September 23, 2021

USCCB Urges Opposition to Women’s Health Protection Act
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is urging Catholics to contact their Members of Congress TODAY, asking that they oppose the so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” (H.R. 3755/S. 1975), which the House is expected to vote on tomorrow, Friday, September 24, around 10:30 am ET.
The Act would impose abortion on demand, at any stage of pregnancy. It would apply nationwide—even in states that don’t want it.
Even modest and popular pro-life laws at every level of government—the federal, state, and local level—would be on the chopping block. This includes parental notification for minor girls, informed consent, and health or safety protections for abortion facilities.
It would force Americans to pay for abortions here and abroad with their tax dollars.
It would also likely force health care professionals like doctors and nurses to perform, assist in, and/or refer for abortion against their deeply-held beliefs. Employers and insurers would be forced to cover or pay for abortion.
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued a letter expressing strong opposition, saying:
“[A]bortion is the opposite of women’s health care, and is an extreme violation of human rights. It has no clear justification in terms of women’s health. Obstetricians and Gynecologists worldwide agree that it is never medically necessary to intentionally destroy an unborn child to save a mother's life. If an OBGYN needs to save a mother's life after 20 weeks, that OBGYN will deliver that mom and baby in an environment where both can receive the life sustaining treatments necessary. Further, abortion may even harm women’s health, and their lives, including or especially low-income women.”
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Thank you for protecting unborn children and their vulnerable mothers!