who continues to support these fundraisers.  


Jesus Discussion Group – 3rd Sunday of April, the 21st, from noon to 1:15 PM on Zoom and at church (upstairs, follow the yellow signs). Within the first 100 years after the death of Jesus, the movement changed from one preaching Jesus’ thinking to one concerned with his identity. We’ll discuss how and why this occurred in this session. See Tony Palermo for details.  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 4405 2949

Passcode: 932743


Paul Cox, a former Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills member, passed away on March 10, 2024. A memorial service gathering is being held for him on Saturday, May 4th at 2:00 pm at First Unitarian Church. Paul's daughter, Juliet Cox, is inviting UUCNH members to join the family for the memorial service gathering. For questions, please contact Julie Cox. Click the link below for the details.

Thank you.

Memorial Service Details


Craft Sale

May 5, 2024

Before and After Church

East Room and Friendship Hall


Handmade crafts and handmade cards, Bake Sale items; Irish Soda bread, Spiced Nuts,

Chocolate chip cookies, Balkan Delights, Chocolate Covered Pretzels.




2 Items for Silent Auction During Craft Sale


Carol Watkins is offering to draw a portrait of your pet, from a photo. 

The finished drawing will be 8”x11”


Top 2 bids at 12:30 pm. WIN!


The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 9th immediately following the service. If your committee or team would like to request time on the agenda, please reach out to Board President Alison Smith.

More information will follow on the procedures and timing of the Annual report submissions.


Zoom with UUCNH Friends

This drop-in connection will be held every Tuesday at 3:30 - 4:30 pm and will be led by Michael Horwitz. Click the link above to join the Zoom meeting. Login is the same each week.



Future Events

  • April 23: Pennsylvania Primary Election. Please vote by mail or in person. YOUR VOTE MATTERS! View key voting deadlines and your primary ballot at Vote411.org . PAID POLL WORKERS ARE STILL NEEDED
  • April 25 at 7:00 pm: Deadly by Design will be presented at St. Brendan’s Episcopal Church, 2365 McAleer Rd, Franklin Pk. This compelling storytelling video is an initiative of CeaseFirePA in which gun violence survivors not only share their losses, but also connect the shooting directly to a policy failure that allowed it to happen.
  • May 7: End Gun Violence Advocacy Day at the State Capital in Harrisburg. Free CeaseFirePA buses from Pittsburgh and other locations will be available. For additional information and registration, Please click here.
  • Summer & Fall, 2024: SCT members are planning one or more Potlucks -Writing GOTV Letters to Voters event at the church. Stay tuned for further details in the Enews. 

WANT TO ATTEND AN SCT MEETING? Email Liz Perkins for a Zoom link, helping with any of our activities, and/or about being a paid poll worker this year. The next SCT Meeting is on Mon, May 6 at 7:30 pm.


Read about Future Activities: APRIL CER Newsletter

  • April 19-20 Mid Central Regional Assembly - Online - great worship, discussions, and workshops from your home! Register Today!
  • April 27 Beyond the Binary: Building Beloved Community Event, Online & in person at First UU Society of Syracuse NY. Full details & registration at the CER website.
  • June 20-23 ALL VIRTUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY - UU annual gathering, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. Theme: Love Unites, Stories Ignite Registration is open
  • July 7-13 CERSI (Central East Region Summer Institute), a multigenerational camp. Speaker, Rev. Julian Soto, UU minister and activist will present "Unlikely Superheroes: Skills for Practicing Faith and Ethics in Tough Times." Join us at PennWest in California, PA. Learn more and register at the CERSI webpage. Deadline for scholarships from the CERSI scholarship fund is May 31, 2024.

Highlighted Resource

  • Proposed Article II bylaws Revision: If you are interested in talking to other UUs about Article 2 and the proposed amendments, the place to do that is at the UUA Forum at discuss.uua.org. Join the important conversation. Amplifying the Charge Resource kit is available. 

 And …MUCH MUCH More in the new APRIL CER Newsletter


Randy Minnich had a concern: I just learned that my mother went into the hospital this morning, but I don’t know anymore. She is 102.

Note: There are times when you may not be able to share during service but want the Congregation to know what is on your heart. In that instance, just contact a member of the Lay Pastoral Care Team (LPCT) in person or submit your Joys & Sorrows electronically by clicking here. Once submitted, the form is sent to all LPCT members. (Chris Hill, Ruth Horwitz, Susan Powers, Lynn Richards, Lynne Herchenroether, Inga Burton-Smith, and Marsha Pedone). Please be sure to submit your item by NOON on Saturday at the latest, so we get it in time for Service. Also, LPCT emails are forwarded to all members of the team. We welcome your sharing and would be honored to carry forth your message.


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UUCNH Policy for In-Person Gatherings

Check Allegheny County Transmission Levels

UU Church of the North Hills

2359 West Ingomar Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Phone: 412-366-0244

Rev. Lee Anne’s Work Schedule


Work Week: Tuesday – Sunday

Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00 - 6:00 by appointment

          Sunday 8:30 - 3:30 

Friday: Message Preparation

Monday: Sabbath

Rev. Lee Anne's Work Schedule Explained