Special announcement: Due to Pumpkin Festival Weekend, UUCC will meet over Zoom the Fourth Sunday in October instead of our usual Third Sundays.
On Sunday, October 22, we warmly welcome back Verna Barrientos to talk to us about the Mexican holiday Dia de los Muertos in a sermon entitled "Out of the Shadows and Into the Light—A Day of the Dead Tradition."
In our culture, death and grief are not talked about enough. Even though grief and loss are some of the challenges that we all will find ourselves at some point dealing with, all too often they are stigmatized and shoved into the shadows. Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a tradition where the dead come out to play and are brought into the light within the hearts, minds, and on the altars of many. Come learn more about this time-honored tradition during this service. Also, feel free to bring a photo, memento, or a picture in your head of a gone but not forgotten beloved family member, friend, loved one, or pet.
This particular service will be enriched by beautiful music and breath-taking images from this important Mexican tradition. Following the Gallery View Third Sunday format, this is a Zoom-only service.
For the Order of Service, click here
UUCC Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6617755196
or Meeting ID: 661 775 5196 Password: 416762
Please join us at 11:00 am Pacific, 2pm Eastern