Food for Our Souls:
Opportunities for Good
The annual Coastside Gives campaign for nonprofit organizations on the Coastside is this Thursday, May 4th. This is an opportunity to donate generously to the nonprofits that serve our local community. Among them are the nonprofits for which UUCC has held fundraisers, including, most recently, Abundant Grace Coastside Worker. You can find specific information about each of the participating nonprofits at the Coastside Gives portal.
In Our Care is a new community group on the Peninsula devoted to honoring the humanity of youth involved in the legal system. Co-founded 2 months ago by Becca Kieler from UUFRC, they are looking to enlarge support for juvenile justice here on the Coastside. 

In Our Care believes in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, including the youth involved in the legal system. We know most of them come back to society sooner or later so it is not only in their best interest but in society's best interest to help them to be healthy, productive individuals. For a quick overview of the program's purpose, you can view a video here. For a broader overview of the program, you can read a document here. You can also email Becca here if you have further questions.
UUCC First Sunday In-Person Service, May 7th
The Touchstones Theme for May is Reconciliation. On May 7th, our Beloved Jane Thanx returns to UUCC to deliver a sermon entitled "The Pointy Finger of Blame." Whether you’re pointing the accusing finger at yourself or someone else, how do you make peace? How can you move out of hate into love? 

The most important thing in having a successful conversation is the process in the head and heart before one opens their mouth. Through personal stories and experiences of successful resolution of conflict in her own life, Jane Thanx will explore the possibilities of reconciliation in personal relationships. 

Jane Thanx is a life long student of spiritual wisdom, having practiced and studied with Christians, Churches of Self-Realization, Zen Buddhists, and Sufis. She is ordained as an Interfaith Minister in The Church of All, under the auspices of the Sufi Order International. Currently she is an active member of the Unitarian Universalist Community of Lake County. Jane is attending her second time through the UU Shared Pulpit class. She is a wonderful writer who was made for the pulpit.

Once again, beautiful music will be provided by Diedrik Edholm and his father, Kaj. Along with playing a piece by Beethoven, Diedrik will play his own arrangement of the Beatles song "We Can Work It Out" for violin and piano. We also welcome back our amazing classical guitarist, Vera Vanderschalk, to play an interlude.

This live in-person service takes place at Odd Fellows Hall, 526 Main Street, Half Moon Bay, CA, 94019. Out of courtesy to our elders, we recommend mask wearing for churchgoers throughout the service—with the exception of those actively speaking at the front of the room. Odd Fellows Hall is quite spacious for social distancing and has a new high-circulation air ventilation system.

For the Order of Service, click here
Please join us at 11:00 am Pacific, 2pm Eastern
UUCC Zoom link:
or Meeting ID: 661 775 5196 Password: 416762
UUCC Gallery View Sunday, May 21st, 11am
And on May 21st, Bill Heavlin continues exploring the monthly Touchstones theme of Reconciliation. On that date, he presents a sermon entitled “Reconciliation and the Journey Toward Justice.” Drawing from Edgar Villanueva's seven-step process (Decolonizing Wealth, 2018), Bill offers up bits of three reconciliations-in-process touching him. He then focuses on one of them, the aftermath of the January 23rd mass shooting in Half Moon Bay, and the unfolding journey toward housing justice.

Consistent with the Gallery View Third Sunday format, this is to be a Zoom-only service.
Volunteers Needed for Tovis' Ordination on Saturday
Our Beloved Tovis Page will be ordained as a Unitarian Universalist minister in less than one week now and there are still a few volunteer opportunities left for the big event. There's a particular need for parking monitors and clean-up volunteers; along with a need for more tea time snacks. To see how you can help make this an extra special day for everyone, please click the link here.

The ceremony will take place at UUFRC on Saturday, May 6th, 2pm to 3:30pm, with a reception to follow. RSVPs are required for in-person attendance and only a few seats are left. Virtual attendance via Zoom is likely also available. UUFRC is located at 2124 Brewster Ave in Redwood City. Please click the link here to RSVP for in-person attendance.
Volunteer Jobs Needed for In-Person Services
Now that we are meeting in person on First Sundays, we need help in different ways. Can you commit to helping out in any of the following ways?

  • Photograph our May 7th Service
  • Bring flowers!
  • Greet people as they come in
  • Set up chairs before, and/or put them away after, the Service
  • Help unload and load video equipment for hybrid service
  • Assist with setting up video equipment for hybrid service
  • Pass out the orders of service and distribute hymnals
  • Clean up of the hall before closing

To tell us how you can help our Beloved Community come together again, please contact us at And thanks to all who have or continue to volunteer!
Compassionate Caring Committee:
The UUCC Compassionate Caring Committee volunteers are often able to support our members during life events such as post-operative, illness, or being homebound. Do you need food delivery or an errand run? Are you feeling loneliness, loss, or grief that a call might help?
Please if you’d like support or if you want to volunteer.  
We Appreciate Your Support:
For supporting UUCC financially, we have two options:
(1) Donate by Check
If you prefer to donate by check, please make your check payable to UU San Mateo, and write UUCC on the memo line. Please mail your check to:

Nancy Palmer
506 Willow Avenue
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-1648
(2) Online with Stripe
Food for Our Souls:
Unitarian Universalist Coastside Community
Half Moon Bay, California
Bill Heavlin, UUCC Planning Committee
Dave Rokosky, UUCC Planning Committee
Noreen Cooper Heavlin, UUCC Planning Committee
Bruce Rafnel, UUCC Technical Director
Nancy Palmer, UUCC Treasurer