Embracing a free and responsible search for truth and meaning while demonstrating our strong belief in the interdependent web of all existence.


August 4

"It's a Long Way There / Wrestling with God"

Rev. Jane Page

Rev. Jane uses a Little River Band song as inspiration as she revisits the old story of Jacob. She explores how she and others have struggled with theological, philosophical, and ethical understandings on life's journey.

August 11

"Pin Pricks and Geysers: The Art of Emotional Release"

Clint Tawes

Often, we tend to bottle up our emotions, only to have them erupt uncontrollably. This sermon will delve into the importance of finding healthy ways to release our emotions gradually, preventing the build-up that can lead to overwhelming outbursts.

August 18


Rev. Jane Page and Intern Minister Randy Blasch

This service includes our Ingathering ritual, a new member ceremony, a Story for All Ages, a short homily shared by Jane based on the song (shared by Randy) and theme of "A Bridge Over Troubled Waters;" and our Water Communion. This service is planned to be one that all ages will enjoy as we return from summer travels.

August 25

"Revisiting Ten Years of Themes"

Beth Sutton

Cultivating Compassion 2024 - What speaks to us now?


If you would like to join us live via Zoom, go to this link on Sundays at 10:30: uuma.zoom.us/j/479-325-3254

What a blessing it is to be serving in this congregation. Who would have thought that a small fellowship in Brunswick, Georgia, would be so involved in caring for the homeless, but here you are. Dona provides a lot of wonderful information below on how you can help and where. But there is something much bigger. This is a congregation that cares, and cares deeply.


I was so humbled to be able to serve as moderator for our town hall to discuss the issue of homelessness in Brunswick and what this congregation can and should do about it. We listened, we learned, and we are moving forward to find the ways we can make a difference. I have reached out and am hopeful to start working with The Well in the next couple of weeks. I'm sure there are many of you who have already reached out to our commissioners, verbalizing your support, and requesting theirs for Saved by Grace. There is so much to do, and we know we cannot do it all, but we are making a difference! Thank you all for the opportunity to be a part and thank you all for all that you have done. 


Ways to assist the homeless and those in need.


1. Monetary donations are always accepted and appreciated. For Sparrow’s Nest and The Well monetary donations can be sent to FaithWorks, 2911 Altama Ave., Brunswick, GA 31520.


2. Donations of non-perishable food items can be brought to the church any Sunday. The donated food is usually taken to Sparrow’s Nest during the first week of the month.


3. Donations of coffee, sugar, and powdered creamer for The Well. There is a cabinet in the kitchen designated for these donations. The Well has a limited budget to provide many services. For The Well to be successful, it needs to be a friendly, hospitable place for the homeless to receive assistance. Offering a cup of coffee goes a long way achieving this goal.


4. Saved By Grace is trying to purchase a new location for their shelter. They need approval from the Glynn County Commissioners. Phone calls and/or emails to ask approval are needed.

UUCG will be participating in a multi-church FOOD DRIVE on Saturday, September 7. All non-perishable food donations will go to “Feed My Sheep Food Pantry,” a ministry of St. Athanasius Episcopal Church. Watch for more details.


Randy Blasch, UU Ministerial Intern

Dona Barth, UUCG Member

NOTES from the BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING on July 7, 2024.

The following are highlights from the July board meeting.

  • Our intern minister, Randy Blasch, presented his leadership proposal to bring Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum to a coalition of several congregations in southeast Georgia. Details will follow in fall 2024.

  • The board approved a proposed amendment to the UUCG bylaws to change the number of trustees from seven to five: president, president-elect, treasurer, secretary and at-large trustee with the specification that the number of trustees increases if the congregation size increases. The size of a board of trustees often depends on the size of the congregation as well as on how the members of the board can assist in the work to reflect the congregation’s mission and vision. The change will be presented at a congregational meeting scheduled for September 15, 2024.  

  • Church Mutual property insurance cancellation is effective July 28, 2024. The Building and Landscaping Committee chair and the board president are working with several insurance brokers and have communicated with Synovus about this situation. Updated information will be shared with the congregation when it is available.  

The board meeting is held on the first Sunday after service in the Bill Phillips Room. All are welcome.

HOSTS Needed for Clint Tawes

Clint Tawes is our speaker each 2nd Sunday. The Worship Committee is seeking home hosts for the Saturday nights before the 2nd Sundays in upcoming months. Please contact Denise Anderson at uucgdenise@gmail.com to volunteer to host Clint.

If you wish to become a member of UUCG...

please contact our membership team leader Carolyn Wallace at carolynswallace@yahoo.com.

Please join us Sunday, August 4 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the BILL PHILLIPS ROOM

Topic: Subliminal

Discussion Leaders: Myron Waldman and Marie Younkin

  • How is your mind bent by printed media, television, and radio?

  • Although subliminal messages in advertisements and commercials have not proven to get you to buy, updated methods do work in molding strong opinions on just about anything.

  • We’ll briefly go over the history of subliminal advertising and then bring our discussion up to date by using eye opening examples from our daily lives.

  • Then we’ll bring in the concept of psychographics as a powerful and proven subliminal variant.

  • Does it add up to subtle and scary mind control? We’ll discuss that possibility in context of current events.

Ruth Trudeau 

(214) 675-7331

The Adult Forum is designed to encourage discussion by sharing our stories and wisdom so we may “learn more about being human.” We meet to reinforce the “warmth or community” that calls us to attend church.

Meetings are on the FIRST SUNDAY of the month from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Coffee Donations for The Well

Coffee (regular, ground), sugar, (bulk - NO packets), and powdered creamer donations are collected and delivered to The Well. Bring the donations to the church and put in the cabinet in the kitchen marked “Coffee for the Well.”

Questions: ask Dona Barth or send email to dona.barth@gmail.com

The Well is a hospitality center for people who are currently homeless, providing resources such as a shower, laundry room, phone, internet access, and address for correspondence.
By providing this venue, FaithWorks helps those who are currently homeless with opportunities to reconnect with family members, access important services to help them leave the streets, and recover from sickness and disease. Our guests often regain employment and restore hope in their lives.
The Well is open to guests experiencing homelessness Monday through Friday from 7AM-5PM. There is a structured check-in process and help from staff and various resources.

For needed items, please click on the link to the list: SPARROW'S NEST FOOD LIST

VALUABLE RESOURCES: Click on the image to view (or print) a copy of these directories.

Currently, we are looking for a Social Justice Team Leader. Until that position is filled feel free to contact Mari Perla if you have questions or have a suggestion for UUCG's social justice work.

Mari: mariperla@aol.com

(408) 421-7781

Please bring donations Saturday, August 3 by 2PM

or contact UUCG member, Diane Jackson,

to arrange for a pickup: (912) 506-4564.

Both backpacks and school supplies are needed for our kids. Also, donated cold drinks and popsicles would be appreciated on Saturday.

Sunday, August 18, 2024 from 9:00-10:15 a.m.

(The special Adult RE Zoom Room information is below.)


Join an intellectually challenging and fun conversation with a

group of ardent readers.

Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time

by Dava Sobel

"Longitude is the dramatic human story of an epic scientific quest and of Harrison's forty-year obsession with building his perfect timekeeper, known today as the chronometer. Full of heroism and chicanery, it is also a fascinating brief history of astronomy, navigation, and clockmaking, and opens a new window on our world." -- Amazon


912.266.6558 or drdorin@earthlink.net

This is the ZOOM ROOM set-up specifically for the ADULT RE BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP.

Join at:


Meeting ID: 831 9989 1898

Passcode: 950120 (Passcode must be used.)

The Choir is taking a well deserved break this summer.

CrossWord Puzzles

Looking for a crossword puzzle that is more interesting than the Brunswick News’? John Cowlishaw is creating many puzzles and posting them online at: https://tinyurl.com/47bxef38

Creating the Beloved Community at UUCG -- Get Involved!

Zoomer for our Tech Team -- We need a volunteer (or two!) who will take a turn being in charge of Zooming the service from the sanctuary. Simple task and Kim Merck will train and support you -- and this is part of simplifying our technology while we keep our services accessible for all. Contact Kim at Kimym31525@gmail.com.

Child Caring Volunteers -- When families with children come we want to be ready! Volunteer to be on call to take children out during the service. We are looking for about 12 people -- and have a great group of 6 to start with. Contact Beth at echstevenson@gmail.com.

Be sure you are signed up for all the ways you can get updates about UUCG. We have

Lots going on and we want to make sure you get the word!

Interested in joining UUCG?

Or do you have questions?


Rev. Jane Page

OR Carolyn Wallace,

Membership Team Leader carolynswallace@yahoo.com

C: 478.279.2769

Elaine Deaver

Newsletter Editor/Part-time Administrator



Mari Perla - President

Beth Sutton - Treasurer

Sarabeth Sutton - Secretary

Corinne Bachman- Trustee

Dona Barth - Trustee

Sharon Ehle - Trustee

Visit our Website

We are located at 1710 Gloucester Street - Brunswick, Georgia


UUCG, P.O. Box 1056, Brunswick, GA 31521
