Opportunity for Good:
We are down to only 30 days until the mid-term election. There are still opportunities to demonstrate your Unitarian Universalist values with actions to help preserve our democracy. Support specific candidates by donating to their campaigns or volunteering for phone banks. Write letters to infrequent voters by signing up at VoteForward. Donate to fund phone banks and days of action in Kentucky, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania at UUthevote. Educate yourself about local and statewide issues at VotersEdge, the nonpartisan publication by the League of Women Voters. 
Food for Our Souls:
UUCC and UUCLC Shared Sunday Service
Sunday, October 16th, 11am
We invite you to a special shared inter-congregational service between UUCC and UUCLC on October 16th with worship associates from both congregations and our shared love for the Rev. Clovice Lewis with a sermon entitled "Finding Joy." Lewis discusses how joy operates to support a life filled with happiness. He writes, “The words peace and joy are often commingled. They both suffer from the burden of being thought of as unattainable over a long period. But the question is, why does that have to be true? We all understand, at least in an intuitive way, that inner peace is the road upon which joy takes joy rides. Find peace and you will find joy ... guaranteed, all the time.”

Rev. Clovice is a professional cellist and composer who composed his first symphony at the age of 17, and was a professor of computer music at UC Santa Barbara from 1978-1986. He has also been a serial entrepreneur and software designer for the past 30 years. In addition to music and technology, he has had had a life-long passion for aviation, and has been a private pilot since 1987. Clovice received a Master of Divinity degree from the Starr King School for the Ministry in May 2021 and was ordained as a Unitarian Universalist Minister in March 2022. His ministry emphasizes breaking down racial, class, and ethnic barriers, and preaching the gospel of the madness of human self-extinction. Rev. Clovice is the author of “Yearning for Justice” and “Theological Sightlines” (collections of sermons about race, conscience, justice, theology, current events, and human dignity), available on Amazon as Kindle, paperback, and hardback. His one-act play, “On The Fence” is also available on Amazon as a Kindle only publication.

As a reminder, this will be UUCC's last Third Sunday, Zoom-only service through the end of 2022. In November and December, both 1st and 3rd Sunday services will be held in-person at Odd Fellows Hall, including a Water Ceremony on November 20th and UUCC's All-Music Fundraiser on December 18th.

Guest Minister: Rev. Clovice Lewis
Worship Associates: Jane Thanx, Noreen Cooper Heavlin
Music Director: Tom Devine
Artistic Director: Noreen Cooper Heavlin
Session Management: Bill Heavlin
Technical Director: Bruce Rafnel

Gathering for service and music begin at 10:55 am
Service begins at 11am
UUCC Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6617755196
Meeting ID: 661 775 5196 Password: UUseesea

UUCC Tea by the Sea, Sunday, October 23rd, 3:30pm
On September 25, six of us enjoyed good food and great conversation at our first UUCC Tea by the Sea, held in the Heavlin's backyard in El Granada. Our next gathering on Sunday, October 23rd, 3:30pm to 5pm, will involve that and more. Never has there been a time when our vote will matter more than in the upcoming midterm elections. Joanne Rokosky will provide us with form letters from Vote Forward and we will each write our own message and address envelopes to those needing extra encouragement to go to the polls on November 8th. The Heavlins will offer a variety of teas and made-to-order espresso drinks, home-baked pastries, and savory dishes. You only have to bring 10 envelopes, each affixed with first class stamps, and a blue ink pen. Because Joanne needs to know how many letters to print out, RSVPs are essential at uucoastside@gmail.com . Let's socialize together and, at the same time, help to preserve our democracy.
UUCC First Sunday In-Person Service, November 6th
The Touchstones Theme for November is Remembrance. In this service, Ron Ahnen, PhD, explores the emotional and spiritual connections we maintain with our loved ones and ancestors who have passed on and whose legacy we are, in a sermon entitled “Embracing Grief and Joy in Remembrance.” In this service, Ron encourages embracing not just the joyful memories, but the pain and sorrow of grief we endure when parting with them as we navigate the meaning of their lives for us, and our on-going relationships with them.

Please bring a picture or memento of someone you know who has died in the last year, or someone whom you would like to remember in a special way in our remembrance ritual.

Ron Ahnen is a part-time student at Starr King School for the Ministry pursuing a Masters in Divinity degree, with a strong interest in UU history and especially the development of religious natural humanism. He is also a Professor of Politics at St. Mary’s College in Moraga, CA where he teaches courses on Human Rights, Just War Theory, and the Politics of Imprisonment, among others. In a few years, Ron is looking forward to retiring from college teaching to take up pastoral work in a UU Congregational setting.
Volunteer Jobs Needed for In-Person Services
Now that we are meeting in person on First Sundays, we need some help in different ways. Can you commit to helping out in the following ways?

  • Photograph our November 6th service
  • Volunteer as Worship Associate or Chalice Lighter
  • Staff the check-in table to inquire about vaccination status
  • Greet people as they come in
  • Set up tables and chairs before the service
  • Help unload and load video equipment for hybrid service
  • Assist with setting up video equipment for hybrid service
  • Bring flowers and/or a potted plant!
  • Pass out the order of service and distribute hymnals
  • Run closeup camera 2 for hybrid service
  • Put away tables and chairs after the service
  • Clean up the hall before closing
  • Remind speakers to speak more loudly (the letter "L")

To tell us how you can help our Beloved Community come together again, please contact us at uucoastside@gmail.com. And thanks to all who have or continue to volunteer!
Compassionate Caring Committee:
The UUCC Compassionate Caring Committee volunteers are often able to support our members during life events such as post-operative, illness, or being homebound. Do you need food delivery or an errand run? Are you feeling loneliness, loss, or grief that a call might help?
Please contacuucoastside@gmail.com if you’d like support or if you want to volunteer.  
We Appreciate Your Support:
For supporting UUCC financially, we have two options:
(1) Donate by Check
If you prefer to donate by check, please make your check payable to UU San Mateo, and write UUCC on the memo line. Please mail your check to:

Nancy Palmer
506 Willow Avenue
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-1648
(2) Online with Stripe
Food for Our Souls:
Unitarian Universalist Coastside Community
Half Moon Bay, California
Bill Heavlin, UUCC Planning Committee
Dave Rokosky, UUCC Planning Committee
Noreen Cooper Heavlin, UUCC Planning Committee
Tom Devine, UUCC Music Director
Bruce Rafnel, UUCC Technical Director