Opportunity for Good:
From 2018-2020, the San Mateo County Sheriff's office transferred over 100 immigrants directly to
ICE when they were released from jail, including at least 6 since Governor Newsom declared a state of emergency due to COVID-19. A jail-to-ICE transfer occurs when immigrants and refugees are eligible for release from county jail but are instead handed over to ICE for detention and deportation. ICE transfers are entirely voluntary and based on the Sheriff’s discretion. Santa Clara, San Francisco, Marin, and Contra Costa Counties have all halted transfers to ICE, but San Mateo County has not. Contact Sheriff Bolanos and the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors to stop these ICE transfers. Click here for how to make contact and sample scripts.
Food for Our Souls:
Upcoming UUCC Sunday Services,
February 7th & 21st:
For February 2021, the congregational theme is Mercy. Rev. Ranwa Hammamy, the Executive Director of the UU Justice Ministry of California, delivers a sermon entitled "A Gentle, Angry People" on Sunday, February 7th, 11am. The concept of "mercy" can have different expressions based on its context. So how do we express mercy in our own way? How do we experience and show "mercy" as Unitarian Universalists, people of faith, and co-creators of justice?

Rev. Ranwa will return to conduct a social action training for UUCC on our third Sunday, February the 21st.

Rev. Ranwa is the Executive Director of the The Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California, which supports UUs around the state in their various justice ministries by providing advocacy, education, and witness opportunities to live out our UU values. Rev. Ranwa previously served as President of DRUUMM (Diverse & Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries), a national organization for UU People of Color. A self-described “UU-Muslim,” Ranwa seeks to serve both living traditions in her ministry, encouraging others both to grow and learn from each other's gifts. Beautiful music will be provided by Tom Devine, Mo Robinson, and Pamela Carrington-Tribble.
For the Order of Service, click here.
Please join us at 11:00 am Pacific
Password: UUseesea
UUC Lake County Service on February 14th
Please join our friends at the Unitarian Universalist Community of Lake County over Zoom on February 14th at 10am to hear the Rev. Dr. Carrie Knowles speak on "Love and Marriage in the Time of COVID-19." Rev. Carrie takes St. Valentine's Day as the occasion to survey how this era of the pandemic is affecting the relationships of love and marriage in America. Rev. Dr. Carrie describes herself as a recovering psychologist and recovering attorney, who graduated from Starr King in 2011 and was ordained to UU ministry in 2013. Along with providing pastoral care at Berkeley Fellowship UU and preaching at Bay Area churches as a guest speaker, she writes poetry, short stories, and is working on a memoir. Click on this Zoom link to join and don't forget the start time is 10am. Meeting ID: 255 020 8121 Passcode: Chalice
UUCC Looking for Choir Singers!
Calling all singers for a new adventure, the start of our own UUCC Choir! Tom Devine, the new Choir Director, is looking for singers to encircle UUCC sermons with harmony and melody. COVID has prevented us from singing together in person — but that hasn't stopped us from recording many beautiful UU hymns. It is easier than you think to sing along to a base piano recording using your smart phone. Bruce Rafnel and Tom will expertly guide you though all the steps. If you are interested in giving it a try or would like more information, please email Tom Devine.
Joys & Concerns:
One of the ways we weave community is by sharing aspects of our lives with each other, our joys and concerns. For our upcoming service, please email your Joys & Concerns to uucoastside@gmail.com.
Compassionate Caring Committee:
The UUCC Compassionate Caring Committee volunteers are often able to support our members during life events such as post-operative, illness, or can’t go out. Do you need food delivery or an errand run? Are you feeling loneliness, loss, or grief that a call might help?
Please contacuucoastside@gmail.com if you’d like support or if you want to volunteer.  
A Need for Housing
A member of our congregation is looking to rent a place for herself and her cat to live in Montara or El Granada. She works full-time as a social worker in San Francisco but mostly works from home these days. She and her kitty hope to find an in-law unit, house-sharing situation or apartment for rent. She hopes to find a place by the end
of April.

If you have any leads for housing, please email uucoastside.org and we'll pass it on to her.
We Appreciate Your Support:

For supporting UUCC financially, we have two options:
(1) Donate Online
Online donation is easy. At Weekly Offerings, look for the words
UU Coastside Community. Enter your dollar amount, and at Frequency choose either Monthly or One Time. At the bottom of the page, click Continue. Fill in your name, address, phone number, and payment method. Click the box I am not a robot, then click Process. To try it now, click this link, to 
(2) Donate by Check
If you prefer to donate by check, please make your check payable to UU San Mateo, and write UUCC on the memo line. Please mail your check to:

Nancy Palmer
506 Willow Avenue
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-1648
We Need You!
We’re looking for volunteers:
(1) Social Media Coordinator: to manage our twice-monthly newsletter, and upload content to our website and Facebook page. A four-hour commitment every two weeks.

(2) Zoom Session Management: We'd like to train two more people to switch slides during our Zoom virtual services. If you are comfortable working or playing with your favorite computer apps, you'll love learning Zoom's cool features!

(3) Fill our newsletter with the diversity that makes UU stand apart from other faiths. Send in poems, inspirational quotes, YouTube music video links, social action notices, and articles of interest to uucoastside@gmail.com.

Thank you to all who have or continue to volunteer!
Food for Our Souls:
Unitarian Universalist Coastside Community
Half Moon Bay, California
Bill Heavlin, UUCC Planning Committee (Interim Member)
Dave Rokosky, UUCC Planning Committee
Noreen Cooper Heavlin, UUCC Planning Committee
Tom Devine, UUCC Choir Director
Bruce Rafnel, UUCC Technical Director