November 2020 | ISSUE No. 299| USRCC Business Newsletter
The U.S.-Russia Chamber of Commerce
wishes you a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
◾ USRCC's Bilateral Trade Report
The U.S.-Russia
Bilateral Trade Report
is available here.
The Report includes statistics by years and states according to the United States Census Bureau for the years 2010-2019, as well as of exports and imports to Russia according to the United States Census Bureau for the January 2020-March 2020.
◾ USRCC Membership
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◾ Member's News
JSC RNG Cooperates with American Oilfield Service Companies to Optimize Oil Production

The joint-stock company RNG extracts oil in the difficult geological conditions of East Siberia. The company's management has more than a decade of experience working with US oilfield service contractors that specialize in cost-effective and sophisticated oil recovery techniques. Maintaining long-term agreements with American partners is part and parcel of the approved strategy of Eastsib Holding group, which includes RNG.

The list of companies that have been engaged in the projects on RNG's oilfields in recent years features Baker Hughes, Schlumberger, Halliburton, National Oilwell Varco and Scientific Drilling. Emerson is a strategic partner in industrial automation and software for solving geological tasks. Read more...
Digital Technologies Prove to be Important Tool in Achieving Gazprom’s Strategic Goals, November 25, 2020: The Gazprom Board of Directors took note of the information on the projects being designed and implemented for the widespread adoption of digital technologies and other technological solutions. It was highlighted that the introduction of digital technologies is an important tool to improve the effectiveness of corporate governance and achieve the strategic goals of the Gazprom Group. Today, the Company is at the final stage of automating its core business processes, such as supervisory control, accounting and taxes, management operations in maintenance and repairs, investments, procurement, finance, marketing and sales, property, human resources, etc. Read more...
Rosneft Conducts Stratigraphic Drilling on Arctic Shelf, November 26, 2020: Rosneft Oil Company has been the first in the history of Arctic surveys to drill shallow stratigraphic wells in the north of the Kara Sea. The work has been carried out during its vast research expedition. The project’s main task was to collect core samples. The core is a valuable rock material, a direct source of geological data required to determine the age (stratification), composition and conditions of formation for Arctic shelf rocks under research. Read more...
Sulzer’s SMR Cuts Production Times at Processing Plant, November 26, 2020: Shortening the time required to heat adhesives in tape manufacturing without compromising their physicochemical properties is one of the most crucial goals for businesses in this sector. When a leading adhesive tape manufacturer needed an innovative heat exchanger to support and improve its operations, it found the ideal solution in Sulzer’s heat and mass transfer technology. The company’s heat exchanger effectively reduced time-to-heat periods, speeding up the entire production line while delivering high-quality materials. Read more...
◾ This Week in Review
IMF Revises Russian GDP Growth Outlook Down to 2.5% in 2021, November 24, 2020: The International Monetary Fund has revised its outlook for Russian GDP drop to 4% from 4.1% in 2020 and from 2.8% to 2.5% for the recovery in 2021, IMF says in the Staff Concluding Statement of 2020. "All in all, we project the economy to contract by about 4% this year, and to expand by some 2Ѕ percent in 2021, assuming the COVID-19 situation gradually normalizes," the Fund says. Read more...
Russia’s Tatneft Still Plans to Produce 26 mln tns of Oil in 2020, November 27, 2020: Russian oil company Tatneft still plans to produce around 26 million tonnes of oil in 2021 and 26.25 million tonnes in 2021, VTB Capital said in a statement on Friday following a meeting of Tatneft’s management with analysts and investors. “The company has confirmed its 2020 forecast of 26 million tonnes. Under the baseline forecast for 2021, production will rise by by 0.25 million tonnes next year taking into account OPEC+ parameters that are in force as of now,” the statement read. Read more...
Russia’s Rosneft Announces Start of Vast Arctic Oil Project, November 26, 2020: Russian oil giant Rosneft on Wednesday announced the start of operations for its giant Vostok Oil project in the Arctic, part of the country’s strategic energy plan which has been criticized by environmentalists, The Moscow Times reported. Read more...
U.S. LNG Cannot Ensure Energy Security of Large Countries, Let Alone all of Europe - Gazprom, November 25, 2020: Liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States cannot be considered as the basis for the energy security of large gas consuming countries, let alone whole regional markets such as Europe, Gazprom said after its board reviewed the outlook for the development of shale gas and LNG in various parts of the world and opportunities and threats for the company. The Russian gas giant's board of directors receives a report on this subject once a year. Read more...
Sputnik V Efficacy Over 95% 42 Days After First Dose, Gamaleya Research Centre Announces, November 24, 2020: The N.F. Gamaleya National Research Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology and the Russian Direct Investment Fund have announced the efficacy of their newly developed inoculation, the world's first registered COVID-19 vaccine, has topped 95%, with the latter uplifting results shown 42 days after the first shot. Read more...
Putin Signs Law Raising Income Tax for High Earners, November 23, 2020: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a law on increasing income tax for high earners in the first move away from a flat tax system in place since 2001. Starting next year, the tax rate will rise from 13% to 15% on incomes over 5 million rubles (about $65,800/55,370 euros at the current exchange rate). Read more...
Houston-Tyumen Sister Cities
More than a Hundred Teams ave Registered for "Tyumen Case School", November 24, 2020: Over 100 teams have registered to participate in the first online championship of the Tyumen region by solving cases "Tyumen Case School". The winners will be able to undergo an internship at the leading companies in the region and receive 50 thousand rubles, the organizers say. Students and young professionals under the age of 25 are invited to participate. Read more...
CIS Business News
Australian Mining Companies See Big Economic Opportunities in Kazakhstan, November 21, 2020: Kazakhstan has huge potential in its mining industry sector and Australian companies are eager to help unlock it, said Austmine Director for International Business Robert Trzebski in an interview to The Astana Times. Austmine has been a leading industry body in Australia for the mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sector providing world-leading mining expertise and technological prowess. It also brings automation and technology to boost productivity, and enhance safety. Read more...
Deputy Prime Ministers of Russia, Belarus Discuss Oil, Gas Deliveries for 2021, November 27, 2020: The deputy prime ministers of Russia and Belarus, Alexander Novak and Yuri Nazarov, on Friday discussed via videoconference the terms of delivering oil and gas to Belarus in 2021, as well as the reorientation of the export of Belarusian oil products from the Baltic ports to Russian ones, the press service of the Belarusian Council of Ministers said. "The parties discussed issues of bilateral cooperation in the area of oil and natural gas supplies to Belarus, as well as reorientation of export supplies of Belarusian oil products," the press service said. Read more...
Azerbaijan Sends about 6.5m Barrels of Oil to Belarus in 2020, November 26, 2020: Azerbaijan has shipped 10 oil tankers with the total volume of about 6.5 million barrels to Belarus in 2020, local media reported, quoting the company’s deputy head for public relations, Ibrahim Ahmadov. Ahmadov noted that in 2020, the company sent to Belneftekhim seven tankers with Azerbaijani oil with the total volume of about 4.7 million barrels, and three tankers with non-Azerbaijani oil with the total volume of about 1.7 million barrels. Read more...
◾ US-Russia Related News in Russia
◾ Новости недели
Правительство Отложило Программу Поддержки Нефтесервисных Компаний, Ноябрь 26, 2020: Принятие решения о государственной поддержке нефтесервисных компаний отложено до конца года, рассказали «Ведомостям» три источника. У Минэнерго и Минфина появились разногласия в подходах к программе поддержки нефтесервисов, поэтому она отправлена на доработку. К вопросу могут вернуться в весеннюю сессию работы Госдумы, уточняют источники. Читать далее...
Набиуллина: Экономика Восстановится до Докризисного Уровня в Середине 2022 года, Ноябрь 25, 2020: Центробанк ожидает, что российская экономика достигнет допандемического уровня в середине 2022 года, сообщила глава ЦБ Эльвира Набиуллина. Также она ожидает, что банковская система сможет избежать потерь из-за кризиса. По мнению главы ЦБ, банки смогут оградить от проблем
кредиторов и вкладчиков, а также выдержать кризис. Читать далее...
Более 80% Энергокомпаний в Мире Внедрят Искусственный Интеллект к 2025 году, Ноябрь 27, 2020: Около 81% энергетических компаний в мире внедрят в производство искусственный интеллект к 2025 году, говорится в исследовании европейской ассоциации электроэнергетиков Eurelectric.Искусственный интеллект может обеспечить более быструю декарбонизацию энергетического сектора. Ожидается, что к 2050 году возобновляемые источники энергии будут занимать долю более 80% в энергобалансе, а их сочетание с внедрением искусственного интеллекта, прогностических алгоритмов, может привести к еще более эффективной интеграции этих источников энергии. Читать далее...
Госдолг России Может Вырасти до 24% ВВП, Ноябрь 27, 2020: Правительство допустило рост госдолга в следующем году до 24% ВВП — это на 3,7 п.п. больше, чем запланировано проектом бюджета. Такая информация содержится в программе управления госфинансами, разработанной кабмином (есть в распоряжении «Известий»). В документе говорится, что в 2021, 2022 и 2023 годах госдолг страны не должен превышать 24% ВВП, в то время как в проекте бюджета речь идет о 20,3%, 20,8% и 21,3%. Читать далее...
США Решили Ввести Пошлины на Поставку Удобрений из России, Ноябрь 25, 2020: Министерство торговли США на днях введет предварительные пошлины на импорт фосфорных удобрений из России и Марокко. Об этом сообщил крупнейший американский производитель таких удобрений — компания Mosaic. Именно она в конце июня попросила местные власти разобраться с импортом фосфатов, что и стало поводом для расследования Минторга. Читать далее...

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 USRCC Executive Partners 
U.S.-Russia Chamber of Commerce
2900 Wilcrest Drive
Suite 133
Houston, TX 77042

The U.S.-Russia Chamber of Commerce (USRCC) is a 501(c)(6) not for profit corporation with its headquarters in Houston, Texas, and offices in the Midwest and the Northeast. The USRCC was established in 2009 to promote trade and investment between the Russian Federation and the U.S.A.  
The information contained in this newsletter is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. USRCC does not accept any responsibility for any loss that may arise from reliance on information contained in this newsletter. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not reflect the opinions or views of the USRCC or its members. Links within this newsletter lead to other websites, including those operated and maintained by third parties. The linked sites are not part of the USRCC newsletter. USRCC includes these links solely as a convenience to the newsletter subscribers, and the presence of such links does not imply a responsibility for the linked site and its operator. USRCC cannot certify the accuracy of the material provided by the original source.

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