UUCM is Open for Worship!!!
We know you've all been anxious to return to in person worship. Thanks to a great deal of work, by a great many people, we are ready to receive you!

To attend in person worship this Sunday, and until further notice, we require all attendees be:
  • Vaccinated
  • Willing to mask up *
  • Willing to physically distance from those they have not been in contact with
  • Understand there will be no live singing in the sanctuary

Please be advised that there will be no coffee hour at this time, until further notice!

We can't wait to see you starting this Sunday, November 28!

*Choose a mask that:
  • Has two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric
  • Completely covers your nose and mouth
  • Fits snugly against the sides of your face and don't have gaps
  • Has a nose wire to prevent air from leaking out of the top of the mask. 

Do NOT choose a mask that:
  • Is made of fabric that makes it hard to breathe, for example, vinyl
  • Has exhalation valves or vents which allow virus particles to escape (masks with valves)
  • Are specially labeled “surgical” N95 respirators, as those should be prioritized for healthcare personnel (N95 Surgical Mask)